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Releases: Mudlet/Mudlet

Mudlet 3.10 - even faster, Chinese display, custom log files

09 Jun 13:34
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Faster, better, stronger - Mudlet 3.10 is even quicker in many ways such as saving and loading your profiles, searching through your Lua code, and more. Other new features include custom logs location, Chinese language display, font bundling in packages, and autowrap in Geyser miniconsoles.

What is Mudlet?

It's a game client that you can play multiplayer, pure-text RPGs with - called MUDs, precursors to today's MMORPGs. There are thousands of unique worlds online - download Mudlet for free on Windows/macOS/Linux, join one and enjoy! Map with a custom UI

Welcome Leris!

Volunteers dedicating their quality time is why these releases happen, and we're glad to have a new person on the team - welcome Leris! Aka Kebap and Zaphob. Leris started with Mudlet back in 2012 with this innocent post: His first improvements, of course, were to our documentation :) He's keen to bring Mudlet - and everything involved: website, documentation, forums - to the international community.

Faster Mudlet

vadi2 put in work to make Mudlet quicker - not that it was slow before, we're proud to say that Mudlet is a super-fast MUD client right from the start. Profile loading is snappier now - if a profile made use of many packages or created many miniconsoles, that's been sped up a fair bit. Profile saving is quicker now - and, for the technically curious, not only faster thanks to a better XML serialiser (pugixml) but also async. Searching for aliases/triggers/scripts in the code editor is much quicker, too! We're thinking on ways to make searching your code even quicker, so be on the lookout here.

Custom log files location

AlysCole added a feature where you can choose a custom location for your plain text and color html log files! You can also customise the behavior to use a single continuous log file or daily ones, as well as pick a custom log name.

中国语言显示 / Chinese language display

Mudlets显示现在支持中国! 第一,选择GBK在设置、并随后连接到你的游戏。 Mudlets口仍然只有英文-帮助我们把它翻译. 这消息是翻译的使用计算机:) Mudlets display now supports Chinese! First, choose GBK in Settings: Then connect to your game:

Mudlets interface is still only in English - help us translate it. Thanks to novload and SlySven for their work on this feature / 谢谢你novload和SlySven为他们的工作在这一特征。

Translate Mudlet to your language

The 4.0 goal on our roadmap is to bring Mudlet to the many MUDs out there other than English - and one of the ways to do is that is by translating Mudlets interface. If you know another language, help us translate Mudlet!

Custom fonts in Mudlet packages

Have you made an amazing Mudlet interface that looks just right with that awesome font you found, but nobody else has it? You can now include the font in the .mpackage / .zip file and Mudlet will automatically enable it. This follows the feature in the previous 3.9 release which allows you to use custom fonts in all UI elements - labels, miniconsoles, and userwindows by vadi2.

Autowrap in Geyser miniconsoles

oestrich added support for autowrap in Geyser miniconsoles, so you don't have to set the wrapwidth manually anymore - check out the example.

Keybinding improvements

You can now have multi-match keybindings: if you add two keybindings for Ctrl+F1, and enable the option to match all keybindings, both will match. Additionally, you can bind to plain letters (Q, W, E, ...) now as well.

Infrastructure improvements

We're always improving Mudlet both on the outside and inside. keneanung put a lot of work into our continuous integration infrastructure to make Mudlet builds faster and more resilient to websites breaking (happens surprisingly often). He's also solved the problem that prevented us from upgrading to a newer Qt version - so we can now use Qt 5.9 LTS as well as C++14, an upgrade from Qt 5.6 and C++11. Not satisfied with everything accomplished so far, he didn't just stop there but also added a one-click setup for Windows coders which sets up and builds everything for you! Feedback is: "it [the setup] was awesome. way easier than the hoops I usually have to jump through to get up and running with a random codebase" Curious about contributing to Mudlet? Have a look - Mudlet is a very active, modern open-source project. Stats for release 3.9:


