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Releases: NemeStats/NemeStats

Hotfix for GET /Players Endpoint

24 Jul 11:55
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Fixed issue that Geo noticed where it was returning a 401 unauthorized when it should not have.

Clickable played game details

24 Jul 02:25
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Gravatars on GET /Players

23 Jul 02:23
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Now returns registeredUserGravatarUrl on GET /Players endpoint so long as the calling User has access to that Gaming Group.


12 Jul 01:05
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  • Added Gravatars to the Gaming Group and Player Details pages (for users who are logged into the Gaming Group being viewed)
  • Numerous styling improvements for mobile devices

Plays Tab Defaults to Further out Date

25 Apr 02:19
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The Plays tab will show games through the year 2100 so if you keep the page up for days at a time and then hit refresh it will show the most recent games (instead of keeping yesterday's date filtered). Also reloads the Plays tab every time you click on it rather than just the first time.

Non-Interaction Events and other Technical Stuff

23 Apr 01:32
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  • #661
  • API events are now non-interaction events
  • No longer rethrow all exceptions as HTTP exceptions. This should improve the quality of the exceptions being logged in exceptionless/rollbar

Minor API changes and other stuff

10 Apr 11:50
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  • Added nemeStatsUrl to response of POST /Players, POST /GameDefinitions, and POST /PlayedGames
  • Significantly improved the performance of the trending games queries
  • Added robots.txt entries to filter played game details and player details pages from getting indexed
  • Added self-referencing rel canonical to the gaming group details page

Released #608 and #659

Added nemeStatsUrl to some REST API Responses

28 Mar 11:42
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See the 2018-03-28 change log of [](the REST API documentation).


26 Mar 01:47
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Set a StringLength on a number of fields that were previously NVARCHAR(MAX). Hopefully this will put a little less strain on the DB.

Champion Recalculation Fix

25 Mar 02:57
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  • Fixed issue where Champions weren't reassigned after a Player was de-activated (as opposed to deleted)
  • Fixed issue where you couldn't save a player if the name stayed the same