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A plugin that allows you to integrate Facebook Login with your app using the Facebook SDK.


Install the plugin to add the Facebook SDK by running the following command:

npm install @nativescript/facebook

Android prerequisites

Set up your app to use the Facebook SDK for Android by following the instructions under the following sections in Getting Started Guide.

iOS prerequisites

Set up your app to use the Facebook SDK for iOS by following the instructions in the following sections on Getting Started Guide:

Use @nativescript/facebook

Sign in the user

Firstly, initialize the LoginManager by calling the init method.

import { LoginManager } from '@nativescript/facebook';


Next, to sign the user in, call the logInWithPermissions method.

import { LoginManager, AccessToken } from '@nativescript/facebook';

try {
	const result = await LoginManager.logInWithPermissions(['public_profile']); // LoginResult
	const accessToken = AccessToken.currentAccessToken();
} catch (e) {}

Sign out the user

To log the user out, call the logOut method.



LoginManager class

The LoginManager class provides the following static methods:

Method Returns Description
static init() void Initializes the LoginManager. Call this method early in the app lifecycle and the best place for that is the main.ts file.
static logInWithPermissions(permissions: string[], context?: any) Promise<LoginResult> Opens the login window in the optionally provided context(a UIViewController instance on iOS and an Activity The permissions parameter indicates the data about the user the app would like to get from Facebook.
static logout() void Logs out the user.

LoginResult class

This class provides the login data returned by the logInWithPermissions method.

Name Type Description
android LoginManager readonly. Native instance for Android.
ios FBSDKLoginManager readonly. Native instance for iOS.
grantedPermissions string[] readonly
isCancelled boolean readonly
token AccessToken readonly

AccessToken class

This class provides the data of a Facebook access token.


Property Type Description
appID string
dataAccessExpirationDate Date readonly
dataAccessExpired boolean readonly
declinedPermissions string[] readonly
expirationDate Date readonly
expired boolean readonly
expiredPermissions string[] readonly
graphDomain string readonly
permissions string[] readonly
refreshDate Date readonly
tokenString string readonly
userID string readonly
currentAccessTokenIsActive boolean readonly
ios FBSDKAccessToken readonly. iOS access token.
android AccessToken readonly. Android access token.


Method Returns
currentAccessToken() AccessToken

To log the user out, call the logOut method.




Name Type Description
appID string
dataAccessExpirationDate Date readonly
dataAccessExpired boolean readonly
declinedPermissions string[] readonly
expirationDate Date readonly
expired boolean readonly
expiredPermissions string[] readonly
graphDomain string readonly
permissions string[] readonly
refreshDate Date readonly
tokenString string readonly
userID string readonly
currentAccessToken() AccessToken A static method that returns an access token.
currentAccessTokenIsActive boolean readonly
ios FBSDKAccessToken readonly. iOS access token.
android AccessToken readonly. Android access token.

LoginResult Class

Name Type Description
android LoginManager readonly. Native instance for Android.
ios FBSDKLoginManager readonly. Native instance for iOS.
grantedPermissions string[] readonly
isCancelled boolean readonly
token AccessToken readonly

LoginManager Class

Name Type/Return Type Description
static init() void Initializes the LoginManager. You should call this method early in the app lifecycle and the best place for that is the main.ts.
static logInWithPermissions(permissions: string[], context?: any) Promise<LoginResult> Opens the login window in the optionally provided context(a UIViewController instance on iOS and an [Activity]( permissions parameter indicates the data about the user the app would like to get from Facebook.
static logout() void Logs out the user.


Apache License Version 2.0