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Distributed WPA PSK auditor install guide

Those are the basic steps for local installation of the distributed WPA PSK auditor. Installation process is not automated and requires some basic Linux knowledge. Please follow the steps as close as possible.


Compilation of external tools

  • hcxpcaptool
$ git clone
$ cd hcxtools
$ make

Your binary should be hcxpcapngtool.

  • routerkeygenPC Install qt5 development environment.
$ git clone
$ cd routerkeygenPC/cli
$ qmake
$ make

Your binary should be routerkeygen-cli.


Create crontab entries for running rkg.php, 3wifi.php and wigle.php. Example crontab entry for those can be found in misc/ directory.


  • Enable MySQL events scheduler - this will be needed for statistics update

Create file /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_events.cnf with contents:


Restart MySQL daemon to enable the new configuration.

  • Create new MySQL database, eg. wpa and user with access to it
mysql> create database wpa collate utf8_general_ci;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on wpa.* to 'wpa'@'localhost' identified by "wpapass";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
  • Create tables, views and events. Use files from db/ in dwpa repo
$ cd db
$ mysql -u wpa -p wpa < wpa.sql
Enter password:
$ mysql -u wpa -p wpa < wpa-data.sql
Enter password:


Your dictionaries have to conform requirements for WPA PSK - every password candidate have to be between 8 and 63 bytes long. All dictionaries have to be text files with .txt extension, one password candidate per line. There is one special dictionary - cracked.txt. This one will contain already cracked PSKs. The dictionary will be autocreated by the script below. You will need to know the URL of directory, under where your dictionaries will be accessed by clients, eg. https://[]/dict/. Start with copying all your dictionaries in separate directory. Then copy in it the preparation script misc/ from dwpa repo and execute it:

$ ls  dict1.txt  dict2.txt
$ ./
Compress dictionaries(*.txt) in current dir and create inserts for dwpa
Enter base URL for dict with trailing /:
INSERT INTO dicts (dpath, dhash, dname, wcount, hits) VALUES ('', X'f54e2d10d5f790295c3401f8074df51f', 'cracked', 1, 0);
INSERT INTO dicts (dpath, dhash, dname, wcount, hits) VALUES ('', X'17e5a375da3670754bf40657a1fc5876', 'dict1', 1, 0);
INSERT INTO dicts (dpath, dhash, dname, wcount, hits) VALUES ('', X'bd189d3f58169dc7bf58427d273d95c5', 'dict2', 2, 0);
$ ls
cracked.txt  dict1.txt.gz  dict2.txt.gz
cracked.txt.gz  dict1.txt     dict2.txt     dict.sql

This will create cracked.txt (if needed), compress dictionaries and generate insert scripts (on screen and in dict.sql). Copy all compressed dicts (*.gz) to your server under previously specified location and execute inset script:

$ mysql -u wpa -p wpa < dict.sql
Enter password:

Note: Check out misc/ script to preprocess you dictionaries - for deduplication and sorting.

Web application configuration

  • Copy all files from web directory from dwpa repo to your webserver root
  • Copy previously built hcxpcapngtool binary to a location, where web server process can execute it, eg. in webserver root
  • edit mail.php and put your own SMTP configuration
  • Make sure webserver process can write to dictionaries location (to update cracked.txt.gz) and capture file location(CAP define from conf.php), where submissions will be written
  • bosskey must be 32 byte hexadecimal string, known to you, with which you will be able to see cracked PSKs in clear and search the full database


  • your webserver root vhost location is /var/www/wpa-sec
  • your cap files location is /var/www/wpa-sec/cap
  • your dictionaries location is /var/www/wpa-sec/dict

conf.php should look something like this:

// DB Configuration
$cfg_db_host = 'localhost';
$cfg_db_user = 'wpa';
$cfg_db_pass = 'wpapass';
$cfg_db_name = 'wpa';

// reCaptcha auth
$publickey = '<your reCAPTCHA public key>';
$privatekey = '<your reCAPTCHA private key>';

$bosskey = '01234567890123456789012345678901';

// 3wifi API key
$wifi3apikey = '<your 3wifi API key>';

// wigle API key
$wigleapikey = '<your wigle API key>';

// App specific defines
define('HCXPCAPTOOL', '/var/www/wpa-sec/cap/hcxpcaptool');
define('RKG', '/var/www/wpa-sec/cap/routerkeygen-cli');

define('CAP', '/var/www/wpa-sec/cap/');
define('CRACKED', '/var/www/wpa-sec/dict/cracked.txt.gz');
if (is_dir('/run/shm'))
    define('SHM', '/run/shm/');
elseif (is_dir('/dev/shm'))
    define('SHM', '/dev/shm/');
    die('Can not access SHM!');
define('MIN_HC_VER', '1.1.0');

Client application configuration

Your clients will run to fetch uncracked nets and dictionaries. You'll need to do the following changes:

  • Copy, and CHANGELOG files from dwpa repo under hc/ directory of your webserver root
  • Change base_url variable from to point to your server URL, eg. base_url = '', with trailing /