  • added: autowrap feature in Geyser.Miniconsole
  • added: East Asian language support - GBK and GB18030 encodings
  • added: enable Qt 5.9 on Windows/macOS/Linux and enable C++14 features
  • added: get text to translate Mudlet's interface up on Crowdin
  • added: more options for logging: split/single file, custom location, and custom log names
  • added: option to toggle display of ambiguous-width characters
  • added: Mudlet packages can now have custom fonts
  • fixed: blank changelog on upgrade
  • fixed: don't crash when clicking on the X= icon in variables view
  • fixed: don't lose unsaved trigger you're making in the editor if you use perm*Trigger
  • fixed: GUI auto-upgrade from the game showed version numbers backwards
  • fixed: tempComplexRegexTrigger's foreground and background arguments didn't work right
  • fixed: room exits dialog on macOS didn't visually show 'Save' button as enabled
  • improved: setBackgroundColor() can now change background of the main window
  • improved: calcFontSize() can now take a window parameter to support custom miniconsole fonts
  • improved: cleaned up documentation in Mudlet's code and linked it to the wiki
  • improved: disable Geyser.MiniConsole scrollbar if you've previously enabled it in the constructor and then took it out
  • improved: getFont() now reports actual font that was used, not the one you set it to, in case you don't really have that font to use
  • improved: improve performance and don't raise telnet EOR events (just like GA and you are better off with a prompt trigger)
  • improved: made profiles save faster
  • improved: made profiles that create miniconsoles load faster
  • improved: made profiles with many packages/modules load faster
  • improved: made searching in code editor faster
  • improved: modernized Mudlet's C++ code (auto, nullptr, empty(), trivial constructors, no ineffective const, ranged for)
  • improved: you can now make keybindings with plain letters (ie A, B, C)
  • infrastructure: faster continuous integration builds
  • infrastructure: more resilient continuous integration builds


Thanks to AlysCole, basooza, hallor, Kebap, keneanung, novload, oestrich, SlySven, and vadi2 for making Mudlet 3.10 possible.

Mudlet 3.9.0 - custom fonts in miniconsoles

06 May 17:25
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May is here, and a new Mudlet is here!

Latency spikes

If you Mudlet on Windows with wifi, and you've had occasional spikes of lag - it could have been caused by Mudlet. This release fixes it! If you're still getting lag after upgrading, then it's something else 🙁 Thanks to bbailey for finding the issue and figuring it out.

Small toolbars are back

Like your icons small? SlySven made them now available again!

Code formatter fixed for 'goto'

If you have a variable named 'goto' and format code, the formatting wouldn't work and the code would be cut off. Keneanung fixed this! However, 'goto' is used by the next version of Lua, so do not use it and rename any existing code that uses it since it won't work in the future.

Custom fonts in miniconsoles and userwindows

setFont() and getFont() are here! You can now use them to change the font in a miniconsole or a userwindow from the default Bistream Vera Sans Mono. Credit to Vadi.

New function: creplaceLine()

It's like replaceLine(), but with colours! Example:

creplaceLine("[ALERT!]: "..line)

Klendathu added that one in. Got a handy function you think will benefit from being in Mudlet? Get in touch!

New function: getEpoch()

This one returns seconds since unix epoch with milliseconds (e.g. 1523555867.191). Thanks to salcedo for adding it in!

Behind the scenes

Keneanung has put in a ton of work updating all of the 3rd party open-source libraries Mudlet is built on, ensuring we're using the latest and greatest stuff :)


  • fixed replaceAll() failing if the length of the replaced string and the replacement string significantly differ (thanks YoureWaifuABest, keneanung, Vadi)
  • Mudlet builds with the updater disabled fixed (thanks Faenriis)


Thanks to bbailey, Faenriis, keneanung, Klendathu, salcedo, SlySven, Vadi, and YoureWaifuABest for making this release of Mudlet possible :)

Mudlet 3.8.1

10 Apr 15:48
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Hi all! Mudlet 3.8.1 is a quick release to fix the app so it can start again on Linux. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Mudlet 3.8.0: more improvements for internationalization and multiplaying!

08 Apr 12:26
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Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere and so is a new Mudlet release!

