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100 Days Of Code - Log

Round 2:

Day 1: January 15, 2020

Today's Progress: Started Lesson: Build Chatbots with Python on Codecademy, finished Echo Chatbot project. Began review of Learn Python 3 finishing the whole Functions section and did part of the Control Flow section. Began review of Basic HTML and HTML5 section of freeCodeCamp from beginning to Create a Set of Checkboxes. Also, went to the [Google x CUNY Community College Workshop Series / UX Research], since I got accepted into the Queensborough Community College/CUNY TechWorks Software Engineering Development Program which I began in July, 2019. This was at the Google office at 75 9th Avenue Second Floor, Room: Atlantic City, New York, NY. Worked on a UX project with a team for an app idea where pets are paired up with users seeking therapy. Working name: Kitty Therapy.

Thoughts: Had a very productive day. Trying to grow into a full stack web developer and data scientist with a primary focus on Machine Learning, AI and the financial sector. So, right now I am really focussing my efforts on learning Python 3 as my primary language within the data science field. I want to polish up syntax, control flow, functions and loops.

Link(s) to work: Basic HTML and HTML5 | Echo Chatbot | Learn Python 3: Introduction to Functions

Day 2: January 16, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued work in Build Chatbots with Python on Codecademy, finished the whole Part 1: Introduction to Python and Chatbots and completed the Coffee Chatbot project that a user can interact with to order coffee from a cafe.

Thoughts: Starting to feel and get the workflow better of modularization of creating functions with control flow. Then putting functions inside of functions. Also, getting input from the user and bring it altogether in a more comprehensive function such as the Coffee Chatbot for ordering coffee with various options from the user and interaction.

Link(s) to work: Coffee Chatbot | Build Chatbots with Python

Day 3: January 17, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued work in Data Science Career Path on Codecademy, finished the whole Part 1: The Importance of Data and SQL Basics, Introduction to SQL and completed the Create a Table project with SQL.

Thoughts: Learned more about Data Science and the basic concepts behind it. Getting a better feeling how SQL, databases, Python and Statisctics fit together as tools and what a Data Scientist does.

Link(s) to work: Data Science Career Path | Create a Table

Day 4: January 18, 2020

Today's Progress: Decided to redo work I did in Build Websites from Scratch Pro Intensive that Codecademy used to offer and I took from December 19, 2017 to March 17, 2018. I was a newbie at that time, and I fizzled out toward the end and didn't get my certificate by the March 17th deadline. I did a poor job of the final capstone project, Colmar Academy and I didn't complete the last Unit 9: Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery, only doing up to part of the jQuery section. Today, I redid the Flexbox lesson in Unit 4: Display and Positioning. Since I am a Pro Member in Codecademy, I intend as part of my 100 Days of Code Challenge to work on completing this Pro Intensive and requesting my certificate from Codecademy. Also, I checked out a YouTube video by Brad Traversy of Traversy Media, "Flexbox CSS in 20 Minutes." That was really helpful as Brad is a great teacher!

Thoughts: Had a difficult time the first time around with Flexbox, but I feel better the 2nd time around. Although, it is still a challenge to a degree. The Brad Traversy video helped out in clarifying things.

Link(s) to work: Flexbox | Build Websites from Scratch | Flexbox CSS in 20 Minutes

Day 5: January 19, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued work in Build Chatbots with Python on Codecademy, Starting Part 2: Python Data Structures and Loops. Did work on Python lists, completing 2 Lessons, Creating and Modifying a List in Python and Working with Lists in Python. Finished 2 Projects, Python Gradebook and Len's Slice. Completed a Quiz, Working with Lists in Python, and started the Code Challenge on Lists.

Thoughts: Getting a better grasp on slicing and lists in general with various methods like len(), range(), sort(), etc.

Link(s) to work: Build Chatbots with Python | Python Gradebook | Len's Slice

Day 6: January 20, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued work in Build Chatbots with Python on Codecademy, completing the Code Challenge on Lists. Also went on and studied Components and Props.

Thoughts: Struggled through the Code Challenge and had to look at some solutions and hints and think my way through them. But then I was able to get some of the functions and I feel like I grew. Comparing lists with conditionals, using the sort() and range() functions. Getting a better understanding.

