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This sample demonstrates how to subclass built-in Apryse components when integrating the Flutter Library:

The implementation is the same as when using the native iOS SDK:

This sample demonstrates how to subclass the PTFormFillTool and override its currentAnnotation property to add an arrow image to the active form field.

Getting Started

Step 1: Open the Xcode project of your app

Navigate to the ios directory in the app and open the .xcworkspace file, this will launch Xcode.

Step 2: Add your subclass to the Xcode project

  1. Use the CMD-N keyboard shortcut or go to File > New > File… in the menu bar.
  2. Select Cocoa Touch Class from the dialog and press Next
  3. Enter your class name in the Class field and select which class you want to override in the Subclass of field. In this sample we have added a new class called MyFormFillTool which is a subclass of PTFormFillTool.
  4. If you chose to create your file in the Swift language then you should make sure to select Yes if it asks you to create the bridging header.

Step 3: Implementing the subclass

Open your newly-created file in Xcode and import the Tools library at the top of the file, e.g. below any other imports such as UIKit:

import UIKit
import Tools

Add the customizations you require to your subclass, e.g overriding internal properties. In this sample we have overridden the currentAnnotation property to add an arrow view when the property is set.

class MyFormFillTool : PTFormFillTool
    var formArrowView: UIImageView?

    override var currentAnnotation: PTAnnot?
        get {
            return super.currentAnnotation
        set {
            self.addArrowView(to: newValue)
            super.currentAnnotation = newValue

    func addArrowView(to annotation:PTAnnot?){
        guard let pdfViewCtrl else {return}

        if let formArrowView

        if let annotation,
           let rect = annotation.getRect(),
           let image = UIImage(systemName: "arrowtriangle.right.fill"),
           let markerRect = PTPDFRect(x1: rect.x1 - 20, y1: rect.y1, x2: rect.x1, y2: rect.y2)

            formArrowView = UIImageView(image: image)
            if let formArrowView {
                pdfViewCtrl.addFloating(formArrowView, toPage: Int32(self.annotationPageNumber), withPageRect: markerRect, noZoom: false)

Step 4: Register your subclass with the Apryse SDK

To register the subclass with the SDK you will need to declare the override early in your app's lifecycle (before any Apryse components are loaded). A good place to do this is inside your AppDelegate.

  1. Open the AppDelegate.swift file in Xcode
  2. Import the Tools library as well as your bridging header if you wrote your class in Swift:
import Tools
  1. Inside the override func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool function you would call the PTOverrides method to register your class:

Step 5: Run your app

You can now run your app and you should see the customizations you have added. Select a form field and an arrow should appear next to the field.