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References and licenses

In this folder we provide the networks used in the experiments shown in the review.

All networks are in the GT format for storage and IO efficiency. The networks come with pre-computed node features - available as Vertex Properties - and, in the case of the train networks, target.

Note that the networks are also compressed using xz. To decompress them:

xz -d <network>.gt.xz

or, to uncompress all networks:

xz -d *.gt.xz

Synthetic networks

The synthetic networks (synth_train_NEW, test_synth and test_lfr folders) are generated by us and are freely available. However, if you use them, please cite our work and this repository.

Grassia, M., De Domenico, M. & Mangioni, G. Machine learning dismantling and early-warning signals of disintegration in complex systems. Nat Commun 12, 5190 (2021).

Plus, if you use the LFR networks, please cite the original paper.

Lancichinetti, A., Fortunato, S., & Radicchi, F. (2008). Benchmark graphs for testing community detection algorithms. Phys. Rev. E, 78, 046110. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.78.046110

Real-world networks

The real-world networks (test, test_ew, test_large) are obtained from Konect, SNAP, NetworkRepository, and SciGRID under different licenses.

See below for references of each network and links to their source.

Note that in the zip some networks are missing as we have not found any redistribution license.

Contact us if you find any attribution or license error.


Largest Connected Component of ARK201012.

The IPv4 Routed /24 AS Links Dataset - 2010-12,


Paolo Massa, Martino Salvetti, and Danilo Tomasoni. Bowling alone and trust decline in social network sites. In Proc. Int. Conf. Dependable, Auton. and Secure Comput., pages 658–663, 2009.

Available at Konect.


Jordi Duch and Alex Arenas. Community detection in complex networks using extremal optimization. Phys. Rev. E, 72(2):027104, 2005.

Available at Konect.


Gergely Palla, Illés J. Farkas, Péter Pollner, Imre Derényi, and Tamás Vicsek. Directed network modules. New J. Phys., 9(6):186, 2007.

Available at Konect.


Jure Leskovec, Jon Kleinberg, and Christos Faloutsos. Graph evolution: Densification and shrinking diameters. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. from Data, 1(1):1–40, 2007.

Available at Konect.


Kurt Bollacker, Steve Lawrence, and C. Lee Giles. CiteSeer: An autonomous Web agent for automatic retrieval and identification of interesting publications. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Auton. Agents, pages 116–123, 1998.

Available at Konect.


Jaewon Yang and Jure Leskovec. Defining and evaluating network communities based on ground-truth. In Proc. ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Min. Data Semant., page 3, 2012.

Available at Konect.


Jaewon Yang and Jure Leskovec. Defining and evaluating network communities based on ground-truth. In Proc. ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Min. Data Semant., page 3, 2012.

Available at Konect.


Jaewon Yang and Jure Leskovec. Defining and evaluating network communities based on ground-truth. In Proc. ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Min. Data Semant., page 3, 2012.

Available at Konect.


Haroldo V Ribeiro, Luiz G A Alves, Alvaro F Martins, Ervin K Lenzi, Matjaž Perc, The dynamical structure of political corruption networks, Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2018, Pages 989–1003,

Available at


Michael Ley. The DBLP computer science bibliography: Evolution, research issues, perspectives. In Proc. Int. Symposium on String Process. and Inf. Retr., pages 1–10, 2002.

Available at Konect.


T. Hogg and K. Lerman. Social dynamics of Digg. Eur. Phys. J. Data Sci., 1(5), 2012.

Available at Konect.


DIMACS Challenge 9 Benchmark Platform (C) 2005-2006 Camil Demetrescu, Andrew V. Goldberg, David S. Johnson

Available at Konect.


DIMACS Challenge 9 Benchmark Platform (C) 2005-2006 Camil Demetrescu, Andrew V. Goldberg, David S. Johnson

Available at Konect.


Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz. Collective dynamics of `small-world' networks. Nature, 393(1):440–442, 1998.

John G. White, E. Southgate, J. N. Thomson, and S. Brenner. The structure of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond, 314:1–340, 1986.

Available at Konect.


Lada A. Adamic and Natalie Glance. The political blogosphere and the 2004 US election: Divided they blog. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Link Discov., pages 36–43, 2005.

Available at Konect.


R. Zafarani and H. Liu. Social computing data repository at ASU, 2009.

Available at Konect.


Available at NetworkRepository.


