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This project will leverage the detailed and vast data of NYC taxicabs/FHV to produce Pickup/dropoff timelapse heatmaps for a particular day. Perhaps incorporating a comparison slider for FHV vs yellow/green cabs. Another potential visualization is using trip data to visualize taxi movement on a map.

Technologies Used

Javascript for logic Google Maps API (Map/Heatmap/directions) D3.js(potentially drawing routes and rendering other effects) HTML5 CSS3


The app will consist of a map in the center, overlayed with a heatmap representing pickup/dropoff points in NYC in a given day. There will be a slider for time of day that will visualize changes in the heatmap depending on the hour. May potentially also include a timelapse instead of/in addition to the slider. Also, thinking about an image comparison slider over the map to compare between yellow cab/FHV.

Or, depending on what would seem to be more interesting/doable, another visualization for this trip data would be to pick a sample of taxis and visualize their movements on the map using trip data and google maps directions.


Day 1

Get skeleton setup(webpack/etc). Familiarize/get set up with google maps API. Look into taxi trip data shape and how to best sort/extract data needed from this formidable dataset.

Day 2

Learn D3.js and research any particular functionality I will be using. Aim to have d3 chart down by the end of the day.

Day 3

Learn how to set up heatmap layer with Google Maps. Set up timelapse and/or slider.

Day 4

Add Links/styling, perhaps a legend for the map if need be.

Still not sure whether to do taxi route visualization instead...


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