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Complex Data Types


Consider a straightforward JavaScript Object:

const Person = {
  name: 'Sheryl',
  occupation: 'Programmer',
  id: 18
};; // => 'Sheryl'
Person.occupation; // => 'Programmer'; // => 18

// Or you can do this:
Person['name']; // => 'Sheryl'
Person['occupation']; // => 'Programmer'
Person['id']; // => 18

Objects are containers for named values (properties), sometimes referred to as key/value pairs. Names are always stored as strings, but values can be any type, including objects.

Objects don't keep an order of their properties. If you need to maintain a certain order of values, then use an Array.

You can access properties through dot syntax or bracket syntax.

const Person = {};

// Dot Syntax = 'Sheryl';

// Bracket Syntax
Person['occupation'] = 'Programmer';

// 'occupation' doesn't have to be a plain string. It can be a variable that's holding a string value
const myKey = 'id';
Person[myKey] = 18;

console.log(Person); // => {name: "Sheryl", occupation: "Programmer", id: 18}

A new concept that's becoming more popular is declaring an object's keys dynamically using a combination of bracket and curly brace syntax. It looks a little bit like this:

const key = 'myKey';

const dynamicObject = {
  [key]: 'myValue'

console.log(dynamicObject.myKey); // => 'myValue'
console.log(dynamicObject[key]); // => 'myValue'


Arrays are ordered values that start at an index of 0. Arrays can store any type, including arrays and objects.

const MyArray = ['hello', 3, true, 'Jeff', { name: 'Sheryl' }, [0, 1, 2, 3, 'hello']];

MyArray[0]; // => 'hello'
MyArray[4]; // => { name: 'Sheryl' }
MyArray[5]; // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 'hello']

Map and WeakMap

Map objects create a traditional get and set interface around data stored in key/value pairs.

const MyMap = new Map();

MyMap.set('name', 'Sheryl');
MyMap.set('occupation', 'Programmer');
MyMap.set('id', 18);

MyMap.get('name'); // => 'Sheryl'
MyMap.get('occupation'); // => 'Programmer'
MyMap.get('id'); // => 18

When you're constructing a Map, you can pass in an Iterable, like an Array, and it'll create key value pairs based on the object or array you pass in.

const OrderMap = new Map([

// All the 'keys' will be indexes from the array
OrderMap.get(0); // => 'Welcome'
OrderMap.get(3); // => 'life'
OrderMap.get('whatev'); // => undefined

If you use Object.entries(), you can actually convert an Object to a Map pretty easily:

const Person = {
  name: 'Sheryl',
  occupation: 'Programmer',
  id: 18

// Creates the same map in the previous example
const PersonMap = new Map(Object.entries(Person));

PersonMap.get('name'); // => 'Sheryl'
PersonMap.get('occupation'); // => 'Programmer'
PersonMap.get('id'); // => 18

Just like with an object, you can iterate over a Map

const Person = {
  name: 'Sheryl',
  occupation: 'Programmer',
  id: 18

// Iterating over an object
for (let key in Person) {
  console.log(Person[key]); // 'Sheryl, 'Programmer', 18 - but not guaranteed in that order!

// Iterating over a Map
const PersonMap = new Map(Object.entries(Person));

// You can iterate with the built-in #forEach
PersonMap.forEach( (key, value) => {
  console.log(key, value); // => 'name', 'Sheryl', 'occupation', 'Programmer', 'id', 18

// Or you can use a for-of loop
for (let [ key, value ] of PersonMap) {
  console.log(key, value); // => 'name', 'Sheryl', 'occupation', 'Programmer', 'id', 18

// If you only need keys or values, you can use for-of with the .keys() or .values() methods
for (let key of PersonMap.keys()) {
  console.log(key); // => 'name', 'occupation', 'id'

for (let value of PersonMap.values()) {
  console.log(value); // => 'Sheryl', 'Programmer', 18

Think of Map like an enhanced object. Unlike an object, you can find out how many key/value pairs exist inside Map

// Finding the size of an Object
Object.keys(Person).length; // => 3

// Finding the size of a Map
PersonMap.size; // => 3

The REAL power comes from having non-string keys.

const Dave = {
  id: 19,
  likesBacon: 'yes'

const Sheryl = {
  id: 18,
  likesBacon: 'also yes'

const ValidationCache = new Map();
ValidationCache.set(Dave, false);
ValidationCache.set(Sheryl, true);

ValidationCache.get(Dave); // false
ValidationCache.get(Sheryl); // true

It's not just objects, you can use numbers, NaN, undefined, just about anything.