Map improvements

SlySven has put a fair bit of improvements into the 2D map: In/out/up/down exits now look a lot better and play nicer with the room symbols. Speaking of room symbols, you can now set them to Unicode characters or entire words!

New Default MUDs

We're placed to announce the addition of two awesome MUDs to the connection tab: Luminari and Reinos de Leyenda! Luminari MUD has a cool Mudlet UI + automapper setup, check it out.

Luminari is a deep, engaging game set in the world of the Luminari - A place where magic is entwined with the fabric of reality and the forces of evil and destruction are rising from a long slumber to again wreak havoc on the realm. The gameplay of Luminari will be familiar to anyone who has played Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or any of the many RPG systems based on the d20 ruleset. With over thirty thousand rooms and an expansive wilderness, you will never run out of places to explore. While exploring, gather resources and use them to craft interesting, unique and powerful items for use in combat and role-play.

Reinos de Leyenda is an awesome Spanish-speaking MUD that is fully supported with Mudlet 3.8.0!

Realms of Legend is an online role-playing game in Spanish completely free. It has no requirements, it is accessible and multiplatform; The online multiplayer game to live the experience closest to the real RPG! The game tells the story of Eirea, a fantastic world where the gods fight among themselves for total control of the Material Foreground using heroes, like you, as their tools. The game in text mode will make you immerse yourself in the game in a way that you had never thought before and will allow you to interact with your characters as you have never done before; In addition, its nature makes it a multiplayer game that can also be played blind. Enter the world and create your character! You can personalize it among dozens of races, classes, religions, citizenships and trades. Leave your mark on the Realms of Legend!

Triggers and aliases for other languages

Mudlet triggers, aliases, and the variables tab now work with non-English languages! There's still more work to do, such as getting text selection working right, but we're making steady progress on the goal for 4.0.

Multiplaying improvements

You can now use : to have all open profiles do the same command! For example, doing :hello or :follow bob will have all of your characters send "hello" and "follow bob", respectively. Try this out with a new profile, and to enable this on existing profiles, install this script.

Detailed changelog

See below for the complete list of improvements:

  • added: a : alias to send text to all open profiles for multiplaying. For example, doing :hello will make all open profiles send "hello"
  • added: a way to restore the menubar in case you hide both the buttons and the bar by accident - right-click on the main window
  • added: command-line arguments for mudlet.exe on Windows
  • added: GBK/GB18030 text decoder for Chinese locales
  • added: Luminari as a default MUD
  • added: Reinos de Leyenda as a default MUD
  • added: TrueColour (16 million) colour support added
  • added: Ubuntu Mono font included by default
  • fixed: 'Close' button on the 'no mapper script' dialog to work again
  • fixed: code formatter to work on Linux
  • fixed: room letter markers not showing up on the map sometimes
  • fixed: Save button to work when you change the 'out' exit for the room exits dialog
  • fixed: Variables tab turning booleans (true/false variables) into string (literally text of "true" and "false") when viewing a variable
  • improved: getOS() will now return freebsd if running on that platfrom, as well as the correct text for other platforms
  • improved: look of up/down/in/out exits in the 2D map
  • improved: packages can now have international names
  • improved: room symbols on the map - you can now set it to be text or any Unicode! For example, try setting a 🌲 on a room
  • improved: shift+special keypad keys to be capturable, like Shift+NumLock
  • improved: will now return nil + message in case the file can't be saved
  • improved: tabs of other profiles will now be bolded if new text comes from the game or your scripts
  • improved: triggers and aliases now work with international languages
  • improved: Variables tab can now handle international languages

Big thanks to Ansrare, jason-johnson, keneanung, KitchenMUD, kurumushi, SlySven, termie, and WackyWormer for making this release possible!

Mudlet 3.7.0: colour triggers fixed, default profiles can be deleted

23 Dec 10:54
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Surprise release! Consider this a Christmas present. We found an important bug with the colour triggers and we've fixed it promptly for you, plus added a ton of other goodies! As you can see, Mudlet is a team effort, a collaboration of many people. Looking to learn something new for Christmas? Join in, everyone is welcome to help make playing MUDs more awesome!