Link(s) to work: Build Chatbots with Python | Code Challenge: Lists - Double Index | Code Challenge: Lists - Remove Middle | Code Challenge: Lists - More Than N | Code Challenge: Lists - More Frequent Item | Code Challenge: Lists - Middle Item | Code Challenge: Lists - Append Sum | Code Challenge: Lists - Larger List | Code Challenge: Lists - Combine Sort | Code Challenge: Lists - Append Size | Code Challenge: Lists - Every Three Numbers

Day 7: January 21, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued work in Build Chatbots with Python on Codecademy, Part 2: Python Data Structures and Loops. Watched video on tuples, coding along in the z shell, completed lesson and quiz on loops. Finished the Looping Coffee Chatbot project. Also, went to the Codecademy NYC Meetup. Mingled with other Codecademy Learners and vibed with the hospitable Codecademy staff. Special thanks to Alyssa Vigil, community manager at Codecademy. Got majority part of my day's work done at the meetup.

Thoughts: Had a productive day. Better grasp on loops in Python and then applying the concepts on the Coffee Chatbot project was great.

Link(s) to work: Build Chatbots with Python | Loops | Looping Coffee Chatbot

Day 8: January 22, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued work in Build Chatbots with Python on Codecademy, Part 2: Python Data Structures and Loops. Did work with Python Dictionaries today. Completed 2 Lessons: Creating Dictionaries and Using Dictionaries, Quiz: Using Dictionaries. Completed the Scrabble project. Also, did work in Learn Python 3 on Codecademy, Part 7: Modules. Completed 1 Lesson, Modules: Python, watched a video, Datetimes and coded along in the z shell. Started to watch and code along in z shell and VS Code for Pipenv.

Thoughts: Wrapping my mind around Python Dictionaries. I understand them, especially the key:value pairs and some advantages. However, it is going to take me at least another round or 2 to get the basics down before I move on. Also, wrapping my mind around virtual environments in Python in addition to the Datetime library.

Link(s) to work: Build Chatbots with Python | Creating Dictionaries | Using Dictionaries | Scrabble | Learn Python 3 | Modules: Python

Day 9: January 23, 2020

Today's Progress: Had a review day on Codecademy's Learn Python 3: Part 6, Strings. No sense in rushing through. I have to get this foundation down. Also, finished Part 7: Modules, the Pipenv part. Coded along in the z shell. Now I understand virtual environment and case uses when you need to have different libraries and packages for different projects without messing with your basic system, but have unique virtual ones. Getting better with the shell and commands.

Thoughts: The more I work the foundational things such as these strings in Python, the better I feel with them. Feel enriched after working with virtual environments in Python's pipenv.

Link(s) to work: Learn Python 3 | Introduction to Strings | Virtual Environments with Pipenv

Day 10: January 24, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Codecademy's Learn Python 3: Censor Dispenser project. Finally, figured out how to get the 'learning', 'algorithms' strings not to be in the email_one.txt file. Tomorrow, got to write the function.

Thoughts: These type of projects and challenges are good because they force me to put my thinking cap on and try different things, experimenting and thinking pieces through on the way to putting it altogether toward a bigger goal. Functions, methods, loops, lists, strings, control flow with conditionals and other concepts put together to solve a bigger problem. This is good and I feel like I am growing through the struggle especially when it doesn't work out at first but I have my eureka moments!

Link(s) to work: Learn Python 3 | Censor Dispenser

Day 11: January 25, 2020

Today's Progress: Began Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Worked on JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension) concept and syntax. Did some JavaScript review and studied a new part for me on JavaScript Modules in Part 4: Modern JavaScript: Modules and Browser Compatibility.

Thoughts: Wrapping my mind around React.js. From my understanding so far, it is a JavaScript library. It's weird how JS and HTML are combined into a new and different construct. Also, I love the concept of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and SRP (Single Responsibility Principle). This is related to having separate files and modularization and their purposes. Not to mention cleaner and more efficient code. A light bulb is starting to come on in my mind. Yes!

Link(s) to work: Create a Front-End App with React | JSX | Learn JavaScript: Modules

Day 12: January 26, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued on Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Completed 4 Lessons: Intro to JSX, Advanced JSX, Your First React Component, Components and Advanced JSX; 2 Quizzes: JSX, React Components (100%s). Completed the Authorization Form project. Read and followed along with an interactive article, Creating a React App. I downloaded my first React app via npm and the z shell. Opened it in my local :3000 server. Read another article on Informational React Developer Tools and installed a Chrome extension for React Dev Tools. Started work locally on the Ravenous project, Part 1, Create Project and Components via the z shell in my Terminal and the Atom editor.

