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Version 0.1.0 (rapid development; breaking changes may occur)

What is Arcane Core?

Arcane Core is a powerful Minecraft data pack framework designed to streamline the creation of custom content within the game. It provides a comprehensive set of utilities to facilitate the development process, focusing on optimization, interactivity, and compatibility between different data packs built with this framework.

Main Goals

  • Optimization: Ensure that data packs developed using this framework run smoothly without causing undue strain on server resources.

    In short, no more 5tps after adding 1 custom item.

  • Interactivity and Compatibility: Foster interactivity between different data packs built with this framework. Allowing them to interact with each other simply by following the framework principles.

    You won't need to write specific code for compatibility with different data packs, as long as they're also built with Arcane Core.

  • Utility: Provide a rich assortment of utilities that solve various common and uncommon issues and ease development.

Main Principles

You won't be adding your function to minecraft:load.json and minecraft:tick.json function tags like you normally would.

Instead, you'll let Arcane Core handle all that by adding your loading function to arcane_core:load and your tick function to an execution point (documentation coming soon) or incorporating it into one of the modules instead.

More to come

Provided in the Current Version


Modules are activated pieces of code that provide specific functionality. (Some could be enabled by default)

  • Mana: A configurable mana system. It regenerates at a rate of 1/s by default.
  • Actionbar (always active): Display information on the player's actionbar while avoiding overwrites. Controls what is passively displayed to the player on the actionbar.

    It comes with 3 built-in passive displays: mana,  compass and clock. Allows for the creation of custom passive displays (more information is coming soon).

  • Items: Create custom items and run code when they're held or used. (More information is coming soon)
  • Effects: Create custom effects.
  • Cooldowns: Create cooldowns. (Similar to effects module, but simpler)
  • Animate: Simple animation engine with 2 modes: tick and framed

Arcane Core also allows you to create your own modules or simply execute some code at specific execution points. (documentation coming soon)


Allows to execute code in a specific point of the framework execution. They're divided into 4 categories: load, tick, second and event. (Displayed in execution order in each group)

Load hooks

  • modules/disable Used for automatic disabling of unused modules
  • general/load Runs the load functions of other data packs
  • modules/load Runs the load functions of modules that are always active or have been activated in general/load

Tick hooks

Run every tick

  • general/pre_tick: At the begining of the framework tick

  • [PLAYER TICK]: Runs for every player on every tick: as @a at @s

    • [player/ event hooks]: All the player event hooks
    • [player built-in modules hooks]: items, effects, cooldowns
    • player/tick: Runs code for the player
    • [actionbar module]: Shows passive actionbar displays
    • player/tick_resets: Runs at the end of player code. Mainly used for resettings utility scoreboards etc.
  • [ENTITY TICK]: Runs for every entity on every tick: as @e at @s

    • [entity built-in modules hooks]: effects, animate
    • entity/tick: Runs code for the entity
  • general/post_tick: At the end of the framework tick

Second hooks

Run every second

  • [PLAYER SECOND]: Runs for every player on every second: as @a at @s

    • [player built-in modules hooks]: mana
    • player/second: Runs code for the player
  • [ENTITY SECOND]: Runs for every entity on every second: as @e at @s

    • entity/second: Runs code for the entity

Event hooks

Allows to execute code when a specific event happens.

  • player/join: when a player joins the world.
  • player/die: when a player dies. Executed at the location of death. Compatible with the doImmediateRespawn game rule.
  • player/respawn: when a player respawns. Executed at the respawn location.

Modules can have their own hooks

Configuration system

Allows you to configure the built-in functionality using an in-game chat base menu. Opens config menus for other data packs.




  • Predicates to check the time of day:

    • day
    • night
  • Functions to calculate the daytime in:

    • ticks
    • hours and minutes

Planned Features


  • Custom Items: Add support for worn items.
  • Damage: Allows to deal dynamic amounts and types of damage to entities, linked to a damage dealer.


  • Linking entities
  • More daytime checks


WIP: Examples will be available once the wiki has been completed.