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79 lines (56 loc) · 5.05 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (56 loc) · 5.05 KB


The copy argument allows you to copy application resources from one app to another, or copy Astra Control resources to your local workstation.

$ actoolkit copy -h
usage: actoolkit copy [-h] {asup,hooks,protections} ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    asup                copy auto-support bundle to local workstation
    hooks               copy all hooks (executionHooks) from one app to another
    protections         copy all protections from one app to another


The copy asup command allows you to copy / download an existing auto-support bundle to your local workstation. To create an auto-support bundle, please see the create asup command.

It requires a single argument, the asupID, which can be gathered via the list asups command. The command usage is:

actoolkit copy asup <asupID>

Example output:

$ actoolkit copy asup b1398002-f2ad-4d73-a0e4-aed33d3e05e0
'b1398002-f2ad-4d73-a0e4-aed33d3e05e0.tgz' downloaded to current directory successfully.

You can then view the downloaded auto-support bundle:

$ ls -l b1398002*
-rw-r--r--  1 mhaigh  staff    13M May  9 10:04 b1398002-f2ad-4d73-a0e4-aed33d3e05e0.tgz


The copy hooks command allows you to copy all execution hooks from a source app to a destination app. This can be useful when cloning an application, as by default these resources are not currently copied. The command usage is:

actoolkit copy hooks <sourceAppID> <destinationAppID>

Example output:

$ actoolkit copy hooks 1c252557-b5d3-4446-b5fe-c41ed2b0595c 6676813f-4f6c-4487-9877-2d92cbd801fc
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:19:22Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:19:22Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}, "type": "application/astra-executionHook", "version": "1.3", "id": "a07b76c0-fae7-4d98-bc04-61136e9b25d0", "name": "db-presnap", "hookType": "custom", "matchingCriteria": [{"type": "containerImage", "value": "mariadb"}], "action": "snapshot", "stage": "pre", "hookSourceID": "302915c6-3c9a-4394-9393-283c11108c73", "arguments": ["pre"], "appID": "6676813f-4f6c-4487-9877-2d92cbd801fc", "enabled": "true"}
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:19:22Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:19:22Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}, "type": "application/astra-executionHook", "version": "1.3", "id": "d8dd33ee-c42e-4c17-a0a0-bf51412fa8ed", "name": "db-postsnap", "hookType": "custom", "matchingCriteria": [{"type": "containerImage", "value": "mariadb"}], "action": "snapshot", "stage": "post", "hookSourceID": "302915c6-3c9a-4394-9393-283c11108c73", "arguments": ["post"], "appID": "6676813f-4f6c-4487-9877-2d92cbd801fc", "enabled": "true"}


The copy protections command allows you to copy all protection policies from a source app to a destination app. This can be useful when cloning an application, as by default these resources are not currently copied. The command usage is:

actoolkit copy protections <sourceAppID> <destinationAppID>

Example output:

$ actoolkit copy protections 1c252557-b5d3-4446-b5fe-c41ed2b0595c 6676813f-4f6c-4487-9877-2d92cbd801fc
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.3", "id": "bd7f215d-6f0d-4c25-a508-7c64bb596ca4", "name": "hourly-i7gmr", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "hourly", "minute": "0", "snapshotRetention": "1", "backupRetention": "1", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:24Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:24Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.3", "id": "71e16400-aa00-46f0-a9ee-530d82de8ced", "name": "daily-uvnw5", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "daily", "minute": "0", "hour": "2", "snapshotRetention": "1", "backupRetention": "1", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:24Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:24Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.3", "id": "9918ce3c-e1a3-4c67-b0bf-b77ef96f18b5", "name": "weekly-9vpa1", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "weekly", "minute": "0", "hour": "2", "dayOfWeek": "0", "snapshotRetention": "1", "backupRetention": "1", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:25Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:25Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.3", "id": "d985d3e5-7cfb-4e5b-90b5-1aeaab041b49", "name": "monthly-am9sa", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "monthly", "minute": "0", "hour": "2", "dayOfMonth": "1", "snapshotRetention": "1", "backupRetention": "1", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:25Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-08-16T18:35:25Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}