Colour triggers wipe bug fixed

With the inclusion of a prompt trigger type, colour triggers were unintentionally getting wiped when you selected them - no more, SlySven has fixed this.

Default profiles can now be deleted

Not interested in all of the games? You can now remove them! vadi2 added this and Ansrare complemented it by setting the input focus to the profile name field, speeding up the process.

mudlet-data symlink

Mudlet now create the mudlet-data link from your home folder to your profiles just once. If you don't like it - you can delete it, and Mudlet will not re-create it again like it did before. Thanks to Lyle-Tafoya for adding this!

getColumnCount() and getRowCount() added

hluaces needed to know many letters can fit column and row-wise in the main window or a miniconsole for his MUD - so he added two new functions for that! If you'd like to see improvements in Mudlet for your game as well, feel free to take a stab at it.

Events now support functions and tables

You can now pass functions and tables through Mudlets event system! This means that all of Lua's datatypes are now supported. WackyWormer implemented this very efficiently, so even passing through a Geyser widget as an argument is OK.

require() your custom code

gilmoa added improvements which make require() work with your Mudlet packages! Should you have some custom Lua code you'd like to load, see here on how can you get it in. No longer do you need to mess with the package.path yourself.

moveWindow() and resizeWindow() for userwindows

Thanks to itsTheFae's additions, you are now able to move around and resize the userwindows: the ones that can pop out of Mudlet.

Linux packagers: disable updater variable added

SlySven updated our cmake and qmake files and you can now use export WITH_UPDATER="no" to disable the built-in updater in your Linux builds. Additionally, note that 3rdparty/lua_code_formatter has been renamed to 3rdparty/lcf.

Miscallaneous improvements

  • Mudlet will properly quit again if the Debug console was open (SlySven)
  • fixed automatic updates to be saved right if you opened settings without any profiles open (SlySven)
  • fixed font size to be saved correctly (Lyle-Tafoya)
  • fixed the changelog not to show up during development (vadi2)
  • fixed updater window to look properly on dark themes (pentacent)
  • fixed setBold, setItalic, setUnderline() to properly work on miniconsoles and userwindows (vadi2)
  • improved ansi2decho for ANSI bold (hluaces)
  • fixed error messages in setTextFormat (SlySven)
  • fixed Windows install image to be proper size (vadi2)
  • fixed setLabelClickCallback and raiseEvent() to be able to work together (WackyWormer)

Mudlet 3.6.1 – copy/paste bug from 3.6 fixed

06 Dec 06:42
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A quick bugfix update to 3.6.0, which was a great release but broke copy/paste. No more! We have promptly fixed this in 3.6.1.

If you have multiple Mudlet versions or the wrong one is launching, uninstall them all and install just 3.6.1. This is due to us switching to a better installer which you’ll notice is much, much quicker. All of your profiles will stay!

Mudlet 3.6.0 – code beautifier, search online, prompt trigger type, more UI customisation

03 Dec 21:29
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In what is the 10th big update this year, Mudlet 3.6 is here! This update is awesome and includes a ton of new features. Update your Mudlet and check 'em out below. Happy Holidays! 🎇

Code beautifier

It's 2017! We have now the technology to turn your ugly code into less ugly code. Amazing!
@vadi2 integrated @martin-eden's Lua formatter to make this magic happen.

Clicking on the mapper

@WackyWormer got fed up with not being able to click on the mapper when there's a label under it and fixed it! You can now interact with the mapper the same way you can with the pop-out version.

Signed macOS updates

Mudlet on macOS is now signed, so you can just double-click on Mudlet to launch it now: Windows updates will be signed in the next release as well - we're working on that. Big thanks to the folks over at Iron Realms for stepping up to help us with the funds for this when we put out a call for help in our previous update - we at Mudlet appreciate this. Check out what IRE is about below:

Like what we're doing? Contribute to the project to help us cover the costs of running it!

