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Contents (OrchardCore.Contents)

This module provides Content Management services.


Attach this part to your content items to edit the common properties like CreatedUtc and Owner of a ContentItem.

The following properties are available on CommonPart:

Name Type Description
CreatedUtc DateTime The HTML content in the body.
Owner string The HTML content in the body.
Content The raw content of the part.
ContentItem The content item containing this part.


You can access content items from liquid views and templates by using the Content property.
By default, you can retrieve content by alias or content item ID.
Other modules (such as Alias and Autoroute) allow you to retrieve content by other identifiers.

Loading from a handle

{% assign my_content = Content["alias:main-menu"] %}

Handles can be in various forms, like when using Autoroute, with the slug prefix.

{% assign my_content = Content["slug:my-blog/my-blog-post"] %}

Handles are provided by implementing IContentHandleProvider.

Loading the latest version of a content item

You can use the Latest property to retrieve the latest version of a content item (whether that's the published version or the latest draft version) by alias:

{% assign my_content = Content.Latest["alias:main-menu"] %}

Loading from a content item id

{% assign my_content = Content.ContentItemId["417qsjrgv97e74wvp149h4da53"] %}

When a list of content item ids is available, the content_item_id filter should be preferred:

{% assign posts = postIds | content_item_id %}

Loading from a content item version id

{% assign my_content = Content.ContentItemVersionId["49gq8g6zndfc736x0az3zsp4w3"] %}

Rendering a content item from a handle

{% contentitem handle:"alias:test", display_type="Summary" %}

The default display type is "Detail" when none is specified. An optional alternate argument can be specified.

Logging to the browser console

The console_log liquid filter can be used to dump data from well known properties, or objects serializable to json, to the browser console.

{{ Model.Content | console_log }}
{{ Model.ContentItem | console_log }}

Well known properties include

  • Strings
  • JTokens
  • Content Items (from the Model.ContentItem property)
  • Shapes (from the Model.Content property)
  • Objects that can serialize to json.

!!! note To log shapes call {{ Model.Content | console_log }} after calling {{ Model.Content | shape_render }} This will allow the shape to execute, and populate the alternates for any child shapes.

Razor Helper

The following methods are available from the Razor helper.

Method Parameters Description
GetContentItemIdByHandleAsync string name Returns the content item id from its handle. Ex: alias:carousel, slug:myblog/my-blog-post
GetContentItemByHandleAsync string handle, bool latest = false Loads a content item from its handle, seeking the latest version or not.
GetContentItemByIdAsync string contentItemId, bool latest = false Loads a content item from its id, seeking the latest version or not.
GetContentItemsByIdAsync IEnumerable<string> contentItemIds, bool latest = false Loads a list of content items by ids, seeking the latest version or not.
GetContentItemByVersionIdAsync string contentItemVersionId Loads a content item from its version id.
ConsoleLog object content Logs content to the browser console

The Razor Helper is accessible on the Orchard property if the view is using Orchard Core's Razor base class, or by injecting OrchardCore.IOrchardHelper in all other cases.

Razor console log

The ConsoleLog extension method can be used to dump data from well known properties, or objects serializable to json, to the browser console.

@Orchard.ConsoleLog(Model.Content as object) noting that we cast to an object, as extension methods do not support dynamic dispatching.

@Orchard.ConsoleLog(Model.ContentItem as object) noting that we cast to an object, as extension methods do not support dynamic dispatching.

Well known properties include

  • Strings
  • JTokens
  • Content Items (from the Model.ContentItem property)
  • Shapes (from the Model.Content property)
  • Objects that can serialize to json.

!!! note To log shapes call @Orchard.ConsoleLog(Model.Content as object) after calling @await DisplayAsync(Model.Content) This will allow the shape to execute, and populate the alternates for any child shapes.


The contents module provides a feature to provide GraphQL queries for content items. For more information about how to send GraphQL queries, please refer to this section.

Content Type Queries

You can use content queries to fetch either a single content item, or a list of content items for a certain content type.

Here, we use the blogPost query to fetch a list of BlogPost content items. In the response, we include only the contentItemId and displayText of each BlogPost content item:

query {
  blogPost {

We can also query a specific BlogPost content item using the blogPost query. Note that we're using the where argument to select the content item:

query {
  blosPost(where: {
    contentItemId: "417qsjrgv97e74wvp149h4da53"
  }) {

Available fields

These fields are available at the content item level:


In addition, all the content parts can also be retrieved like this:

  blogPost {
    autoroutePart {

Query arguments

Different types of query arguments can be composed to filter the results:

  • Ordering: Sorting content items by any field value using orderBy
  • Filtering: Selecting content items in a query by scalar or relational filters using where
  • Pagination: Slicing content items in a query using first and skip


When querying all content items of a type you can supply the orderBy argument for every scalar field of the type: orderBy: { <field>: ASC } or orderBy: { <field>: DESC }.

Order the list of all BlogPost content items ascending by displayText:

query {
  blogPost(orderBy: { displayText: ASC }) {

Order the list of all BlogPost content items descending by publishedUtc and then ascending by displayText:

query {
  blogPost(orderBy: { publishedUtc: DESC, displayText: ASC  }) {

The field you are ordering by does not have to be selected in the actual query.

It's also not currently possible to order responses by their parts or custom fields.


