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Data analysis exercise for Noé Bootcamp (correction)

During Noé Program, participants get to learn how to analyze data thanks to python, jupyter notebook and libraries like pandas or seaborn. There are 4 exercises which are based on datasets found on Kaggle


There are 4 notebooks in this repository :

  • The first one is based on a dataset provided by Uber and it deals with trips from cities and from airport. In the notebook we run an analysis on Supply and Demand Gaps
  • The second one is based on a Netflix dataset. This dataset consists of tv shows and movies available on Netflix as of 2019. The dataset is collected from Flixable which is a third-party Netflix search engine.
  • The third one is based on a Spotify dataset. The dataset contains more than 160,000 songs collected from Spotify Web API. Date range is from 1921 to 2020
  • The last one is based on a Kickstarter dataset. This dataset aims at understanding what kind of projects are very succesful at raising money.