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142 lines (104 loc) · 4.98 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (104 loc) · 4.98 KB



Input and output options

  --train-file              STR    Training file.      		Default is `data/Train_sample.json`.
  --validation-file         STR    Validation file.      	Default is `data/Validation_sample.json`.
  --test-file               STR    Testing file.       		Default is `data/Test_sample.json`.
  --word2vec-file           STR    Word2vec model file.		Default is `data/word2vec_100.model`.

Model option

  --pad-seq-len             INT     Padding Sequence length of data.        Depends on data.
  --embedding-type          INT     The embedding type.                     Default is 1.
  --embedding-dim           INT     Dim of character embedding.             Default is 100.
  --filter-sizes            LIST    Filter sizes.                           Default is [3,4,5].
  --num-filters             INT     Number of filters per filter size.      Default is 128.  
  --pooling-size            INT     Pooling size.                           Default is 3.
  --lstm-dim                INT     Dim of LSTM neurons.                    Default is 256.
  --lstm-layers             INT     Number of LSTM layers.                  Defatul is 1.
  --attention-dim           INT     Dim of Attention neurons.               Default is 200.
  --attention-hops-dim      INT     Dim of Attention hops.                  Default is 30.
  --fc-dim                  INT     Dim of FC neurons.                      Default is 512.
  --dropout-rate            FLOAT   Dropout keep probability.               Default is 0.5.
  --num-classes             INT     Total number of labels.                 Depends on data.
  --topK                    INT     Number of top K prediction classes.     Default is 5.
  --threshold               FLOAT   Threshold for prediction classes.       Default is 0.5.

Training option

  --epochs                  INT     Number of epochs.                       Default is 100.
  --batch-size              INT     Batch size.                             Default is 64.
  --learning-rate           FLOAT   Adam learning rate.                     Default is 0.001.
  --decay-rate              FLOAT   Rate of decay for learning rate.        Default is 0.95.
  --decay-steps             INT     How many steps before decy lr.          Default is 500.
  --evaluate-steps          INT     How many steps to evluate val set.      Default is 50.
  --l2-lambda               FLOAT   L2 regularization lambda.               Default is 0.0.
  --checkpoint-steps        INT     How many steps to save model.           Default is 50.
  --num-checkpoints         INT     Number of checkpoints to store.         Default is 10.


The following commands train a model. (Use CNN for example)

$ python3

Training a model for a 200 epochs and set batch size as 128.

$ python3 --epochs 200 --batch-size 128

In the beginning, you will see the program shows:

You need to choose Training or Restore. (T for Training and R for Restore)

After training, you will get the /log and /run folder.

  • /log folder saves the log info file.
  • /run folder saves the checkpoints.

It should be like this:

├── logs
├── runs
│   └── 1585814009 [a 10-digital format]
│       ├── bestcheckpoints
│       ├── checkpoints
│       ├── embedding
│       └── summaries

The programs name and identify the model by using the asctime (It should be 10-digital number, like 1585814009).


When your model stops training for some reason and you want to restore training, you can:

In the beginning, you will see the program shows:

And you need to input R for restore.

Then you will be asked to give the model name (a 10-digital format, like 1585814009):

And the model will continue training from the last time.


The following commands test a model.

$ python3

Then you will be asked to give the model name (a 10-digital format, like 1585814009):

And you can choose to use the best model or the latest model (B for Best, L for Latest):

Finally, you can get the predictions.json file under the /outputs folder, it should be like:

├── graph
├── logs
├── output
│   └── 1585814009
│       └── predictions.json
├── runs
│   └── 1585814009
│       ├── bestcheckpoints
│       ├── checkpoints
│       ├── embedding
│       └── summaries