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Server-side C++ prediction

This chapter introduces the C++ deployment method of the PaddleVideo model. For the python prediction deployment method, please refer to the Model Reasoning chapter of the respective model. C++ is better than python in terms of performance calculation. Therefore, in most CPU and GPU deployment scenarios, C++ deployment methods are mostly used. This section will introduce how to configure the C++ environment in the Linux (CPU/GPU) environment and complete it. PaddleVideo model deployment.

Before getting started, you need to install additional dependencies as follows:

python -m pip install [paddledet](git+

1. Prepare the environment

  • For Linux environment, docker is recommended.

  • Windows environment, currently supports compilation based on Visual Studio 2019 Community (TODO)

  • This document mainly introduces the PaddleVideo C++ prediction process based on the Linux environment. If you need to perform C++ prediction based on the prediction library under Windows, please refer to Windows Compilation Tutorial(TODO) for the specific compilation method
  • The purpose of preparing the environment is to get the compiled opencv library and paddle prediction library.

1.1 Compile opencv library

  • First, you need to download the compressed package compiled from the source code in the Linux environment from the opencv official website, and unzip it into a folder. Take opencv3.4.7 as an example, the download command is as follows:

    cd deploy/cpp_infer
    tar -xf 3.4.7.tar.gz

    After decompression, you can get the decompressed folder of opencv-3.4.7 in the deploy/cpp_infer directory.

  • Install ffmpeg

    Opencv and ffmpeg can read the video normally under linux, otherwise it may encounter the situation that the number of video frames returns to 0 or no video frame can be read

    Using a relatively simple apt installation, the installation command is as follows:

    apt-get update
    apt install libavformat-dev
    apt install libavcodec-dev
    apt install libswresample-dev
    apt install libswscale-dev
    apt install libavutil-dev
    apt install libsdl1.2-dev
    apt-get install ffmpeg
  • To prepare to compile opencv, first enter the opencv-3.4.7 folder, and then set the opencv source path root_path and the installation path install_path. The execution command is as follows:

    cd opencv-3.4.7
    root_path=$PWD  # That is the absolute path of opencv-3.4.7
    rm -rf build
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${install_path} \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        -DWITH_IPP=OFF \
        -DBUILD_IPP_IW=OFF \
        -DWITH_EIGEN=OFF \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib64 \
        -DWITH_ZLIB=ON \
        -DBUILD_ZLIB=ON \
        -DWITH_JPEG=ON \
        -DBUILD_JPEG=ON \
        -DWITH_PNG=ON \
        -DBUILD_PNG=ON \
        -DWITH_TIFF=ON \
        -DBUILD_TIFF=ON \
    make -j
    make install

    After the completion of make install, opencv header files and library files will be generated in this folder, which will be used to compile the Video inference C++ code later.

    Finally, the installation path install_path will be used as the specified path, and a folder of opencv3 will be obtained. The file structure is shown below.

    ├── opencv3/
    │   ├── bin/
    │   ├── include/
    │   ├── lib/
    │   ├── lib64/
    │   └── share/

1.2 Download or compile Paddle prediction library

There are two ways to obtain the Paddle prediction library, which will be described in detail below.

1.2.1 Download and install directly

  • Paddle prediction library official website provides different cuda versions of Linux prediction libraries, you can Check and select the appropriate prediction library version on the official website (it is recommended to select the prediction library with paddle version>=2.0.1, and the prediction library of 2.2.2 is recommended).

  • Download and get a paddle_inference.tgz compressed package, and then unzip it into a folder, the command is as follows (taking the machine environment as gcc8.2 as an example):

    tar -xf paddle_inference.tgz

    Eventually, a subfolder of paddle_inference/ will be generated in the current folder.

1.2.2 Prediction library source code compilation

  • If you want to get the latest prediction library features, you can clone the latest code from Paddle github and compile the prediction library from source code.

  • You can refer to Paddle prediction library installation and compilation instructions instructions from github Obtain the Paddle code, and then compile it to generate the latest prediction library. The method of using git to get the code is as follows.

    git clone
    git checkout release/2.2
  • After entering the Paddle directory, the compilation method is as follows.

    rm -rf build
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. \
        -DWITH_MKL=ON \
        -DWITH_MKLDNN=ON \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        -DON_INFER=ON \
    make -j
    make inference_lib_dist -j4 # 4为编译时使用核数,可根据机器情况自行修改

    You can refer to documentation for more introduction of compilation parameter options.

  • After the compilation is complete, you can see the following files and folders are generated under the file build/paddle_inference_install_dir/.

    └── paddle_inference_install_dir/
        ├── CMakeCache.txt
        ├── paddle/
        ├── third_party/
        └── version.txt

    Among them, paddle is the Paddle library required for C++ prediction, and version.txt contains the version information of the current prediction library.

2. Compile and run the prediction demo

2.1 Export the model as an inference model

  • This step is the same as the export prediction model under the python deployment mode. You can refer to the model prediction chapter of the respective model. Several related inference model files exported are used for model prediction. Taking PP-TSM as an example, the directory structure of the derived prediction model is as follows.

    └── ppTSM/
        ├── ppTSM.pdiparams
        ├── ppTSM.pdiparamsinfo
        └── ppTSM.pdmodel

2.2 Compile PaddleVideo C++ prediction demo

  • Enter the deploy/cpp_infer directory and execute the following compile command

    bash tools/

    The addresses of the Paddle C++ prediction library, opencv and other dependent libraries in tools/ need to be replaced with the actual addresses on your own machine.