Julian McAuley and Jure Leskovec. Learning to discover social circles in ego networks. In Adv. in Neural Inf. Process. Syst., pages 548–556. 2012.

Available at Konect.


Jure Leskovec, Jon Kleinberg, and Christos Faloutsos. Graph evolution: Densification and shrinking diameters. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. from Data, 1(1):1–40, 2007.

Available at Konect.


Built from the zipped versions of the SciGRID Conference "SciGRID Dataset" Release, obtained running the SciGRID model on Germany and Europe (OpenStreetMap data status 18.07.2016).

Medjroubi, Wided & Matke, Carsten. (2016). SciGRID—an open source reference model for the European Transmission Network (v0. 2). 10.13140/RG.2.2.14596.12161.

Available at SciGRID power.

This network is licensed under Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 by SciGRID.


Robert E. Ulanowicz, Johanna J. Heymans, and Michael S. Egnotovich. Network analysis of trophic dynamics in South Florida ecosystems, FY 99: The graminoid ecosystem. Ann. Report to the United States Geological Service Biol. Resources Division Ref. No.[UMCES] CBL 00-0176, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, 2000.

Available at Konect.


Robert E. Ulanowicz, Johanna J. Heymans, and Michael S. Egnotovich. Network analysis of trophic dynamics in South Florida ecosystems, FY 99: The graminoid ecosystem. Ann. Report to the United States Geological Service Biol. Resources Division Ref. No.[UMCES] CBL 00-0176, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, 2000.

Available at Konect.


Medjroubi, Wided & Matke, Carsten. (2016). SciGRID—an open source reference model for the European Transmission Network (v0. 2). 10.13140/RG.2.2.14596.12161.

Wiegmans, B. (2016). GridKit: European and North-American extracts [Data set]. Zenodo.

Available at Zenodo.

This network is licensed under Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 by SciGRID.


Wiegmans, B. (2016). GridKit: European and North-American extracts [Data set]. Zenodo.

Wiegmans, B. (2016). GridKit: European and North-American extracts [Data set]. Zenodo.

Available at Zenodo.

This network is licensed under Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 by SciGRID.


R. Zafarani and H. Liu. Social computing data repository at ASU, 2009.

Available at Konect.


Colizza, V., Pastor-Satorras, R. & Vespignani, A. Reaction–diffusion processes and metapopulation models in heterogeneous networks. Nature Phys 3, 276–282 (2007).

Available at NetworkRepository.


Beichuan Zhang, Raymond Liu, Daniel Massey, and Lixia Zhang. Collecting the Internet AS-level topology. SIGCOMM Comput. Communication Review, 35(1):53–61, 2005.

Available at Konect.


Guobing Guo, Jie Zhang, Daniel Thalmann, and Neil Yorke-Smith. ETAF: An extended trust antecedents framework for trust prediction. In Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. in Soc. Netw. Anal. and Min., pages 540–547, 2014.

Available at Konect.


Guobing Guo, Jia Zhang, and Neil Yorke-Smith. A novel Bayesian similarity measure for recommender systems. In Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Artif. Intell., pages 2619–2625, 2013.

Available at Konect.


Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013.

Available at Konect.


Eunjoon Cho, Seth A. Myers, and Jure Leskovec. Friendship and mobility: User movement in location-based social networks. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Knowl. Discov. and Data Min., pages 1082–1090, 2011.

Available at Konect.


Eunjoon Cho, Seth A. Myers, and Jure Leskovec. Friendship and mobility: User movement in location-based social networks. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Knowl. Discov. and Data Min., pages 1082–1090, 2011.

Available at Konect.


Aggregation of the London Multiplex Transport Network.

Manlio De Domenico, Albert Solé-Ribalta, Sergio Gómez, and Alex Arenas, Navigability of interconnected networks under random failures. PNAS 111, 8351-8356 (2014)

Available at


Rob M. Ewing, Peter Chu, Fred Elisma, Hongyan Li, Paul Taylor, Shane Climie, Linda McBroom-Cerajewski, Mark D. Robinson, Liam O'Connor, Michael Li, Rod Taylor, Moyez Dharsee, Yuen Ho, Adrian Heilbut, Lynda Moore, Shudong Zhang, Olga Ornatsky, Yury V. Bukhman, Martin Ethier, Yinglun Sheng, Julian Vasilescu, Mohamed Abu-Farha, Jean-Philippe P. Lambert, Henry S. Duewel, Ian I. Stewart, Bonnie Kuehl, Kelly Hogue, Karen Colwill, Katharine Gladwish, Brenda Muskat, Robert Kinach, Sally-Lin L. Adams, Michael F. Moran, Gregg B. Morin, Thodoros Topaloglou, and Daniel Figeys. Large-scale mapping of human protein–protein interactions by mass spectrometry. Molecular Systems Biol., 3, 2007.

