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Frontend SDK reference
Frontend SDK

Trigger authorization flows in your frontend with this SDK. It is available on NPM as @nangohq/frontend.

Instantiate the frontend SDK

import Nango from '@nangohq/frontend';

let nango = new Nango({ publicKey: '<PUBLIC-KEY>' });


Get your public key in the environment settings of the Nango UI. This is key is not sensitive.
  <ResponseField name="host" type="string">
    Omitting the host points to Nango Cloud. For local development, use `http://localhost:3003`. Use your instance URL if self-hosting. 

  <ResponseField name="websocketsPath" type="string">
    For self-hosted instances only to specify a customs path for the WebSocket connection.

  <ResponseField name="width" type="number">
    Specify a specific width for the OAuth authorization modal.

  <ResponseField name="height" type="number">
    Specify a specific height for the OAuth authorization modal.

  <ResponseField name="debug" type="boolean">
    Print additional console logs to debug authorization issues.

Collect & store end-user credentials

You store end-user credentials with the nango.auth method. It creates a connection in Nango.

For OAuth, this will open a modal to let the user log in to their external account.

const result = await nango.auth('<INTEGRATION-ID>', '<CONNECTION-ID>').catch((error) => {

For API key authorization, pass the end-user's previously-collected API key directly in the parameters.

const result = await nango.auth('<INTEGRATION-ID>', '<CONNECTION-ID>', {
    credentials: { apiKey: '<END-USER-API-KEY>' }
}).catch((error) => {

For Basic Auth, pass the end-user's previously-collected username & password in the parameters.

const result = nango.auth('<INTEGRATION-ID>', '<CONNECTION-ID>', {
    credentials: { username: '<END-USER-API-KEY>', password: '<END-USER-PASSWORD>' }
}).catch((error) => {

Parameters The integration ID that you can find in the integration settings on the Nango UI.

The connection ID that you can find in the _Connections_ tab on the Nango UI. Specify additional [connection configuration](/integrate/guides/authorize-an-api#apis-requiring-connection-specific-configuration-for-authorization) necessary to perform the authorization request.
  <ResponseField name="hmac" type="string">
    HMAC key to secure the authorization flow (cf. (instructions)[TODO]).

  <ResponseField name="detectClosedAuthWindow" type="boolean">
    If `true`, `nango.auth()` would fail if the login window is closed before the authorization flow is completed.

  <ResponseField name="authorization_params" type="object">
    For OAuth, specify the query parameters of the authorization URL. 

  <ResponseField name="user_scope" type="string[]">
    For Slack OAuth, specify user-specific scopes. 

  <ResponseField name="credentials" type="object">
    <Expandable title="credentials" defaultOpen>
      <ResponseField name="apiKey" type="string">
        For API key authorization, pass in the user's API key.

      <ResponseField name="username" type="string">
        For Basic authorization, pass in the user's username.

      <ResponseField name="password" type="string">
        For Basic authorization, pass in the user's password.

Success response

The integration ID that you can find in the integration settings on the Nango UI. The connection ID that you can find in the _Connections_ tab on the Nango UI.

Error response The type of error (e.g. 'authorization_cancelled').

  <ResponseField name="message" type="string">
    The detailed error message (e.g. 'Authorization fail: The user has closed the authorization modal before the process was complete.').
**Questions, problems, feedback?** Please reach out in the [Slack community](