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Jad edited this page Jun 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

How to get help

Our Discord server is a great place to go for help. We have a lot of dedicated users who hang out there. However, know these things before entering:

  1. Rule #1: Be Polite and Patient. Talking with experienced users is a privilege, not a right. If you're rude, ignore advice, a dick, mean or just plain unpleasant, you will be kicked.
  2. We all have lives and when you arrive, someone may not answer you right away. Hang around. Someone will help out.
  • If it has been a while (1 hours+) feel free to ask your question again.
  • If no one answers still, it may be best to come back later.
  1. On Discord we like to communicate as quickly as possible to help out as many people as we can. When you enter, simply ask your question. No need for "Hi, can anyone help me?"
  2. If you spam the channel you will be kicked. If you do it again, you will be banned. Simple.

How not to get help

Here is a log that we dug up from when no one was around. If you want to get help, don't do this. If I had been around, these would be my responses:

3:40 AM Would anyone care to lend a hand? <-- Violate #2 above
3:42 AM hello? I need some help? <-- Violate #2 again
3:42 AM no? <-- Don't do this. This makes you look like an impatient 7 year old.
3:43 AM Do any of you give a **** about your plugin?
^^^^^ Yep. We sure do. However, talking like this makes us not want to help you at all. 
^^^^^ If you say this, you're better off leaving the channel and coming back with a different nickname.
3:44 AM HELLO!?! <-- This does not make you louder to us. Just more annoying.
3:44 AM !seen EvilSeph <-- ???
3:44 AM hellp? <-- Still polling for people
3:45 AM hello* <-- More...
3:45 AM ****** hell <-- Profanity makes you look like a dick, as stated earlier.
3:48 AM ok, I'll ask a question and I would like it if someone replies <-- Cool, now we're getting somewhere
3:48 AM how do you change the names of worlds? <-- Awesome. But by now, no one wants to help you.
^^^^^ You've already shown that you're immature and impatient.


Getting Started






Getting Started




Getting Started





Getting Started





Getting Started


A great place to get help is from Multiverse's Discord (Click the logo for invite link):

Multiverse's Discord

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