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File metadata and controls

96 lines (70 loc) · 2.67 KB



Custom Check Boxes class.

Extends UIControl class.

This check box does not come with an associated label, this is because sometime you dont want a label next to it, meybe you need an image. So to compensate for this, theres a way to link an UIView (or son) object to it and extend the functionality.

So far there are only two types of check boxes:

  1. Square and
  2. Circular.



  • Pod
  • Add touch feedback
  • Add support for radial groups



  • Just drag the files in the src folder to your project.
  • Import the checkbox class you want to use.


platform :ios, "8.0"

pod 'MPCheckBox'

source ''

How to use


  • Create an UView element,
  • Place it where you want it,
  • Give it a size,
  • Assign it the MPCheckBox.h class.
  • Get a reference in the viewController file and
  • Customize the properties you want

NOTE: Each Check Box has an identifier, that property is assignable from the IB.



    #import "MPCheckBox.h" //Import header

    @class SomeClass() <MPCheckBoxDelegate> // Implement Delegate (OPTIONAL)

    MPCheckBox *checkBox = [[MPCheckBox alloc] initWithFrame:someFrame];
    checkBox.identifier = @"someIdent";
    checkBox setDelegate:self];
    [checkBox setCompanionView:someView]; //Can be anything that inherits from UIView
    //For circular
    [checkBox setCircular:YES]; //Default is NO
    //Set State
    [checkBox setState:kMPCheckBoxStateChecked animated:NO]; // Default is Unchecked
    [checkBox setBackgroundColor:someColor]; //Default Clear
    [checkBox setBorderColor:otherColor]; //Default Black
    [checkBox setCheckColor:oneMoreColor]; //Default Black
    //The state can be toggled manually from anywhere just call
    [checkBox toggleState:YES];
    [someOtherView addSubView:checkBox];

###CheckBox Group

    NSArray* checkBoxes = @[leftmostCheckBox, leftCheckBox, rightCheckBox, rightmostCheckBox];

    MPCheckBoxGroup* checkBoxGroup = [[MPCheckBoxGroup alloc] init];
    [checkBoxGroup setCheckBoxes:checkBoxes];
    [checkBoxGroup setDelegate:self];
    [checkBoxGroup setIdentifier:@"group"];


MIT but Read de LICENSE file for more info.


v0.1.3.1 ~ Method names and properties may change in the future. The will be specified but concider yourself warned.