Unlike Object, Map is ordered by the order of insertion.

const SomeMap = new Map();
SomeMap.set('first', 1);
SomeMap.set('second', 2);
SomeMap.set('third', 3);

for (let [key, value] of SomeMap) {
  console.log(key, value);
// Returns in order:
// first, 1
// second, 2
// third, 3

Practical Usage in Modern JavaScript

SCENARIO: We need a quick way to see if some users (represented by objects) are of legal drinking age in our hot "bar loyalty social media site startup".

const LegalAgeCache = new Map();

const ArrayOfUsers = fetch('/users');
ArrayOfUsers.forEach( user => {
  LegalAgeCache.set(user, user.age >= 21); // Assuming we're in the USA. Sorry international students :(

// Now wherever we need to check the users that are above age 21...

if (LegalAgeCache.get(John)) { // Assuming John is some user object
  return 'beer';
} else {
  return 'appleJuice';


WeakMap is the same as Map, but memory from unused references in the map can be cleaned up by JS garbage collection. In terms of functional usage WeakMap cannot be iterated over and is better for performance if you don't need to iterate over the map. The only methods available to WeakMap are:

  • .get(key)
  • .set(key, value)
  • .has(key)
  • .clear() (this removes everything from the WeakMap)

WeakMap can only use keys that are of type Object, meaning you can't use plain String or Number, and you can't use primitive data types like Symbol either.

const myObject = {
  name: 'Jeff'

const myWeakMap = new WeakMap();

// This is fine because myObject is a variable that's of type, Object
myWeakMap.set(myObject, 'Jeff is awesome'); // myWeakMap.get(myObject) => 'Jeff is awesome'

// This will throw an error, because it's a hardcoded string
myWeakMap.set('Jeff', 'Jeff is cool'); // Error: Invalid value used as weak map key

Under the hood, if an object has no more references pointing to it, it will be cleaned up by the garbage collector, and in turn, deletes WeakMap's reference to the cleaned up object, which deletes the corresponding value.

Set and WeakSet

Set and WeakSet are identical to Map, except for a few major differences:

  1. Set is a store of just values - not key-value pairs like in Map.
  2. Instead of .set for values, you use .add() to store a value.
  3. All values in a Set must be unique and only occur once.

As far as everything else, they are very identical, including being ordered by insertion.

If you need a Map-like storage or cache, but all values must be unique, then Set is perfect!

Just like WeakMap, WeakSet allows unused references to be garbage collected, and it cannot be iterated upon.

The Spread Operator

When you see three dots/periods like this: ... - it's a brand new operator called the spread operator.

Spread Operator on Arrays

Using ... on an array will iterate through the array and return all the values in order.

const myArray = ["let's", 'party', 'right', 'now!'];
console.log(...myArray); // => let's party right now

... also returns a brand new array if you use it like this:

const newArray = [...myArray];
console.log(newArray) // => ["let's", 'party', 'right', 'now!']

Rest Spread Operator

NOTE: This feature was recently resolved to Stage-4 on January 28th, 2018 as per TC39. It's now a standard of the language. With this feature being very new to JavaScript, you may need a transpiler like babel or TransformJS to use this feature. More on this in a future chapter.

Rest Spread on Arrays

On an Array, if you need to grab the first few elements through destructuring and keep the rest for later, you can use the rest spread operator.

const selectiveArray = ['important', 'strings', 'here', 'but', 'not', 'these'];

const [ first, second, third, ] = selectiveArray;

console.log(first); // => 'important'
console.log(second); // => 'strings'
console.log(third); // => 'here'
console.log(rest); // => ['but', 'not', 'these']

Keep in mind that the word rest is typically used to denote "the rest of the items," and it's not required to use rest. You can use any word you want.

const animals = ['corgi', 'dachshund', 'pomeranian', 'dwarf', 'persian', 'calico'];

const [ cutest, shortest, foofiest, ...cats ] = animals;

console.log(cutest); // => 'corgi'
console.log(shortest); // => 'dachshund'
console.log(foofiest); // => 'pomeranian'
console.log(cats); // => ['dwarf', 'persian', 'calico']

Rest Spread on Objects

Using the spread operator on an Object will iterate through the object and drop key/value pairs accordingly into a new object.