When querying all content items of a type you can supply different parameters to the where argument to constrain the data in the response according to your requirements. The available options depend on the scalar and part fields defined on the type in question.

Single Filters

If you supply exactly one parameter to the where argument, the query response will only contain content items that adhere to this constraint.
Multiple filters can be combined using AND and/or OR, see below for more details.

Filtering by a publication status

By default only the published content items are returned. You can select either DRAFT, LATEST or ALL versions of a content item.

query {
  blogPost(status: DRAFT) {
Filtering by a concrete value

The easiest way to filter a query response is by supplying a concrete value for a certain field to filter by.

Query all BlogPost content items with a specific display text:

query {
  blogPost(where: {
    displayText: "About"
  }) {
Advanced filter criteria

Depending on the type of the field you want to filter by, you have access to different advanced criteria you can use to filter your query response.

Query all BlogPost content items whose displayText is in a given list of strings:

query {
  blogPost(where: {
    displayText_in: ["My biggest Adventure", "My latest Hobbies"]
  }) {

Query all BlogPost content items whose creation date is less than a specific date:

query {
  blogPost(where: {
    creationgUtc_lt: "2011-11-13T07:45:00"
  }) {
Content Part Filters

For content parts, you can define conditions on the part by nesting the according argument in where.

Query all BlogPost content items where the autoroutePart has a specific value in its path:

query {
  blogPost(where: {
    autoroutePart {
      path_contains: "/about"
  }) {
Combining Multiple Filters

You can use the filter combinators OR, AND and NOT to create an arbitrary logical combination of filter conditions:

For an AND-filter to evaluate to true, all of the nested conditions have to be true. For an OR-filter to evaluate to true, at least one of the nested conditions has to be true. For a NOT-filter to evaluate to true, all of the nested conditions have to be false. Using OR, AND and NOT

Let's start with an easy example:

Query all BlogPost content items that are created in 2018 and whose displayText is in a given list of strings:

query {
  blogPost(where: {
    AND: {
      displayText_in: ["My biggest Adventure", "My latest Hobbies"]
    }, {
      publishedUtc_gt: "2018"
  }) {
Arbitrary combination of filters with AND, OR and NOT

You can combine and even nest the filter combinators AND, OR and NOT to create arbitrary logical combinations of filter conditions.

Query all BlogPost content items that are created in 2018 and whose displayText is in a given list of strings, or have the specific contentItemId we supply:

query {
  blogPost(where: {
    OR: {
      AND: {
        displayText_in: ["My biggest Adventure", "My latest Hobbies"],
        publishedUtc_gt: "2018"

      contentItemId: "417qsjrgv97e74wvp149h4da53"
  }) {

Notice how we nest the AND combinator inside the OR combinator.


When querying all content items of a specific content type, you can supply arguments that allow you to paginate the query response.

Limiting the number of results

To limit the number of results, use first.

Skipping elements with skip

To skip a number of results, use skip.


Query the first 3 content items:

query {
  posts(first: 3) {

Query the content items from position 6 to position 10:

query {
    first: 5
    skip: 5
  ) {

List Content Types by Stereotype

Starting with version 1.7, the Contents admin UI provides a way to manage content items of content types that share the same Stereotype.

For example, lets say we want list all content items of a content types that use Test stereotype. To do that, add an admin menu item that directs the user to /Admin/Contents/ContentItems?stereotype=Test. Adding stereotype=Test to the URL will render the UI using any content type that has Test as it's stereotype.

Full-Text Search for Admin UI

Starting with version 1.7, a new options have been introduced to enable control over the behavior of the full-text search in the administration user interface for content items.

For instance, consider a content type called Product. Currently, when a user performs a search, the default behavior is to check if the search terms are present in the DisplayText column of the ContentItemIndex for the content item. However, what if a user wants to search for a product using its serial number, which is not part of the DisplayText field?

With the newly added options, we can now allow searching for products based on either the display text or the serial number. To modify the default behavior, two steps need to be taken:

  1. Implement IContentsAdminListFilterProvider interface by defining a custom lookup logic. For example:

    public class ProductContentsAdminListFilterProvider : IContentsAdminListFilterProvider
        public void Build(QueryEngineBuilder<ContentItem> builder)
                .WithNamedTerm("producttext", builder => builder
                        (val, query) => query.Any(
                            (q) => q.With<ContentItemIndex>(i => i.DisplayText != null && i.DisplayText.Contains(val)),
                            (q) => q.With<ProductIndex>(i => i.SerialNumber != null && i.SerialNumber.Contains(val))
                        (val, query) => query.All(
                            (q) => q.With<ContentItemIndex>(i => i.DisplayText == null || i.DisplayText.NotContains(val)),
                            (q) => q.With<ProductIndex>(i => i.SerialNumber == null || i.SerialNumber.NotContains(val))
  2. Register the custom default term name as a search option by adding it to the ContentsAdminListFilterOptions. For example:

    services.Configure<ContentsAdminListFilterOptions>(options =>
        options.DefaultTermNames.Add("Product", "producttext");

Now, when a user searches for a product's serial number in the administration UI, we will utilize the producttext filter instead of the default text filter to perform the search.

The UseExactMatch option in the ContentsAdminListFilterOptions class modifies the default search behavior by enclosing searched terms within quotation marks, creating an exact match search by default, this unless if the search text explicitly uses 'OR' or 'AND' operators.


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