Available at Konect.


Neo D. Martinez, John J. Magnuson, Timothy. Kratz, and M. Sierszen. Artifacts or attributes? effects of resolution on the Little Rock Lake food web. Ecol. Monographs, 61:367–392, 1991.

Available at Konect.


U. Stelzl, U. Worm, M. Lalowski, C. Haenig, F. H. Brembeck, H. Goehler, M. Stroedicke, M. Zenkner, A. Schoenherr, S. Koeppen, J. Timm, S. Mintzlaff, C. Abraham, N. Bock, S. Kietzmann, A. Goedde, E Toksöz, A. Droege, S. Krobitsch, B. Korn, W. Birchmeier, H. Lehrach, and E. E. Wanker. A human protein–protein interaction network: A resource for annotating the proteome. Cell, 122:957–968, 2005.

Available at Konect.


Jean-François Rual, Kavitha Venkatesan, Tong Hao, Tomoko Hirozane-Kishikawa, Amélie Dricot, Ning Li, Gabriel F. Berriz, Francis D. Gibbons, Matija Dreze, and Nono Ayivi-Guedehoussou. Towards a proteome-scale map of the human protein–protein interaction network. Nature, (7062):1173–1178, 2005.

Available at Konect.


Largest Connected Component of the projection of moreno_crime.

S. Decker, C. W. Kohfeld, R. Rosenfeld, & J. Sprague, "St. Louis Homicide Project: Local Responses to a National Problem." University of Missouri-St. Louis (1991),


Hawoong Jeong, Sean P Mason, A-L Barabási, and Zoltan N Oltvai. Lethality and centrality in protein networks. Nature, 411(6833):41–42, 2001.

Stéphane Coulomb, Michel Bauer, Denis Bernard, and Marie-Claude Marsolier-Kergoat. Gene essentiality and the topology of protein interaction networks. Proc. of the Royal Soc. B: Biol. Sci., 272(1573):1721–1725, 2005.

Jing-Dong J. Han, Denis Dupuy, Nicolas Bertin, Michael E. Cusick, and Marc Vidal. Effect of sampling on topology predictions of protein-protein interaction networks. Nature Biotechnol., 23(7):839–844, 2005.

Michael P. H. Stumpf, Carsten Wiuf, and Robert M. May. Subnets of scale-free networks are not scale-free: Sampling properties of networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 102(12):4221–4224, 2005.

Available at Konect.


Brian Hayes. Connecting the dots. can the tools of graph theory and social-network studies unravel the next big plot? Am. Scientist, 94(5):400–404, 2006.

Available at Konect.


Largest Connected Component of munmun_digg_reply.

Munmun De Choudhury, Hari Sundaram, Ajita John, and Dorée Duncan Seligmann. Social synchrony: Predicting mimicry of user actions in online social media. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Comput. Science and Engineering, pages 151–158, 2009.

Available at Konect.


Munmun De Choudhury, Yu-Ru Lin, Hari Sundaram, K. Selçuk Candan, Lexing Xie, and Aisling Kelliher. How does the data sampling strategy impact the discovery of information diffusion in social media? In ICWSM, pages 34–41, 2010.

Available at Konect.


Tore Opsahl, Filip Agneessens, and John Skvoretz. Node centrality in weighted networks: Generalizing degree and shortest paths. Soc. Netw., 3(32):245–251, 2010.

Available at Konect.


Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz. Collective dynamics of `small-world' networks. Nature, 393(1):440–442, 1998.

Available at Konect.


Tore Opsahl and Pietro Panzarasa. Clustering in weighted networks. Soc. Netw., 31(2):155–163, 2009.

Available at Konect.


AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views, Looking glass data, and Routing registry, from May 26 2001

J. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg and C. Faloutsos. Graphs over Time: Densification Laws, Shrinking Diameters and Possible Explanations. ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2005.

Available at SNAP.


Matei Ripeanu, Ian Foster, and Adriana Iamnitchi. Mapping the Gnutella network: Properties of large-scale peer-to-peer systems and implications for system design. IEEE Internet Comput. J., 6, 2002.

