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Releases: OHDSI/CommonDataModel

CDM v5.1.1

12 Jul 19:49
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This releases closes pull request #68 which is an impala bug fix that makes it compatible with ATLAS cohort generation. No other changes were made and all documentation stayed the same.

CDM v5.1.0

07 Jul 18:26
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This release contains changes to the CDM that introduced new datetime columns and the column DENOMINATOR_VALUE to the DRUG_STRENGTH table. These changes were based on this proposals #60 and #59 to the CDM Working Group

CDM v4.0.0 (historical)

05 Jun 02:01
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This release contains all the files for OMOP CDM version 4. It also contains the scripts to upgrade to version 5.

CDM v5.0.1

23 Jun 13:55
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The old cost tables have been removed and replaced with a single cost table covering all domains,.

CDM v5.0

11 Nov 02:10
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This is the official release of CDM version 5.