Thoughts: Had a very productive day! Made great strides with React. My mind is blown in a positive way. Getting the hang of the React syntax with JSX. How to start a React project from scratch with node and npm. Some of the concepts and skills that I have been accumulating since I started my Programming Journey since late 2017 are starting to come together nicely in my mind. I am super psyched. It continues!

Link(s) to work: Create a Front-End App with React | Your First React Component | Components and Advanced JSX | Authorization Form

Day 13: January 27, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued on Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Completed 2 Lessons in Part 6: React: Components Interacting, Components Render Other Components, this.props. Worked some more on the Ravenous project, Part 1. Also, started the spring semester at the [Queensborough Community College / CUNY TechWorks - Software Development Program](CUNY TechWorks - Software Development Program). The class, Introduction to C++ Programming Design and Implementation teaches C++ and Programming concepts and projects. Today, we worked on creating C++ files in the command line on a Windows system, then compiling and running them in the command line.

Thoughts: Going further in React. Learned about props and event handlers such as buttons triggering functions within components and how componenets can be linked up between files through import and export. Objects, conditionals and arrays came into play. It is all coming together by degrees.

Link(s) to work: Create a Front-End App with React | Components Rendering Other Components | this.props

Day 14: January 28, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued on Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Watched and coded along with Coding Revolution's Complete React Full Stack Course on Udemy.

Thoughts: Feel like I am going to have to do extensive review and practice. This is new territorty for me. Also, I have to work more in JavaScript. The Journey continues.

Link(s) to work: Create a Front-End App with React | The Complete React Fullstack Course

Day 15: January 29, 2020

Today's Progress: Finished Codecademy's Learn ReactJS: Part 1. Completed a project, Random Color Picker.

Thoughts: Continuing React studies. Better understanding of Components, props and states. But still have a long way to go.

Link(s) to work: Learn ReactJS: Part 1 | Random Color Picker

Day 16: January 30, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Codecademy's Learn ReactJS: Part 2. Completed Lesson, Stateless Components from Stateful Components. Studied my C++ class textbook, Absolute C++, 6th edition by Walter Savitch. First class of Creating Smartphone Apps at my QCC TechWorks Software Dev Program where I will learn how to and build about 14 Android app projects. Also about iOS apps.

Thoughts: Continuing React studies. Time to review before I move on. I have to digest all of this. Psyched about class where I will learn to build Android and iOS apps.

Link(s) to work: Learn ReactJS: Part 2 | Stateless Components from Stateful Components

Day 17: January 31, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Began a comprehensive review beginning with the JavaSript sections. Went over Control Flow, Conditional Statements, Functions, Arrays, Loops, Higher-Order Functions, Iterators. Completed a project, Secret Message.

Thoughts: Getting the ES6 JavaScript foundation down in preparation to digest the new React material. Feeling stronger and more focussed.

Link(s) to work: Create a Front-End App with React | Secret Message

Day 18: February 1, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Back to the beginning with JSX, Components and Props till it sinks in. Also went on React site and studied Components and Props.

Thoughts: Trying to figure out how to use methods like .map(), etc. to iterate over objects that have nested objects and arrays. Some progress, but have a long way to go.

Link(s) to work: Create a Front-End App with React | React: Components and Props

Day 19: February 2, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Also C++.

Thoughts: Went over JSX and React Components. Also C++ working in splitting the main() function .cpp file from other files where separations of function definitions and function declarations reside in learning code modularization. Then compiling and running the code in the z shell of the command line. Feel like I am growing by degrees.

Link(s) to work: React Components | Learn C++

Day 20: February 3, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on Variables and Strings in my C++ at [Queensborough Community College/CUNY TechWorks Software Engineering Development Program]. Went over different variable type first and declaring, initializing variables. Then we coded along in the Atom editor with various operations on strings with built-in methods such as getline(), .length(), .substr(), .insert(), .append(), .replace(), .erase(), .find(). Also, went over the variables section in Codecademy's. Completed the Quadratic Formula project. Also, a program on BMI and converting Fahrenheit into Celsius temperature.

