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Variably scales video in time domain

This project implements a method that variably scales video and audio in the time domain. This means that the time intervals between video and audio samples are variably scaled along the timeline of the video.

Learn more about variably scaling video files from our in-depth blog post.

Variable time scaling is interpreted as a function on the unit interval [0,1] that specifies the instantaneous time scale factor at each time in the video, with video time mapped to the unit interval with division by its duration. It will be referred to as the instantaneous time scale function. The values v of the instantaneous time scale function will contract or expand infinitesimal time intervals dt variably across the duration of the video as v * dt.

In this way the absolute time scale at any particular time t is the sum of all infinitesimal time scaling up to that time, or the definite integral of the instantaneous scaling function from 0 to t.

The associated Xcode project implements a SwiftUI app for macOS and iOS that variably scales video files stored on your device or iCloud.

A default video file is provided to set the initial state of the app.

After a video is imported it is displayed in the VideoPlayer where it can be viewed, along with its variably scaled counterpart.

Select the scaling type and its parameters using sliders and popup menu.


The project is comprised of the same classes as ScaleVideo but modified for variably scaling with definite integration:

  1. ScaleVideoApp - The App for import, scale and export.
  2. ScaleVideoObservable - An ObservableObject that manages the user interaction to scale and play video files.
  3. ScaleVideo - The AVFoundation, vDSP and Quadrature code that reads, scales and writes video files.


Videos to scale are imported from Files using fileImporter and exported to Files using fileExporter.

The scaling is monitored with a ProgressView.

The video and scaled video can be played with a VideoPlayer.


Creates the ScaleAudio object to perform the scaling operation and send progress back to the app.

The URL of the video to scale is received from the file import operation and, if needed, downloaded with startDownloadingUbiquitousItem or security accessed with startAccessingSecurityScopedResource.

To facilitate exporting using fileExporter a FileDocument named VideoDocument is prepared with a FileWrapper created from the URL of the scaled video.


Scaling video is performed using AVFoundation, vDSP and Quadrature.

The ScaleVideo initializer init:

init?(path : String, frameRate: Int32, destination: String, integrator:@escaping (Double) -> Double, progress: @escaping (CGFloat, CIImage?) -> Void, completion: @escaping (URL?, String?) -> Void)


  1. path: String - The path of the video file to be scaled.

  2. frameRate: Int32 - The desired frame rate of the scaled video. Specify 0 for variable rate.

  3. destination: String - The path of the scaled video file.

  4. integrator: Closure - A function that is the definite integral of the instantaneous time scale function on the unit interval [0,1].

  5. progress: Closure - A handler that is periodically executed to send progress images and values.

  6. completion: Closure - A handler that is executed when the operation has completed to send a message of success or not.

The ScaleVideoApp.swift file contains sample code can be run in the init() method to exercise the method.

The samples generate files into the Documents folder.

Run the app on the Mac and navigate to the Documents folder using the Go to Documents button, or use Go to Folder... from the Go menu in the Finder using the paths to the generated videos that will be printed in the Xcode log view.

The integralTests series of examples uses numerical integration of various instantaneous time scaling functions for the integrator:

// iterate all tests:
let _ ={ integralTests(integralType: $0) })

The antiDerivativeTests series of examples uses the antiderivative of various instantaneous time scaling functions for the integrator:

let _ ={ antiDerivativeTests(antiDerivativeType: $0) })

Antiderivative Examples

Since the app code described in our in-depth blog post is itself an example of using numerical integration to compute time scaling only antiderivative examples are given here.

Three different time scaling functions are defined by their antiderivatives:

enum AntiDerivativeType: CaseIterable {
    case constantDoubleRate
    case constantHalfRate
    case variableRate

func antiDerivativeTests(antiDerivativeType:AntiDerivativeType) {
    var filename:String
    switch antiDerivativeType {
        case .constantDoubleRate:
            filename = ""
        case .constantHalfRate:
            filename = ""
        case .variableRate:
            filename = ""
    func antiDerivative(_ t:Double) -> Double {
        var value:Double
        switch antiDerivativeType {
            case .constantDoubleRate:
                value = t / 2
            case .constantHalfRate:
                value = 2 * t
            case .variableRate:
                value = t * t / 2
        return value
    let fm = FileManager.default
    let docsurl = try! fm.url(for:.documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
    let destinationPath = docsurl.appendingPathComponent(filename).path
    let scaleVideo = ScaleVideo(path: kDefaultURL.path, frameRate: 30, destination: destinationPath, integrator: antiDerivative, progress: { p, _ in
        print("p = \(p)")
    }, completion: { result, error in
        print("result = \(String(describing: result))")

Run with:

let _ ={ antiDerivativeTests(antiDerivativeType: $0) })

Example 1

The integrator is the antiderivative:

s(t) = t/2

The instantaneous time scaling function is:

s`(t) = 1/2

In terms of integrals:

∫ s'(t) dt = ∫ 1/2 dt = t/2

So time is locally scaled by 1/2 uniformly and the resulting video plays uniformly at double the original rate.

Example 2

The integrator is the antiderivative:

s(t) = 2 t

The instantaneous time scaling function is:

s`(t) = 2

In terms of integrals:

∫ s'(t) dt = ∫ 2 dt = 2 t

So time is locally scaled by 2 uniformly and the resulting scaled video plays uniformly at half the original rate.

Example 3

The integrator is the antiderivative:

s(t) = s(t) = t^2/2

The instantaneous time scaling function is:

s'(t) = t

In terms of integrals:

∫ s'(t) dt = ∫ t dt = t^2/2

So time is locally scaled at a variable rate t and the resulting scaled video plays at a variable rate that starts fast and slows to end at normal speed.