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Removing functionality to work with annotations temporarily #17

ablaette opened this issue Apr 1, 2020 · 0 comments

Removing functionality to work with annotations temporarily #17

ablaette opened this issue Apr 1, 2020 · 0 comments


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ablaette commented Apr 1, 2020

There is some functionality in the package to work with annotations, but it is not developed very well. It is removed from the package temporarily and stored here, to be reintegrated later on.

#' Inspect Annotations Present in a Partition
#' @param x a partition object
#' @param annotation number of an annotation that will be looked up in values for s-attribute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' P <- partition(
#'   lp = 17, session = 175, speaker = "Fritz Rudolf K\u00F6rper",
#'   xml = "nested"
#' )
#' annotations_inspect(P, annotation = "16")
#' }
#' @export annotations_inspect
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
annotations_inspect <- function(x, annotation = NULL){
  annos <- unique(unlist(strsplit(sAttributes(x, "cap"), split = "\\|")))
  annos <- annos[-which(annos %in% "")]
  if (!is.null(annotation)){
    if (!annotation %in% annos) stop("annotation is not present in partition")
    annos <- annotation
  .show <- function(x, anno){
    xsub <- partition(x, cap = sprintf("^.*\\|%s\\|.*$", anno), xml = "nested", regex = TRUE)
    cpos <- unique(unlist(apply(xsub@cpos, 1, function(cpos) cpos[1]:cpos[2])))
    H <- html(x)
    H <- highlight(H, list(yellow = cpos)) 
  if (length(annos) > 1){
    for (anno in annos){
      .show(x, anno)
      if (readline(prompt = "print 'q' to exit") == "q") break
  } else {
    .show(x, annos)

#' Get Features of Annotations
#' @param x XXX
#' @param pAttribute XXX
#' @param annotation XXX
#' @export annotation_features
#' @importFrom methods as
annotation_features <- function(x, pAttribute = c("word", "pos"), annotation){
  P <- partition(x, cap = sprintf("^.*\\|%s\\|.*$", annotation), regex = TRUE)
  P2 <- enrich(P, pAttribute = pAttribute)
  annoCount <- as(P2, "count")
  gparl <- Corpus$new("GERMAPARL", pAttribute = pAttribute)$as.partition()
  gparlCount <- as(gparl, "count")
  F <- features(annoCount, gparlCount, included = TRUE)
  F <- subset(F, F[["chisquare"]] > 10.83)
  F <- subset(F, F[["pos"]] %in% c("NN", "ADJA"))

#' Write CAP Annotations to GermaParl
#' @param dir directory with CAP annotations
#' @importFrom polmineR sAttributes
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom data.table := rbindlist
#' @export germaparl_encode_cap_annotations
germaparl_encode_cap_annotations <- function(dir = "/Lab/gitlab/plprbttxt_annotations/2016_09_21"){
  if (!requireNamespace(package = "polmineR.anno", quietly = TRUE)){
      "Package 'polmineR.anno' needs to be installed, but is not available.",
      "It can be installed from the drat repository of the PolMine Project."