Thoughts: Going deep into C++. I want to have a strong foundation in programming and especially the C++ language.

Link(s) to work: Quadratic Formula | Fahrenheit to Celsius

Day 21: February 4, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Completed the Magic Eight Ball project in the Conditionals section of the Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Did both the switch statement and the if/else if control flow. Completed the Piggy Bank project in the Variables section in Learn C++. Googled 3 different currencies and put them into an equation to calculate USD total equivalent. Completed a coding quiz for my C++ class at QCC TechWorks program, working with strings and their methods. Had first day for my Cohort 7A at QCC. We had a great session on React.js and began building our first project called Counter, which I did from my Terminal in the z shell and then I pushed it to my GitHub account after creating the GitHub repository.

Thoughts: Continuing work in JavaScript, React.js and C++. Learning the theoretical side by side with actual programming and coding. Feeling the flow forming after every day. Keep it coming!

Link(s) to work: Magic Eight Ball | Piggy Bank | Counter repository

Day 22: February 5, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Did Learn JavaScript: Iterators in Create a Front-End App with React Skilll Path. Still wrapping my mind around JavaScript Iterators. Also, completed 2 files in my C++ class at QCC TechWorks. Worked with various numerical variables and did a couple of examples after writing the algorithms and then did a quiz writing a program for calculating the midpoint of two points using the mid-point formula.

Thoughts: Continuing work in JavaScript and C++. Trying to think more like a programmer so I can break down problems and solve them breaking them into manageable parts and then assembling them into a viable whole. Buildng a solid foundation so I spring farther as a programmer.

Link(s) to work: JavaScript Iterators

Day 23: February 6, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Completed the Mini Linter project within Create a Front-End App with React. Starting learning how to set up a Cordova project through the Terminal with Node.js and NPM in my Creating Smartphone Apps class at QCC TechWorks.

Thoughts: Had a productive day both on Codecademy and at my school program. Learning a new technology, Cordova and its framework. Very psyched.

Link(s) to work: Mini Linter

Day 24: February 7, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Completed the Objects and Advanced Objects Lessons within the Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Learned about things like getters and setters, factory functions, this key word, iterating through objects, nested objects, destructuring. Key and value pairs. Creating a type of object and then mass producing custom objects from that prototype.

Thoughts: Objects are powerful concepts. On my way to Object Oriented Programming. I feel empowered.

Link(s) to work: Objects | Advanced Objects

Day 25: February 8, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Started the Classes section in Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Got through Constructors, Instances, Methods, Method Calls. Began working with Inheritance.

Thoughts: Object Oriented Programming is a powerful concept. This way you don't have to start from scratch every time. You can define an object and its properties and methods. Then you can add unique properties and methods that further refine an object and this is where classes come in. Types of objects. Then multiple or scalable groups of objects can be created depending on what you are creating. Can't wait to dive deeper.

Link(s) to work: Classes

Day 26: February 9, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Completed the Classes section in Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Finished Inheritance and then did a review, creating some instances of created objects. Also, wrote a C++ file for my Homework 2 in my C++ class at QCC TechWorks. It had 2 parts and we are continuing work with string and numerical variables. The first part was declaring string variables, then getting inputs from the user, concatenating the strings, getting the length and then printing it to the screen. The 2nd part was to code a program to calculate the gravitational force of two objects due to the Earth using the gravitational force formula.

Thoughts: Going deeper with Classes in JavaScript in preparation for React. Also, continuing C++ studies.

Link(s) to work: Classes

Day 27: February 10, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Reviewed the Objects and Advanced Objects Lessons in Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path. Also, wrote a C++ file for Week 3, Day 1 in my C++ class at QCC TechWorks. We did work in Assignment Operators, Bitwise Operators, Logical Operators and Pseudo-Random Numbers.

Thoughts: Continuing work in JavaScript toward my Path in React and Front-End Web Apps. Also, C++.

Link(s) to work: Advanced Objects

Day 28: February 11, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Create a Front-End App with React. Completed 2 projects, Meal Maker and Team Stats. Great practice with objects. Also, began work on my first React project called 'counter' in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering workshop, then pushed it to my GitHub. Completed 3 buttons, increment, decrement and clear(reset), setting the setState() function as an onClick event and running it in mhy local server, port 3000 from the terminal and z shell. Used VS Code to write code.