Wizard-less installation

Wizards are gone - Mudlet now installs a lot quicker and without a lot of clicks to go through! Because it's a new way of installing, you'll want to manually uninstall all of the previous Mudlets else you'll have a few copies of them around.

Search on Google

Don't know what that fancy word you saw in the game means? Look it up!

Same goes for code. Got a confusing error message? Select, right-click, Google.

DuckDuckGo and Bing are available as search engines alternatives. Props to @gilmoa for adding this feature!

Select all right-click option

Quickly select all text for copying with this handy right-click option added by @WackyWormer.

New features for UI makers

@WackyWormer went on a spree to beef up Mudlets UI customisation ability and added scrollbars to miniconsoles!

They're off by default as they were before, and you can enable them with enableScrollBar(). There are also new functions to allow more interactivity with labels: setLabelReleaseCallback(), setLabelDoubleClickCallback(), setLabelMoveCallback(), and setLabelWheelCallback(). All of these functions as well as the existing setLabelClickCallback() and setLabelReleaseCallback() functions will receive an additional table as an argument detailing the x,y coordinates of the mouse, what other buttons are pressed at the time, and more. Check out the new possibilities!

New prompt trigger type

vadi2 added an easier way to make prompt triggers: you can now match on the prompt just by selecting prompt from the dropdown!

This is lot faster than the Lua way of doing return isPrompt(), so if you've got those triggers - update your system for a speedup! There is also a corresponding tempLineTrigger() function available.

Built-in updates

Mudlet can now update itself! Starting with the next update - so not this one - it'll be able to upgrade to the new version. This'll make it easier to stay up to date with the new features, and it'll make it easier to write scripts as more people will have the modern version.

In case you missed it...

You can change themes in the editor! Just go to the preferences section:

Multi-cursor editing is a thing as well. If you're typing with 3 cursors at once, you are obviously thrice as productive:

And you can copy/paste aliases/triggers!


  • added 'select all' right-click option
  • added a Lua code formatter right-click option
  • added a right-click option to search online
  • added enableScrollBar(), disableScrollBar() to show scrollbars in miniconsoles
  • added new types of callbacks for UI builders: setLabelDoubleClickCallback(), setLabelMoveCallback(), and setLabelWheelCallback()
  • added prompt type trigger
  • added self-updating feature to Mudlet
  • added setButtonStyleSheet() to customise the look of buttons from code
  • added timeframe() function to make variables toggles quickly
  • enabled preferences to be open when no profile is yet open
  • fixed crash when dragging floating windows around
  • fixed mapper clicks to work when labels are under it
  • fixed Mudlet buttons names to be unique, so you can customise them
  • improved error messages on setMiniConsoleFontSize()
  • improved setClickCallback and setReleaseCallback to fire on any button, not just the left. Currently pressed buttons also get passed as arguments
  • various improvements under the hood

Big thanks to 12thPower, develop-build, gilmoa, itsTheFae, keneanung, macjabeth, moonpatroller, Rajiv2605, SlySven, vadi2, and WackyWormer for making this release happen. Mudlet's code is free and open - if you're ever curious about tinkering with it, we can show you the ropes!

Mudlet 3.5.0 - new website, toggle search, copy/paste triggers and aliases

15 Oct 13:06
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It's autumn, we're back from summer vacation and have been adding more features into Mudlet for you!

New website!

Completely redesigned, is now a brand new website. As we'd love for more people to get into MUD gaming, having a modern website is a necessary foundation for that. Go check it out, we'd love to hear your feedback. Big thanks to itsTheFae and vadi2 for the work!

Copy/paste aliases/triggers/etc

You can now duplicate in your own profile, or across profiles, with copy/paste as you'd expect to:

Credits to dicene and vadi2 for making this happen!

Toggle search buttons with Alt+L

With the toolbar enabled:

You can now use Alt+L or Toolbox > Compact input line:

Deregister events

You can now deregister event handlers created with registerAnonymousEventHandler() using killAnonymousEventHandler() - or even just register temporary event handlers that expire after matching a certain condition. Big thanks to keneanung for adding this feature!

