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File metadata and controls

33 lines (28 loc) · 1.72 KB


Forward and proxy a WebKit debug-socket from an android device to your browser

How it works


  1. Find devtools sockets: adb shell 'grep -a devtools_remote /proc/net/unix'
  2. For each socket request /json and /json/version
  3. Replace websocket address in response with our hostname
  4. Combine all data and send to a client


Though each debuggable page explicitly specifies devtoolsFrontendUrl it is possible that provided version of devtools frontend will not work in your browser. To ensure that you will be able to debug webpage/webview, client creates three links:

  • inspect - this is a link provided by a remote browser in the answer for /json request (only WebSocket address is changed). When this link points to a local version of devtools (bundled with debuggable browser) you will not able to open it, because only WebSocket forwarding is implemented at the moment.
  • bundled - link to a version of devtools bundled with your (chromium based) browser without specifying revision or version of the remote target. You will get same link in the chrome://inspect page of Chromium browser. e.g. devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?ws=<WebSocketAddress>
  • remote - link to a bundled devtools but with specified revision and version of remote target. This link is visible only when original link in devtoolsFrontendUrl contains revision. You will get same link in the chrome://inspect page of Chrome browser. e.g. devtools://devtools/remote/serve_rev/@<Revision>/inspector.html?remoteVersion=<Version>&remoteFrontend=true&ws=<WebSocketAddress>

You can't open two last links with click or open link in new tab.

You must copy link and open it manually. This is browser restriction.