Thoughts: I feel like I got a great day in. Finishing the 2 projects dealing with JS Objects and pushing the 'counter' app to GitHub. Learned how to set a state and cause it to function with React. Keep it coming!

Link(s) to work: Meal Maker | Team Stats | counter

Day 29: February 12, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Create a Front-End App with React. Continued to work with Classes. Finished my first React.js project called 'Counter' in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering workshop, then pushed final commit to my GitHub. Used VS Code to write code. Figured out how to finish all the functions for the 5 buttons, styled the CSS some more, used onMouseEnter and onClick methods and bound the functions and conditionals to them.

Thoughts: I feel a sense of accomplished as I spent most of the day working on the app. Mostly figuring out the logic for the functions.

Link(s) to work: Counter | Classes

Day 30: February 13, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Learn C++. Mostly did work on Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz project. Also, had a good class in my QCC TechWorks Creating Smart Phone Apps course. We began work on our first Cordova app. I have to set up my Macbook Pro properly in the z shell. It is going to take some time to get it right.

Thoughts: I have a good flow going. Learning a lot everyday now. Learning several skills at the same time is a challenge. I have to go back a lot and review to remember it all: React.js, C++, Cordova, JavaScript. Got to get back to Python and Data Science as well. Also the CLI. Began learning about the MVC architecture principles.

Link(s) to work: Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz

Day 31: February 14, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Learn C++. Finished the Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz project. Also, studied my Absolute C++, sixth edition book by Walter Savitch. Went over control flow with if/else if/else and switch and case. Foccused in on pseudo random numbers.

Thoughts: Trying to understand how the modulus number works along with the rand() function and the srand making a seed for the numbers or the same set of numbers in a particular range not to repeat.

Link(s) to work: Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz

Day 32: February 15, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Learn C++. Finished the FizzBuzz project. Studied loops both in Learn C++ and in Absolute C++, sixth edition book by Walter Savitch.

Thoughts: Taking my time with foundation. C++ is a great foundational language and I want to have a solid foundation in programming principles.

Link(s) to work: FizzBuzz

Day 33: February 16, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Learn C++. Finished the Errors lesson in the Loops section and began the Vectors section. Also, finally figured out how to setup my Cordova environment with the various platforms we will be using in my QCC TechWorks Creating Smartphone Apps class. I was having problems and couldn't follow along in class. I used Google and Stack Overflow and tried various things after many frustrating failed attempts. But I finally figured it out. Now I can run my apps in the browser, android (both the emulator and my android phone), ios, and osx. I can go from the terminal and the z shell to my VS Code to write the code and then run it on different platforms I added to the project through Cordova. Continued studying my Absolute C++, sixth edition book by Walter Savitch textbook. Completed my Homework 3 in my C++ class at the QCC Techworks program.

Thoughts: Had a productive day. Solved an important setup issue in Cordova, worked in Codecademy Learn C++ and studied my C++ textbook.

Link(s) to work: Errors | Vectors

Day 34: February 17, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy Learn C++. Finished the Vectors section. Began the Functions section. Completed the Whale Talk project. Continued studying my Absolute C++, sixth edition book by Walter Savitch.

Thoughts: Continued studying C++. Working on my foundation.

Link(s) to work: Vectors | Whale Talk | Functions

Day 35: February 18, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Codecademy. Reviewed Advanced Objects and Classes in the Create a Front-End App with React. Began 2nd React.js project called 'Selector' in my QCC Techworks Sofware Engineering Spring 2020 Workshop and pushed it to GitHub. Studied props, creating a separate .js file and pushing the geometric figures into main component on the App.js file and creating onClick events where the selected geometric figure clicked on shows what that figure is in the nav bar.

Thoughts: Getting a better feel for more ES6 more advanced concepts especially Objects and Classes. And going farther in the flow of React.js of modularizing Components with props.

Link(s) to work: Advanced Objects | Classes | Selector

Day 36: February 19, 2020

Today's Progress: Had a great C++ class in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program. Today we worked on Branching. We covered comparison and logical operators with examples. Also the if, else if, and else control flow as well as the switch statement with a couple of examples. Wrote a long C++ files covering all the material. Completed the Classes review in Codecademy.