Use functions & lambdas more

registerAnonymousEventHandler(), tempTrigger(), tempColorTrigger(), tempLineTrigger(), tempComplexRegexTrigger(), tempRegexTrigger(), tempBeginOfLineTrigger(), and tempExactMatchTrigger() now all can accept Lua functions in addition to code in [[]]'s after the efforts of keneanung and vadi2. Compare the target highlight trigger how you had to write before: Mudlet target trigger using [[]] With how you can write it now: Mudlet target trigger using function() For a start, you don't have to get lost in the sea of [[]]'s and syntax highlighting works fine. You can also pass the function name as-is:

registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Items.Update", inventoryUpdate)

This is handy in a whole lot of cases - you no longer have you expose your internal functions publicly if you'd like them to trigger on something; this advanced example is now possible:

local name = "Bob"
local function example()
  print("Name variable is: "
tempTrigger("some text", example)

Having the local keyword in here was not something previously possible.

Search crash fixed

A pretty seldom one, but one that would happen nonetheless - Mudlet could crash when you searched for something in the buffer. This one was pretty hard to track down, but we believe we've found it - so if you've ever had it happen, upgrade!

Double prompt logging fixed

Built-in logging would be logging the prompt twice - that's been fixed now, and logging works as expected.

Editor bug notifications

When you had a bug in your code, fixed it, and saved - the notification wouldn't always go away. The bug in the code bugs notification has been squashed! Thanks to vadi2 for digging into this, logging, and the search crash.

Windows preview builds

A lot of work goes behind the scenes to make Mudlet better. Thanks to keneanung's efforts, we now can do preview builds for Windows in addition to the existing macOS and Linux builds. Helping us test new features is one way you could help Mudlet improve and now you can test from any computer!

We could use your help

Have you been using Mudlet for a while? We could use your help in several areas. macOS users! We have to pay money rid of this thing:

Windows requires similar:

We don't charge for Mudlet, so you can see an obvious problem there - a code signing certificate over a hundred bucks a year. Help us out, visit the contributing page. Code-wise, Mudlet is participating in Hacktoberfest - help contribute to the open project and get a limited edition T-shirt! We're also looking at revamping our Windows installer so it's not a series of "next next next" buttons to be as streamlined as possible - as part of this, we're looking for an install animation to play while things are getting setup. If you've got skills this area, help us out!


  • addedWindows preview builds
  • added ability to toggle search buttons with Alt+L
  • added ability to use functions and lambdas for tempTrigger(), tempColorTrigger(), tempLineTrigger(), tempComplexRegexTrigger(), tempRegexTrigger(), tempBeginOfLineTrigger(), and tempExactMatchTrigger()
  • added killAnonymousEventHandler()
  • enabled copy/paste of aliases/triggers/etc
  • fixed "Copy map to other profile(s)" crashing
  • fixed bad code notifications to go away when you save with Ctrl+S
  • fixed crash that could happen if you deleted a trigger/alias/etc and then tried to view in Preferences > code preview
  • fixed expandAlias("command", nil) to work
  • fixed logging not to log the prompt twice
  • fixed Mudlet crashing sometimes (pretty seldomly) when you used the search
  • fixed mudlet-lua shortcut to be a proper shortcut on Windows
  • fixed small inconsistency in error message display between the error view and main display
  • fixed windows link to work
  • improved event names, trigger/alias/etc to now be trimmed of spaces when saving
  • improved Mudlet icon resolution on Ubuntu
  • improved: registerAnonymousEventHandler now allows you to register functions and lambdas
  • new mudlet website!
  • added object names to buttons on the toolbar so setAppStyleSheet() can target them
  • enabled Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Insert shotcuts in the code editor


Big thanks to dicene, gilmoa, keneanung, mehakun, SlySven, itsTheFae, and vadi2 for making this release happen!

Mudlet 3.4 - various improvements

07 Aug 12:59
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Change font size in userwindows

itsTheFae added the ability to change the font size in userwindows - and additionally miniconsoles or the main window - with setFontSize():

getFontSize() is also available to retrieve the current font size.

