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111 lines (83 loc) · 7.48 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (83 loc) · 7.48 KB Portal Development

These steps outline the portal development process. Steps for updating all other Wikimedia Foundation portals are described in the Updating Other Portal Pages section.

The portal page utilizes several pre/post processors to generate an optimized HTML page.



  • node
  • npm

npm install and grab a coffee (that'll take a few minutes). The portal page has numerous dev dependencies, all of which are listed in the package.json file. Some of the main dev dependencies include the following:

All these tools and more, are executed through gulp tasks.

Running gulp help will output a list of available gulp tasks. The output might look something like this.

|                                     =====  USAGE =====                                          |
| GLOBAL TASKS :                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                 |
| gulp lint                                   - run jslint on all JS files                        |
| gulp update-stats                           - update file containing projects stats             |
| PORTAL-SPECIFIC TASKS :                                                                         |
|                                                                                                 |
| gulp lint --portal            - run jslint on JS files on portal JS files         |
| gulp inline-assets --portal   - build inline CSS and JS assets                    |
| gulp optimize-images --portal - run imagemin on image directory                   |
| gulp watch --portal           - watches dev directory and generates an index.html |
|                                               file in it without inlined/minified assets        |
| gulp --portal                 - run all of the above on the specified portal page |
|                                                                                                 |
| gulp fetch-meta --portal      - overwrite the portal page with source from Meta   |

Directory Structure

The directory structure is divided into a development ('dev') directory and a production ('prod') directory. prod should not be edited directly, as its content will be overridden when running the build command gulp --portal

|— package.json
|— gulpfile.js
|— dev/                                 development dir
|	|—
|		|— portal/                      symlink to '../' for mirroring prod server setup.
|		|— templates/                   Handlebars template partials
|		|— index.handlebars             main Handlebars template
|		|—assets/
|			|— css/                     compiled postCSS
|			|— img/                     compiled sprites & non-sprite images
|				|— sprite_assets        original sprite images
|			|— js/                      javascript files
|			|— postcss/                 postCSS files
|— prod                                 Compiled production dir
        |— index.html                   compiled from dev with inlined CSS
        |— assets/                      minimized & compressed assets
            |— img/
            |— js/

Starting Development

Afer running npm install, you will probably run gulp watch --portal during most of your time coding. This task watches for changes in dev/ and generate an index.html file at dev/ This file contains un-minified JS & CSS assets, making it easy to debug. CSS development is done using the PostCSS preprocessor. Consult the README file at dev/ for more details on PostCSS. Javascript development does not require any pre-processing, but must conform to WMF coding conventions and pass linting with JSHint.

Article-count & Wiki Ranking Files

The command gulp update-stats updates the article-counts and rankings for the portal page. To see these changes actually reflected on the page, run gulp watch --portal This will generate a new development version of the page in the /dev directory. Then run gulp --portal to build a new production version of the page with the new article counts and rankings.

The following files are responsible for populating the data on the portal page.

|— site-defs.json       static file copied from
|— site-stats.js        generates the site-stats.json file
|— site-stats.json      contains per-wiki pageviews and article counts
|— stats.js             combines site-stats.json & site-defs.json into an exported Stats variable
|— dev/
        |— other-projects.json      text for sister projects.
        |— other-languages.json     text for 'other languages' section on portal.
        |— controller.js            Handlebars helper that organizes wikis by ranking.


gulp --portal will generate the production version of the page and place it in /prod/ The production version contains JS and image assets that have been combined, uglified, minified, compressed and suffixed with a cache-busting file-name. The contents of prod should not be edited directly.


npm test will run a basic Javascript linting test on all the JS code in the repo.

Integration tests have been created to verify that event-logging used by the WMF for analytics and A/B testing purposes is functional. Tests are located in the /tests folder and are run through PhantomJS and Casper.js. More documentation on these tests, including how to run them and what they test, are found in the comments in each file.

Updating Other Portal Pages

All other WMF project portals are still updated through their respective wiki pages on, (e.g wiktionary portal ). When these pages are updated through the wiki, they must then be copied into this repository in order to be deployed. They are copied using the gulp command gulp fetch-meta --portal to copy a single portal, or gulp fetch-meta --portal all to copy the newest versions of all the portal pages (except for into the repo.