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Martin Koch edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 33 revisions

Path documentation

The Path repo consists of the two classes File and Folder which represent file and folder paths, respectively.

Construct File and Folder objects by providing the constructors with one or multiple arguments of type string vector, char vector, cell of string or char vectors. The paths may contain path separator characters.


>> files = File(["models\FlyingCar.slx", "models\DrivingPlane.slx", "..\Docs\StateSecrets.pdf", "C:\Skynet.exe"])


The objects allow you to use the methods listed below.


>> files.where(Extension=".slx").stem

    "FlyingCar"    "DrivingPlane"


Type conversions

Method Class Description Return type
string File/Folder Convert to string string
char File/Folder Convert to char array char
cellstr File/Folder Convert to cell of char arrays cell


Method Class Description Return type
name File/Folder File or folder name without directory File/Folder
parent File/Folder Parent directory Folder
root File/Folder First directory element of absolute paths Folder
stem File File name without extension string
extension File File extension string
parts File/Folder Split path into list comprising root, folders and name string
strlength File/Folder Number of characters in the path string double
absolute File/Folder Absolute path assuming the current working directory as reference File/Folder
relative File/Folder Path relative to reference directory File/Folder
is File/Folder Whether properties match patterns logical
isAbsolute, isRelative File/Folder Whether path is absolute or relative logical


Method Class Description Return type
/, \, append Folder Join paths. Deduce if file or folder. File/Folder
appendFile Folder Join folder and file path. File
appendFolder Folder Join two folder paths. Folder


Method Class Description Return type
setName File/Folder Set file or folder name without directory File/Folder
setParent File/Folder Set parent directory File/Folder
setRoot File/Folder Set first directory element File/Folder
setStem File Set file name without extension File
setExtension File Set file extension File
addSuffix File/Folder Add string to the end of the path File/Folder
addStemSuffix File Add string to the end of the file stem File
regexprep File/Folder Wrapper for built-in regexprep File/Folder


Method Class Description Return type
==, eq File/Folder Whether path strings are equal logical
~=, ne File/Folder Whether path strings are unequal logical


Method Class Description Return type
where File/Folder Select paths where properties match patterns File/Folder

File system interaction

Method Class Description Return type
exists File/Folder Whether file or folder exists in filesystem logical
mustExist File/Folder Raise error if file or folder does not exist -
dir File/Folder Wrapper for built-in dir struct
modifiedDate File/Folder Date and time of last modification datetime
createEmptyFile File Create an empty file -
fopen File Wrapper for built-in fopen double; char
open File Open file and return file ID and onCleanup object, which closes the file on destruction. Create parent folder if necessary. Raise error on failure. double; onCleanup
readText File Read text file string
writeText File Write text file -
copy File/Folder Copy to new path -
copyToFolder File/Folder Copy into folder preserving the original name -
move File/Folder Move to new path (rename) -
moveToFolder File/Folder Move into folder preserving the original name -
delete File Delete file if it exists -
bytes File File size in bytes -
cd Folder Wrapper for built-in cd Folder
mkdir Folder Create folder if it does not already exist -
listFiles Folder List files in that folder File
listDeepFiles Folder List files in that folder and all its subdirectories File
listFolders Folder List directories in that folder Folder
listDeepFolders Folder List directories and subdirectories in that folder Folder
tempFile Folder Append random unique file name File
rmdir Folder Wrapper for built-in rmdir -


Method Class Description Return type
isEmpty File/Folder Check if array is empty logical
count File/Folder Number of elements double
sort File/Folder Sort by path string File/Folder; double
unique_ File/Folder Wrapper for built-in unique File/Folder; double; double
deal File/Folder Distribute array objects among output arguments File/Folder; File/Folder; ...


Method Description Return type
Folder.current Current working directory; wrapper for built-in pwd Folder
Folder.home User home directory Folder
Folder.temp Temporary folder; wrapper for built-in tempdir Folder
File.temp Random unique file in temporary folder; wrapper for built-in tempname Folder
Folder.matlab Matlab install directory; wrapper for built-in matlabroot Folder
Folder.searchPath Folders on Matlab search path; wrapper for built-in path Folder
Folder.userPath Matlab user directory; wrapper for built-in userpath Folder
File.ofMatlabElement Path of Matlab file on the Matlab search path File
Folder.ofMatlabElement Folder of Matlab file on the Matlab search path Folder
File.ofCaller Path of Matlab file executing this method File
Folder.ofCaller Folder of Matlab file executing this method Folder


Method Class Description Return type
disp File/Folder Display in console -
help File/Folder Open documentation web page -