Case-sensitive search

You can now enable the case-sensitive search when searching in the editor thanks to the veteran Mudlet contributor SlySven.

Clicking on a search result will now actually focus on the search result itself now, be it whenever inside a script, a trigger pattern, or - new for 3.4 - the event handler the script is for. Previously, it search would just take you to the right item but not show you where exactly it was. Additionally, a clear button has been added to unhighlight all search results:

1-50 trigger patterns per trigger

The display has been tweaked slightly and the patterns are numbered from 1-50 instead of 0-49 as you'd normally expect when counting things:

Improved timer and variables layout

SlySven has also improved the look'n'feel of the script editor, organising the timer and variables layouts: As well as aligning trigger/alias/script/etc's name to be consistenylu called "Name" and a plain command to send as "Command":

Fixed a crash with installModule()

If you opened and closed the modules dialog and then called installModule() from a script, Mudlet would crash - this is now fixed thanks to SlySven.

Geyser gauges improved

demonnic brought Geyser's gauges into alignment with createGauge() , text in set on a gauge will always stay centered now.

Linux AppImage fixed for Debian

We've fixed the AppImages to extract correctly on Debian OS.

Ctrl+/ to toggle commenting

You can now use the Ctrl+/ shortcut to toggle commenting in the code editor thanks to the work by gamecreature:

Normal cursor on the profiles window

When you launched Mudlet and didn't have any profiles enabled to autoconect, the profiles window came up - but the cursor was stuck in the 'loading' state. This has been fixed up by vadi2.

Multiple MSDP arrays inside an array fixed

Following a tip-off on the forums, keneanung fixed a case where Mudlet wouldn't properly multiple MSDP arrays inside another array.

Code quality improvements

Mudlet now uses the C++11 nullptr keyword all throughout the codebase and several Qt conventions are now better followed.

Compiling Mudlet on Windows

vadi2 released a video walkthrough of getting setup with developing Mudlet on Windows. Mudlet is a project made by people like you & me - and it all starts with getting the code, making Mudlet run, making a tweak and seeing what you break! We encourage you to have a go at messing around with Mudlet - any improvements, big or small, would make this free and open project better :)

New editor

Don't forget, the previous release introduced a new editor that has 300+ skins, allows for easier indenting, and has multi-cursor selection! If you haven't updated to a newer Mudlet already, now's the time to do so.


Thanks to demonnickaekeneanungSlySven, and vadi2 for making this update!

Mudlet 3.3.1 - new code editor, new IRC, and utf8 in Lua support!

08 Jul 06:48
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A new Mudlet 3.3.1 is here! This release brings in a whole new editor for Lua code, a completely revamped IRC window, and utf8 in Lua!

New editor

The edbee code editor made by @gamecreature has been added to Mudlet by @tomcss! This completely replaces the old editor and offers new features like multi-caret editing, line numbers, and shortcuts:

These are the currently available shortcuts - we'll be working on enabling more:
If you're familiar with Sublime Text or TextMate, Mudlet now supports all 350+ themes available! edbee's theming support has also been enabled by @vadi2, go to Profile Preferences - Editor to set them:

Remember that you can also install dark themes for Mudlet itself and also make your own!

Revamped IRC

Thanks to the work of @itsTheFae, the IRC functionality has been completely revamped and is now a lot more powerful:

It is now possible to join multiple channels, set your own default channel, /msg users and more. Check Profile Preferences - Special Settings for options:

The documentation lists out all of the new available /commands. A lot of IRC functions have been added for scripting as well: getIrcNick(), getIrcServer(), getIrcChannels(), getIrcConnectedHost(), setIrcNick(), setIrcServer(), setIrcChannels(), restartIrc().

Statusbar in the main window gone

We've removed the statusbar in the main window now that it has served its purpose! The original idea was to guide people towards opening the Connections dialog - that opens up automatically now, and showing descriptions for the mapper's right-click menu - tooltips are used for those instead.

