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131 lines (89 loc) · 7.25 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (89 loc) · 7.25 KB


ℹ️ For all later changes, please see


  • Fix TypeScript typings


  • [Internals]: Async waitUntil is now a thing (polyfilled)
  • Added TypeScript definitions
  • RegExp support in cache paths #205
  • Added ServiceWorker.minify option to force to minify #204 & #206
  • Allow ServiceWorker to be installed on any local IP (127.*.*.*) #251
  • Ship ServiceWorker.minify option which controls if ServiceWorker's code will be minified or not


  • ServiceWorker can now be registered at #188
  • New ServiceWorker.navigateFallbackForRedirects option which is true by default (compatibility reasons) #230
  • Fixed new security restriction introduced in browsers regardless navigation requests and redirects #231


  • Wrap applicationCache.update() with try..catch #189


  • Fixed syntax error in runtime-template.js


  • Fixed compatibility with hard-source-webpack-plugin #148
  • Added autoUpdate option and runtime.update() method #169


  • Fix request.headers typo in validatePrefetch which was preventing setting custom headers for prefetch requests


  • Use compilation.errors instead of callback(new Error('...')) when runtime is missing

4.0.0 - 4.5.3

  • relativePaths is now automatically set to false when publicPath is used
  • publicPath now uses webpack.config.js's output.publicPath by default (when not set in OfflinePlugin itself)
  • Added AppCache.output which is replacement for The last is deprecated now
  • Added ServiceWorker.publicPath and AppCache.publicPath
  • Added :externals: keyword for caches. When used, keyword is replaced with URLs listed in externals option
  • caches: 'all' is now equivalent of caches: { main: [':rest:', ':externals:'] }. In other words, externals URLs are now included in caches by default
  • Default options of offline-plugin are now exposed as require('offline-plugin').defaultOptions
  • ignoreSearch isn't applied to assets added with externals anymore. i.e. full URLs with ?query can now be added to the caches
  • Added responseStrategy option. Thanks to @MoOx. #112
  • Added ServiceWorker.cacheName option. Useful (but very dangerous) when you need to run more than one project on the same domain
  • Make updateStrategy default to 'changed'
  • Added ServiceWorker.prefetchRequest option
  • Plugin now outputs its version to generated ServiceWorker/AppCache files
  • Implemented cacheMaps option
  • Made AppCache to not include cross origin URLs by default (because they don't work there on HTTPS). Could be returned back with AppCache.includeCrossOrigin = true
  • Dropped Node 0.10, Node 0.12 and IO.js support
  • Updated minimatch to 3.*
  • Add AppVeyor CI tests


  • Added ServiceWorker.navigateFallbackURL option (see #71)
  • Added warning about development mode in runtime.js when used without OfflinePlugin in webpack.config.js (see #74)


  • Fixed absolute URLs being prefixed with relative path when relativePaths: true is used (#39, #60)
  • Added scope option to ServiceWorker (#19). See ServiceWorker.register docs.

3.0.0 - 3.2.0

  • All assets are now requested cache-bust query parameter (__uncache=${ })
  • Assets matching in caches now ignores search (query) path of URLs
  • Rename scope option to publicPath (scope is deprecated now and will produce warnings upon use)
  • Make publicPath: '' (empty string) by default
  • Make relativePaths: true by default
  • Cache sections 'additional' and 'optional' are now allowed only when updateStrategy option is set to 'changed'
  • changed is now default updateStrategy and hash strategy is gone. offline-plugin now uses webpack's build hashes to apply change update strategy even when generate file names are the same. Issue 6. More details about change in docs.
  • Any of updateStrategy is now using version option for its version tag
  • version now is not set by default and returns (when not set, e.g. default) compilation hash for updateStrategy: 'changed' and version for updateStrategy: 'all'
  • version now has interpolation value, use [hash] to insert compilation hash to your version string
  • install() method signature now is install(options) (callbacks are removed)
  • Runtime events are not implemented for ServiceWorker (and some for AppCache): onUpdating, onUpdateReady, onUpdated, onInstalled.
    Example: runtime.install({ onInstalled: () => ... })
  • Added applyUpdate() method to runtime
  • Absolute URLs can now be specified in caches as any other assets (they are required to be marked as externals)
  • Added basic test and Travis CI


  • Disallow pattern matching in externals


  • Allow pattern matching in externals


  • Added relativePaths option. When true, all generated paths are relative to ServiceWorker file or AppCache folder. Useful in cases when app isn't in the root of domain, e.g. Github Pages. Setting scope to '' (empty string) is the same now as relativePaths: true.
  • Added excludes option to exclude assets from caches. Exclusion is global and is performed before any assets added to cache sections.
  • Not specified sections in caches now equals to empty selection. Previously, :rest: keyword was added automatically, now isn't.
  • ':rest:' keyword is now handled after all caches sections were handled. Previously it was handled immediately when found.
  • Plugin now throws an error when keyword :rest: is used more than once.
  • ServiceWorker generation now used Child Compilation instead weird hacks with entry injections.


Improved ServiceWorker entry generation: use compilation.namedChunks instead of compilation.assets to access service-entry and replace it. See #10 for more details.


Added FALLBACK back section for AppCache and fixed generation of a NETWORK section.


Remove support of multi-stage caching from AppCache. Reason is that files cached in second manifest cannot be accessed from page cached by first one, since NETWORK section can only dictate to use network (*) or nothing (pretend offline), but not fallback to browser defaults. This means that any attempt to access files of second manifest goes to the network or fails immediately, instead of reading from cache.


Fix ServiceWorker login to not cache additional's section assets on activate event, instead, cache them without blocking any events. Other ServiceWorker logic fixes.