const guy = {
  name: 'Jeff',
  age: 44,
  occupation: 'Pyrotechnician'

const copyOfGuy = { ...guy };

console.log(copyOfGuy); // => { name: 'Jeff', age: 44, occupation: 'Pyrotechnician'}

By doing this, you can merge simple and shallow objects together like this:

const guy = {
  name: 'Jeff',
  age: 44,
  occupation: 'Pyrotechnician'

const guyUpdated = {
  name: 'Jeff',
  age: 45,
  occupation: 'Firefighter',
  isReallyHappy: true

const mergedCopy = {

console.log(mergedCopy); // => { name: 'Jeff', age: 45, occupation: 'Firefighter', isReallyHappy: true }

Keep in mind that the last you do in an object will overwrite all the previous values. If we switched the order above, we'd get this:

const mergedCopy = {

console.log(mergedCopy); // => { name: 'Jeff', age: 44, occupation: 'Pyrotechnician', isReallyHappy: true }

The age and occupation values were overwritten because guy is the last object in the sequence instead of guyUpdated

Note: This will work for only Objects that are one level deep. It is not recommended to try and deep copy and merge nested objects using this method. That's a whole different can of worms.

Returning new modified objects and arrays

In functional programming and tools/libraries that require new copies of objects or arrays like React and Redux, it's common practice to use Object.assign() to create some new objects using another as a "base object." Now instead of using Object.assign(), it's common (and cleaner, in my personal opinion) to use the spread operator in order to return new Objects and Arrays.

Here's the Object.assign() way of returning new objects with modifications


function incrementCount(counterState) {
  // Create a new copy of the counterState object
  const copyOfCounterState = Object.assign({}, counterState);

  // Grab just the value from the old counterState
  const { value } = counterState;

  copyOfCounterState.value = value + 1;
  return copyOfCounterState;

Let's refactor this to use the spread operator on objects:

function incrementCount(counterState) {
  const { value } = counterState;
  return {
    ...counterState, // Iterate through key/value pairs in counterState
    value: value + 1 // overwrite counterState.value with the newly incremented value

Deep copying Objects

Sometimes your objects are nested, and just using Object.assign() won't do the trick. You'll need to do a little bit more leg work in order to clone a deeply nested object.

const nestedObject = {
  name: 'Jeff',
  occupation: 'Firefighter',
  siblings: [
  age: 45,
  authorizations: {
    token: 'ffe1895acc3bd3ea2a',
    permissions: ['filesystem', 'coffee', 'fire', 'admin'],
    certifications: {
      fireSafety: true,
      insulation: true,
      educationLicense: false,
      fireworks: true

This is a pretty deeply nested object here...

// @TODO: Write an example of how to deeply copy an object


I felt a bit hesitant about putting Symbol in this book because it has such limited usage, and isn't really used often in everyday JavaScript development. However, I find myself consistently seeing this data type in transpiled code, polyfilled, and living inside of libraries and tools that I use everyday.

While I probably won't use Symbol very often myself, I find knowing what it actually is quite nice, and makes me think of finding a way to implement it for my own special data types from project to project.

Symbol() takes in one optional parameter, a String that's used to describe what it is. It can be used for debugging, but not for access to the Symbol class itself.

const MyFirstSymbol = Symbol('first one');
console.log(MyFirstSymbol); // 'Symbol('first one')'

Running typeof on a Symbol returns the string: 'symbol', and it's considered a totally unique value and will return false for any comparison or evaluation:

const MyFirstSymbol = Symbol('first one');

console.log(typeof MyFirstSymbol); // 'symbol'
console.log(MyFirstSymbol === Symbol('first one')); // false

You'll see Symbol used when creating an Iterator in the next section below!

Note: MDN's online documentation on Symbol is excellent and very well written. Check it out here.

Iterators and Iteration Protocol

Iterators are a staple data type in other programming languages and have now come to JavaScript.

There's 3 major parts of the Iterator interface:

  next() { return Iterator; },
  value: 'anything', // Can be anything
  done: false, // Can be true, false, or undefined

The Iterator protocol makes any Object that follows the protocol able to be iterated on through loops, spread operator, generators, etc.

// @TODO: Finish up the Iterators section!

Recapping What We've Learned

In this chapter, we talked at great length about:

  • Object and Array data types
  • Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet, along with all of their differences, and how to construct them.
  • The Spread Operator and how it can be used over Objects and Arrays
  • Merging and copying Object and Arrays