Infrastructure upgrade

@Kae and @demonnic got their hands dirty and completely upgraded Mudlets infrastructure: the wiki and forums are the latest version, and HTTPS support (green lock) has been enabled everywhere! Thanks to this, the wiki registration is now openly available and we can spend more time improving Mudlet rather than banning spambots on the forums. Syntax highlighting on forums and wiki has also been aligned with Mudlets own so it is consistent everywhere.

Wiki improvements

@Kebap has been spending a lot of time improving Mudlets wiki recently, doing everything from formatting to documenting new - and old that we've missed - functionality. Appreciate all the help!

Multi-language progress

We've continued with the vision of making work with many languages and added a Lua utf8 library in 3.3, which allows you to work with non-English text in Lua: Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and so on. See documentation for more.

Windows - coroutines and tempKey

mudlet.supports.coroutines and the new key-related functions (tempKey, permKey) didn't work as advertised in the last Windows release - this has been fixed.

Modern C++11

The so-called MC++ is used in developing Mudlet - if you haven't checked up on C++ in the last decade, here are some of the highlights of what is now available: auto, lambdas, and more. C++ is the language that powers many game engines (Cryengine, Unreal Engine), browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox), and a lot of other things you're using. If you're curious to get started, try your hand with editing Mudlet!

Map load improvements

The map data is now loaded by default again when the profile is opened, so you don't have to open the map to get your scripts to work. There'll also now just be one loading messages should everything go okay.

What happened to 3.3?

You might've noticed we skipped from 3.2 to 3.3.1 - 3.3 didn't work out and we had to cancel it. We've learnt our lesson and will ensure it doesn't happen again in the future - sorry about that :)


Mudlet is made by people like you and me spending their free to make it better for you! Big thanks to demonnic, Fae, Ian Adkins, Kebap, keneanung, Stephen Lyons, Tom Scheper, and Vadim Peretokin for contributing bigtime to this release :)


  • added a Code of Conduct per best open-source practices
  • added getIrcNick(), getIrcServer(), getIrcChannels(), getIrcConnectedHost(), setIrcNick(), setIrcServer(), setIrcChannels(), restartIrc()
  • added indenting shortcut to editor (Ctrl+[, Ctrl+])
  • added languages / area affected by the encoding name in preferences
  • added line numbers to editor
  • added multi-caret selection (try Ctrl+click and Ctrl+Alt+Up / Down, see more)
  • added shortcut to delete a trigger/alias/etc - press 'Del'. You can also save with Ctrl+S and save profile with Ctrl+Shift+S
  • added theme switching to new code editor
  • added utf8.* family of functions to work with Unicode
  • fixed 'reset map colors' button in settings to work
  • fixed a possible off-by-one error in linewrapping
  • fixed blank command separator not to split everything by letter
  • fixed button being left behind when parent toolbar is deleted.
  • fixed buttons not to render unless they are part of a group
  • fixed change detection for location, orientation, and CSS data in toolbars
  • fixed getMapEvents() to work
  • fixed Geyser typo 'setreleaseCallback' causing errors
  • fixed map not loading on profile load anymore
  • fixed mudlet.supports.coroutines, mudlet.keymodifer, mudlet.keys to be present in Windows version
  • fixed multi-line comments in editor
  • fixed some MXP-related code not to run if MXP is disabled in settings
  • fixed userwindow layout to save when profiles are set to auto-save
  • fixed setTextFormat() to work with other windows than "main"
  • improved code editor, replaced with a completely new one: supports themes, multiple carets, and more
  • improved error messages in sendIrc()
  • improved Lua locale to be set to C so scripts can be consistent across computers with different languages
  • improved map load output to be less verbose in case everything is fine
  • improved massively IRC window - now has command history, many new IRC commands (list) higlights on errors, and many new Lua functions
  • improved the rest of source code formatting; all of Mudlet's C++ code can now be easily formatted with clang-format
  • improved all Mudlet infrastructure - website, forums, and wiki to run on HTTPS
  • removed main window statusbar
  • renamed to so we can tell it apart
  • updated all sourceforge links