Thoughts: Getting more practice with C++ as well as exposure to foundational programming aspects such as control flow, branching, algorithmic thinking across different languages such as C++, JavaScript, Python and platforms such as React.js. Getting there by degrees.

Link(s) to work: Classes

Day 37: February 20, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Cordova Project 4 in my Creating Smartphone Apps class at QCC TechWorks program. Also studied C++ in my textbook.

Thoughts: Progressing by degrees.

Link(s) to work: Absolute C++, sixth edition book by Walter Savitch.

Day 38: February 21, 2020

Today's Progress: Studied C++ in my textbook, Absolute C++. Finished Chapter 1 and began Chapter 2, Flow of Control. Went over Boolean expressions.

Thoughts: Getting the basics of programming down in detail. Don't want to rush through. I want it ingrained in my brain.

Link(s) to work: Absolute C++, sixth edition book by Walter Savitch.

Day 39: February 22, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed my Homework 4 on Branching in my C++ class at QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program. It had 2 parts: if, else-if, else statement and the switch statement. Worked on Codecademy. Completed the Build a Library project in Create a Front-End App with React. Worked with classes.

Thoughts: Had a good session on control of flow with if, else if, else and switch statements. Also, solidifying the intermediate JavaScript in order to really get going with React.js.

Link(s) to work: Build a Library.

Day 40: February 23, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed the School Catalogue project in Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React and a Classes quiz. Finished Section 3, JavaScript Iterators, Objects, and Classes.

Thoughts: Learning more about classes. The more that I do it and think abou it, the more I am understanding. Getting the import and export concepts better. Also, how objects are instantiated from defined classes and adding unique properties and methods after inheriting all the previously defined ones from the parent or super class. Still got to get a better grasp on the constructor and super methods and their workings.

Link(s) to work: School Catalogue.

Day 41: February 24, 2020

Today's Progress: Began Section 4, Modern JavaScript: Modules and Browser Compatibility in Create a Front-End App with React in Codecademy. Completed lesson, Intermediate JavaScript Modules, 2 projects, Message Mixer, WorkAround and 1 quiz, Modules. Began lesson, Browser Compatability and Transpilation. Did a review for my 1st exam this Wednesday in my C++ class in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program.

Thoughts: Had a productive day with JavaScript modules. Also began studying about ES6 and ES5 compatability and transpilation. Getting into Babel. New territory.

Link(s) to work: Message Mixer | WorkAround

Day 42: February 25, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Section 4, Modern JavaScript: Modules and Browser Compatibility, Transpilation project and Quiz at Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Also, completed 3rd project in my Reaction workshop at QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program.

Thoughts: Thinking about transpilation and interpreting from one language to another. Powerful concept.

Link(s) to work: Transpilation

Day 43: February 26, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Section 5, Introduction to React, JSX, 2 Lessons, Intro to JSX, Advanced JSX at Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Also, took Exam 1 in my C++ class at QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program.

Thoughts: Getting JSX down. Also, C++.

Link(s) to work: Advanced JSX

Day 44: February 27, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Section 5, Introduction to React, Your First React Component at Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Also, had a gread class in my Creating Smart Phone Apps class at QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program. We went over JavaScript and CSS.

Thoughts: Continuing JavaScript and React.

Link(s) to work: React Components

Day 45: February 28, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Section 5, Introduction to React, Your First React Component at Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Also, studied my Absolute C++ by Walter Savitch. Currently, Chapter 3, Functions.

Thoughts: Continuing JavaScript, React and C++.

Link(s) to work: Components and Advanced JSX

Day 46: February 29, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in Section 5, Introduction to React, Your First React Component at Codecademy's Create a Front-End App with React. Worked on Part 1 of the Ravenous project, after which I will be finished with Section 5.

Thoughts: Continuing JavaScript, React.

Link(s) to work: Ravenous, Part 1

Day 47: March 1, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Parts 1 and 2 for my Ravenous project in Create a Front-End App with React at Codecademy.

Thoughts: Continuing JavaScript, React. Got a lot of work done on the Ravenous project.

Link(s) to work: Ravenous, Part 1 | Ravenous, Part 2

Day 48: March 2, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Video Player project in Section 7, Create a Front-End App with React at Codecademy. Also, completed Quiz 5A and class activity on while loops in my C++ class in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program.