  • Specifically, you need to modify the environment path in tools/, the relevant content is as follows:


    The above parameters are as follows (the following path users can modify according to their own machine conditions)

    OPENCV_DIR is the address where opencv is compiled and installed LIB_DIR is the download (paddle_inference folder) or the generated Paddle prediction library address (build/paddle_inference_install_dir folder) CUDA_LIB_DIR is the address of the cuda library file, which is /usr/local/cuda/lib64 in docker CUDNN_LIB_DIR is the cudnn library file address, which is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in docker. If you want to enable TensorRT acceleration during prediction, you need to modify the code at tools/build.sh3

    1. Set DWITH_GPU=ON
    3. Set TENSORRT_DIR=/path/to/TensorRT-x.x.x.x

    The above paths are all absolute paths, do not use relative paths

  • After the compilation is complete, an executable file named ppvideo will be generated in the cpp_infer/build folder.

2.3 Run PaddleVideo C++ prediction demo

Operation mode:

./build/ppvideo <mode> [--param1] [--param2] [...]

Among them, mode is a required parameter, which means the selected function, and the value range is ['rec'], which means video recognition (more functions will be added in succession).

1. Call video recognition:
# run PP-TSM inference
./build/ppvideo rec \
--rec_model_dir=../../inference/ppTSM \
--inference_model_name=ppTSM \
--video_dir=./example_video_dir \
--num_seg=8 \

# run PP-TSN inference
./build/ppvideo rec \
--rec_model_dir=../../inference/ppTSN \
--inference_model_name=ppTSN \
--video_dir=./example_video_dir \
--num_seg=25 \

More parameters are as follows:

  • General parameters

    Parameter name Type Default parameter Meaning
    use_gpu bool false Whether to use GPU
    gpu_id int 0 GPU id, valid when using GPU
    gpu_mem int 4000 GPU memory requested
    cpu_threads int 10 The number of threads for CPU prediction. When the number of machine cores is sufficient, the larger the value, the faster the prediction speed
    enable_mkldnn bool false Whether to use mkldnn library
    use_tensorrt bool false Whether to use the tensorrt library
    precision str "fp32" Use fp32/fp16/uint8 precision to predict
    benchmark bool true Whether to enable benchmark during prediction, after enabling it, the configuration, model, time-consuming and other information will be output at the end.
  • Video recognition model related

    Parameter name Type Default parameter Meaning
    video_dir string "../example_video_dir" The path of the folder where the video to be recognized is stored
    rec_model_dir string "" The folder path where the exported prediction model is stored
    inference_model_name string "ppTSM" The name of the model used in the prediction
    num_seg int 8 Number of video segments
    seg_len int 1 The number of frames extracted in each segment of the video
    rec_batch_num int 1 Batch size during model prediction
    char_list_file str "../../data/k400/Kinetics-400_label_list.txt" The text path for storing all category labels and corresponding names

​ Take the sample video example01.avi under example_video_dir as the input video as an example, the final screen will output the detection results as follows.

total videos num: 1
./example_video_dir/example01.avi   class: 5 archery       score: 0.999556
I1125 08:10:45.834288 13955 autolog.h:50] ----------------------- Config info -----------------------
I1125 08:10:45.834458 13955 autolog.h:51] runtime_device: cpu
I1125 08:10:45.834467 13955 autolog.h:52] ir_optim: True
I1125 08:10:45.834475 13955 autolog.h:53] enable_memory_optim: True
I1125 08:10:45.834483 13955 autolog.h:54] enable_tensorrt: 0
I1125 08:10:45.834518 13955 autolog.h:55] enable_mkldnn: False
I1125 08:10:45.834525 13955 autolog.h:56] cpu_math_library_num_threads: 10
I1125 08:10:45.834532 13955 autolog.h:57] ----------------------- Data info -----------------------
I1125 08:10:45.834540 13955 autolog.h:58] batch_size: 1
I1125 08:10:45.834547 13955 autolog.h:59] input_shape: dynamic
I1125 08:10:45.834556 13955 autolog.h:60] data_num: 1
I1125 08:10:45.834564 13955 autolog.h:61] ----------------------- Model info -----------------------
I1125 08:10:45.834573 13955 autolog.h:62] model_name: rec
I1125 08:10:45.834579 13955 autolog.h:63] precision: fp32
I1125 08:10:45.834586 13955 autolog.h:64] ----------------------- Perf info ------------------------
I1125 08:10:45.834594 13955 autolog.h:65] Total time spent(ms): 2739
I1125 08:10:45.834602 13955 autolog.h:67] preprocess_time(ms): 10.6524, inference_time(ms): 1269.55, postprocess_time(ms): 0.009118


  1. The following error occurred during the compilation of the demo

    make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn/', needed by 'ppvideo'. Stop.
    make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    [ 16%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/src/main.cpp.o
    [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/src/preprocess_op.cpp.o
    [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/src/postprocess_op.cpp.o
    [83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/src/utility.cpp.o
    [ 83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/src/video_rec.cpp.o
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:95: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/all' failed
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ppvideo.dir/all] Error 2
    Makefile:83: recipe for target 'all' failed
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    It may be that CUDNN_LIB_DIR is set incorrectly, resulting in that in this directory cannot be found.