Available at Konect.


Matei Ripeanu, Ian Foster, and Adriana Iamnitchi. Mapping the Gnutella network: Properties of large-scale peer-to-peer systems and implications for system design. IEEE Internet Comput. J., 6, 2002.

Available at Konect.


Vladimir Batagelj. Pajek datasets., July 2017.

Available at Konect.


Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013.

Available at Konect.


Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013.

Available at Konect.


Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013.

Available at Konect.


Rossi, Ryan & Ahmed, Nesreen. (2015). The Network Data Repository with Interactive Graph Analytics and Visualization.

Available at NetworkRepository.


Li, Feifei & Cheng, Dihan & Hadjieleftheriou, Marios & Kollios, George & Teng, Shang-Hua. (2005). On Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3633. 273-290. 10.1007/11535331_16.

Available at


Penn State University Libraries. Digital chart of the world server (2006). URL

Available at


T. Brinkhoff: A framework for generating network-based moving objects.

Available at


Autonomous Systems peering information. Three different networks inferred from the Oregon route-views project BGP dataset on May 15 2002.

J. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg and C. Faloutsos. Graphs over Time: Densification Laws, Shrinking Diameters and Possible Explanations. ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2005.

Available at SNAP.


Vicenç Gómez, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, and Vicente López. Statistical analysis of the social network and discussion threads in Slashdot. In Proc. Int. World Wide Web Conf., pages 645–654, 2008.

Available at Konect.


Jérôme Kunegis, Andreas Lommatzsch, and Christian Bauckhage. The Slashdot Zoo: Mining a social network with negative edges. In Proc. Int. World Wide Web Conf., pages 741–750, 2009.

Available at Konect.


Matthew Richardson, Rakesh Agrawal, and Pedro Domingos. Trust management for the semantic web. In Proc. Int. Semant. Web Conf., pages 351–368. 2003.

Available at Konect.


Jérôme Kunegis. KONECT – The Koblenz Network Collection. In Proc. Int. Conf. on World Wide Web Companion, pages 1343–1350, 2013.

Available at Konect.


Lovro Šubelj and Marko Bajec. Software systems through complex networks science: Review, analysis and applications. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Software Min., pages 9–16, 2012.

Available at Konect.


R. Rossi, S. Fahmy and N. Talukder, "A multi-level approach for evaluating internet topology generators," 2013 IFIP Networking Conference, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2013, pp. 1-9.

N. Spring, R. Mahajan, D. Wetherall and T. Anderson, "Measuring ISP topologies with Rocketfuel," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 2-16, Feb. 2004, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2003.822655.

Available at NetworkRepository.


Largest Connected Component of the Twitter network from the Network Dismantling paper by Braunstein et al.

Flaviano Morone and Hernán Makse, “Influence maximization in complex networks through optimal percolation”, Nature 524, 65-68 (2015)

Braunstein, A., Dall’Asta, L., Semerjian, G., Zdeborová, L., 2016. Network dismantling. PNAS 201605083. doi:10.1073/pnas.1605083113, arxiv:1603.08883

Available at .


Doreian, Patrick. (2006). Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek, W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, V. Batagelj. Cambridge University Press, New York (2005). Social Networks. 28. 269–274. 10.1016/j.socnet.2005.12.002.

Available at NetworkRepository.


Réka Albert, Hawoong Jeong, and Albert-Laszlo Barabási. Internet: Diameter of the world wide web. Nature, 401(6749):130–131, Sep 1999.

Available at Konect.


Jure Leskovec, Kevin Lang, Anirban Dasgupta, and Michael W. Mahoney. Community structure in large networks: Natural cluster sizes and the absence of large well-defined clusters. Internet Math., 6(1):29–123, 2009.

Available at Konect.


Boldi, Paolo & Codenotti, Bruno & Santini, Massimo & Vigna, Sebastiano. (2004). UbiCrawler: A Scalable Fully Distributed Web Crawler. Software: Practice and Experience. 34. 10.1002/spe.587.

Boldi, Paolo & Rosa, Marco & Santini, Massimo & Vigna, Sebastiano. (2010). Layered Label Propagation: A MultiResolution Coordinate-Free Ordering for Compressing Social Networks. Computing Research Repository - CORR. 10.1145/1963405.1963488.

Available at NetworkRepository.


Christiane Fellbaum, editor. WordNet: an Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press, 1998.

Available at Konect.