Thoughts: Continuing JavaScript, React, and C++. Pleased with my daily progress.

Link(s) to work: Video Player

Day 49: March 3, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Lifecycle React.js project for my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program's workshop class and pushed it to GitHub. This was part 1 of a 2 part workshop. We are learning about React lifecycles.

Thoughts: This was another addition to many things I am learning about React. Lifecycles are very interesting.

Link(s) to work: Lifecycle

Day 50: March 4, 2020

Today's Progress: Began AJAX Requests and API Interactions in my Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path at Codecademy.

Thoughts: On my way to finishing the Skill Path.

Link(s) to work: HTTP Requests

Day 51: March 5, 2020

Today's Progress: Finished a Cordova project in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering class Creating Smartphone Apps.

Thoughts: On my way to learning Android app development. Finishing the foundation.

Day 52: March 6, 2020

Today's Progress: Reworked my Portfolio site and pushed it to my GitHub Pages and GitHub for my main site.

Thoughts: Getting ready for the internship requirement at the end of my QCC TechWorks Software Development program on May 22, 2020.

Link(s) to work: Portfolio GH Pages Site | Portfolio repo

Day 53: March 7, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked with HTTP Requests Codecademy in the Create a Front-End App with React.

Thoughts: Preparing for a deep dive with ES6 and React.js.

Link(s) to work: HTTP Requests

Day 54: March 8, 2020

Today's Progress: Continued working with HTTP Requests Codecademy in the Create a Front-End App with React.

Thoughts: Preparing for a deep dive with ES6 and React.js.

Link(s) to work: HTTP Requests

Day 55: March 9, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Applied Accessibility in freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Certification program.

Thoughts: Continuing with my freeCodeCamp track I began before.

Link(s) to work: Applied Accessibility

Day 56: March 10, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Requests 1 in HTTP Requests in Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path in Codecademy. Learned about getting an API key and using it in a POST request. Also, getting a better handle on GET requests.

Thoughts: Continuing my React.js Path.

Link(s) to work: Requests 1

Day 57: March 11, 2020

Today's Progress: Began Requests 2 in HTTP Requests in Create a Front-End App with React Skill Path in Codecademy.

Thoughts: Continuing my React.js Path.

Link(s) to work: Requests 2

Day 58: March 12, 2020

Today's Progress: Began reviewing my Build Websites from Scratch Pro Intensive I took before on Codecademy. Today I worked on Responsive Design and a lesson on Sizing Elements.

Thoughts: Reviewing Web Dev. Particularly Responsive Design.

Link(s) to work: Sizing Elements

Day 59: March 13, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed Media Queries in my Build Websites from Scratch Pro Intensive I took before on Codecademy.

Thoughts: Reviewing Web Dev. Particularly Media Queries.

Link(s) to work: Media Queries

Day 60: March 14, 2020

Today's Progress: Got my book today, "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++", second edition by Bjarne Stroustrup. Spent time studying it and programming out of it. Working on my C++ foundation.

Thoughts: Can't go wrong studying programming and the C++ language from the creator of C++.

Link(s) to work: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ | Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ - support site

Day 61: March 15, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++", second edition by Bjarne Stroustrup. Also, worked in Build Websites from Scratch. Applying media queries and CSS review.

Thoughts: C++ and Web Dev focus today.

Link(s) to work: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ | Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ - support site | Secret Agent Supply

Day 62: March 16, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++", second edition by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Thoughts: Wrapping my mind around the Bjarne Stroustrup book and concepts.

Link(s) to work: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ | Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ - support site

Day 63: March 17, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked in "JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development" by Jon Duckett. Going over Chapter 7, jQuery.

Thoughts: Getting ready to spend some time on jQuery.

Link(s) to work: JavaScript & jQuery | JavaScript & jQuery companion site

Day 64: March 18, 2020

Today's Progress: Worked on nested loops assignment for my C++ class in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program. Also studied my book, "Absolute C++", sixth edition by Walter Savitch.

Thoughts: C++ work.

Link(s) to work: Absolute C++

Day 65: March 19, 2020

Today's Progress: Completed C++ quiz for my C++ class in my QCC TechWorks Software Engineering program. Also studied my book, "Absolute C++", sixth edition by Walter Savitch.

Thoughts: C++ work.

Link(s) to work: Absolute C++