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Modern JS Architecture

As JavaScript moves at breakneck speeds, this section can at any time fall behind. By the time you finish reading this sentence, we might already be on Webpack version 8 and Angular 19.

At the time of this writing, Webpack's latest major version is v4. React's latest version is v0.16.7 Angular's latest version is v7.0.2

While stated earlier that the non-coding chatter will be kept to a minimum, this chapter is all about concepts, architecture, and tooling for any size development team. This particular chapter will be focused as a short lecture/discussion about how modern JavaScript tools are set up from scratch.

There's lots of subjectivity and strong opinions on this particular subject, so please take these suggestions with a grain of salt. Some people prefer stylus over Sass, and others might like pug or jade over handlebars, and those are totally valid opinions.

There's 3 major aspects of a modern front end system:

  1. Task runners / Automation tasks
  2. Bundler or Build System
  3. Framework

Task runners

Back in the ancient JavaScript civilizations of 2013, brave tribes of developers used grunt to start automating repetitive and menial tasks.

With the advent of Node.js, there were more and more tools that started appearing in the JavaScript ecosystem. We were able to use the command line to:

  • Minify/Uglify our JS code
  • Use a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less.
  • Start a small Express.js server for local development.

Since grunt worked directly with the command line, all of these tasks went from long complicated shell scripts to:

grunt serve


grunt uglify

Naturally, more tooling with grunt happened, and more modules were created to support this new ecosystem. Tasks could run concurrently. Development servers could auto-reload whenever a file change was detected. Everything was moving so quickly and efficiently so that us developers could do what we're paid to do faster: ship code.

Now all we had to do was type grunt build and JS would be uglified, Sass/Less code would be compiled to css, and we'd get a picture perfect performant web application in a convenient folder, ready to grunt deploy onto whatever service we wanted.

A group of JavaScript developers one day got together and said, "I wished grunt could do ... and have more customization...".

And so, gulp was created and also named after a bodily function.

The customizations within gulp were far more modular and reusable; being much easier to test and use. The main difference was that gulp's configuration allowed developers to write simple functions to do tasks, and not embed commands deeply inside one gigantic gruntfile.

And so, all new projects and boilerplates began to move away from grunt, everyone started using gulp, and everyone was happy.

Except not really because JavaScript developers always want to build new things and make fun of bag on everything that's at least a month old. Developers started making a million and a half task runners with food names because they ran out of bodily functions to name things after. We had a new world of task runners appear like Brunch and Broccoli and Duo and Rollup and many, many more. I don't know what a Duo is, but if it's ice cream? Sure. I'll eat it.

All Joking aside, tools like grunt and gulp are still widely used to this day, and knowing at least one is great. I'd recommend getting your feet wet with gulp and its large ecosystem of excellent plugins and tools, as in my personal experience, it's easier to configure and pick up.

In today's modern JavaScript development environments, the Task runner and Bundler are typically combined into a single tool. We'll talk a little bit more about this later.

Bundlers and Build Systems

There's 3 main build systems that are of major popularity in JavaScript. They are:

  1. Webpack
  2. Rollup
  3. Parcel

Take note that all three of these tools have some task runner/ task automation capabilities.

These tools, while extremely powerful, can also be frustrating to set up.

Bundlers in a Nutshell

Many times, developers have an idea of what bundlers and build systems do, but don't really understand what's truly happening under the hood. It's not 100% necessary to understand absolutely everything that's occurring underneath the simple commands and tooling, but having a general idea is much better than having no idea at all.

The bundler configuration usually has what's called an entry point. This is the one, single file that loads or builds the whole application from the get go.

In a React or Angular project, this is the top level React component like app.js, or a main.ts file for Angular projects.

The bundler will look for Node.js require() calls, or Babel import statements in the entry point, and will go through the files they point to, and find those require() and/or import statements. This will continue recursively until the bundler creates a manifest of what module is dependent on what, and all of the moving parts of an application.

After creating the manifest, it grabs all of the files and compiles them all to a single script.js or bundle.js file, that's meant to be loaded in a web browser through your standard <script> tag.

This one single script.js or bundle.js file contains all the node_modules, React Components, and Angular directives/models/controllers/views in the single file.

During this build process, each bundler has their own levels of configuration that can allow for certain files that have been imported or require'd to be complied in their own special way.

For example:

  • Every scss file needs to be compiled to css.
  • All the css loaded into the program needs to be extracted into its own single css stylesheet as a separate file from bundle.js
  • Ignore all files that end with the .example file extension.

Depending on the size of the application, these build tools have been optimized and heavily tested by the open source community to be extremely fast and reliable if used correctly.

Learning a build system can be intimidating, and many developers who haven't set up projects from total scratch can get very lost. Once the build system is set up correctly and done well, it rarely needs to be touched or modified. This means that many developers already come into a project with all the architecture and build systems and task runners already set up, and this is just something they won't need to really learn on the job.

Personally speaking here, I find learning how to configure build systems extremely rewarding because it allows me to tweak it in ways to help benefit my team to get work done quicker. Most importantly, it allows me to have a richer and deeper understanding of my shipped code. I know where things can be improved, and where the build system can handle things without worry or flaws.

Learning to set up a build system

For quick and easy setups with common components and pieces like React and TypeScript, I recommend using Parcel.

To my knowledge, Parcel is a configuration-free build system and Webpack has a tendency to be significantly more complicated and difficult to set up. For those just learning JavaScript, and don't have as much hands-on experience, Webpack can be intimidating and difficult.

All Parcel needs is an HTML file and in just a few milliseconds, it bundles and builds your application for you, auto-configuring itself to suit your needs. Great!

However, after so long and needing new tools, Parcel can only go so far.

My recommendation is to learn Webpack because of its rich features and customization, along with quick build times and excellent open source support, it can be configured to do just about anything.

However, Webpack is a big and open ecosystem that has lots of moving parts that require hours of dedication and trial and error to truly understand, and is out of the scope of the purpose of this book. I recommend going to to learn how to use and configure Webpack. There will definitely be headaches and learning curves, but after learning how it all works, I guarantee you will come out a much stronger developer.

Rollup is another fine choice for a bundler and build system. As long as you know either Webpack or Rollup, you'll be well on your way to mastering Javascript and front end architecture.

Learning Webpack

If Parcel isn't cutting it for you and you'd like to use more tools in the JavaScript ecosystem (e.g. flow instead of Typescript), Setting up Webpack, while frustrating at times, is an extremely valuable skill to have, and knowing what happens under the hood will make your skills and expertise as an engineer much more valuable.

Webpack was meant to be used for Single Page Applications, or SPAs for short. Setting up architecture for a single page application with Webpack is simple compared to an project with multiple pages and entry points.


As of this writing, there are 3 major JavaScript frameworks:

  1. Angular
  2. Vue.js
  3. React (not really a "framework." More on this later)

Each of these frameworks has their own positives and negatives, and there isn't a one size fits all solution.

All three of these tools are extremely mature, and have been battle tested in production environments in tech and non-tech companies and products.

Which Framework Should I Learn?

If you know zero out of three frameworks, Learn any of them. It really doesn't matter.

Frameworks keep the UI state in sync with what's happening server side. Angular, Vue,js, and React are all battle tested tools to do this. While each has their own unique approach with their own positives and negatives, the end goal is still the same - Sync UI state with server.