  conll_files <- list.files(dir)
  Encoding(conll_files) <- "UTF-8"
  # Extract metadata information from filename and match it to corpus metadata
  speakerNames <- sAttributes("GERMAPARL", "speaker")
  .SD <- NULL # just for the sake of R CMD check
  dtList <- pbapply::pblapply(
      # get legislative period and session
      lp <- gsub("^(\\d+)_.*?$", "\\1", filename)
      sessionNo <- gsub("^\\d+_(\\d+)_.*?$", "\\1", filename)
      # get party from filename
      party <- gsub("^\\d+_\\d+_([0-9A-Z\u00dc_]+)_.*?$", "\\1", filename)
      if (grepl("^.*NDNIS_90_DIE_.*$", filename)) party <- "B90_DIE_GRUENEN"
      if (grepl("fraktionslos", filename)) party <- "fraktionslos"
      if (party == "F_D_P_") party <- "FDP"
      # get speaker from filename
      speakerName <- gsub("^(.*)_\\d+\\.tsv$", "\\1", filename)
      speakerName <- gsub("^\\d+_\\d+_[0-9A-Z\u00dc_]+_(.*?)?$", "\\1", speakerName)
      if (grepl("NEN_", speakerName)) speakerName <- gsub("^.*NEN_", "", speakerName)
      speakerName <- gsub("_", " ", speakerName)
      speakerName <- gsub("^Dr\\s", "", speakerName)
      speakerName <- gsub("\\s+[A-Z]\\s+", " ", speakerName)
      speakerName <- gsub("^-Ing\\s", "", speakerName)
      speakerName <- gsub("^\\s*(.*?)\\s*$", "\\1", speakerName)
      # match filename-speaker 
      if (speakerName %in% speakerNames){
        isPresent <- speakerName
      } else {
        matches <- agrep(speakerName, speakerNames)
        if (length(matches) > 0){
          isPresent <- speakerNames[matches[1]]
        } else {
          tmp <- iconv(strsplit(speakerName, split = "")[[1]], from = "UTF-8", to = "ISO-8859-1")
          tmp <- tmp[!]
          speakerNameNew <- iconv(paste(tmp, collapse = ""), from = "ISO-8859-1", to = "UTF-8")
          matches <- agrep(speakerNameNew, speakerNames)
          if (length(matches) > 0){
            isPresent <- speakerNames[matches[1]]
          } else {
            splitted <- strsplit(speakerName, " ")[[1]]
            lastName <- splitted[length(splitted)]
            lastTry <- grep(paste(lastName, "$", sep = ""), speakerNames, value = T)
            if (length(lastTry) > 0){
              isPresent <- lastTry[1]
            } else {
              isPresent <- "XXX"
      sAttributes <- data.table(
        filename = filename,
        lp = lp,
        session = sessionNo,
        parliamentary_group = party,
        speaker = isPresent
  dt <- rbindlist(dtList)
  dt[["speaker"]] <- enc2utf8(dt[["speaker"]]) # encodings are mixed 
  # manual correction of known problems
  dt[dt[["speaker"]] == "Peter Glotz", "speaker" := "Peter G\u00F6tz"]
  dt[dt[["speaker"]] == "Heinrich L. Kolb", "speaker" := "Heinrich Leonhard Kolb"]
  dt[dt[["speaker"]] == "Kersten Naumann", "speaker" := "Kersten Steinke"]
  dt[dt[["speaker"]] == "Sevim Dagdelen", "speaker" := "Sevim Dadelen"]
  # Get corpus positions
  GPARL <- Corpus$new("GERMAPARL", sAttribute = c("session", "speaker", "lp"))
  CoNLL_objects <- pbapply::pblapply(
    setNames(1L:nrow(dt), dt[["filename"]]),
      P <- partition(
        def = as.list(unlist(dt[i, c("session", "speaker", "lp")])),
        verbose = FALSE
      if (is.null(P)) return( NULL )
      C <- polmineR.anno::CoNLL$new(filename = file.path(dir, conll_files[i]), partition = P)
  # not used - inspect failed matches
  if (FALSE) View(dt[which(sapply(CoNLL_objects, is.null) == TRUE)])
  regions <- rbindlist(lapply(CoNLL_objects, function(x) x[["cpos"]]))
  regions <- regions[[["cpos_left"]]) == FALSE] # check why this is necessary!!
  setnames(regions, old = "id", new = "cap")
  regions[, "quote" := NULL]
  .aggr <- function(.SD){
      cpos_left = .SD[["cpos_left"]]:.SD[["cpos_right"]],
      cpos_right = .SD[["cpos_left"]]:.SD[["cpos_right"]],
      cap = .SD[["cap"]]
  regionsToken <- regions[, .aggr(.SD), by = seq_len(nrow(regions))]
  regionsToken[, "seq_len" := NULL]
  # remove B- and I-
  regionsToken[, "cap2" := ifelse(
    nchar(gsub("^(B|I)-(\\d+)_(\\d+)$", "\\3", regionsToken[["cap"]])) >= 3,
    gsub("^(B|I)-(\\d+)_(\\d+)$", "\\3", regionsToken[["cap"]]),
    gsub("^(B|I)-(\\d+)_(\\d+)$", "\\2", regionsToken[["cap"]])
  regionsToken[, "cap3" := ifelse(
    nchar(regionsToken[["cap2"]]) >= 3,
    gsub("^(\\d+)(\\d{2})$", "\\1-\\2", regionsToken[["cap2"]]),
  regionsToken[["cap"]] <- regionsToken[["cap3"]]
  regionsToken[, "cap2" := NULL][, "cap3" := NULL]

  .paste <- function(.SD) list(cap = paste(.SD[["cap"]], collapse = "|"))
  regionsToken2 <- regionsToken[, .paste(.SD), by = "cpos_left"]
  regionsToken2[, "cap" := paste("|", regionsToken2[["cap"]], "|", sep = "")]
  regionsToken2[, "cpos_right" := regionsToken2[["cpos_left"]] ]
  setcolorder(regionsToken2, neworder = c("cpos_left", "cpos_right", "cap"))

  germaparl_regdata <- registry_file_parse(corpus = "GERMAPARL", registry_dir = germaparl_regdir())
  germaparl_charset <- germaparl_regdata[["properties"]][["charset"]]
  germaparl_home <- germaparl_regdata[["home"]]
    values = regionsToken2[["cap"]],
    data_dir = germaparl_home,
    s_attribute = "cap",
    corpus = "GERMAPARL",
    region_matrix = as.matrix(regionsToken2[, c("cpos_left", "cpos_right")]),
    method = "CWB",
    registry_dir = germaparl_regdir(),
    encoding = germaparl_charset
  invisible( NULL )
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