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Tutorial: grimoire

In this tutorial, you will learn how to train HMMs, decode sequences, and compare annotations. All the programs you will need are in grimoire/bin and all the data files are in grimoire/data. Here's the road map for this tutorial.

  1. Setting up
  2. Summarizing genome annotation with calfo
  3. Visualizing annotation files with kandi
  4. Creating training and testing sets with haman
  5. Building an HMM with milwa
  6. Visualizing an HMM with dumapic
  7. Decoding sequences with halito
  8. Comparing predictions with morlis
  9. Tuning models to improve accuracy


Before we get to the walk-through, lets take a brief moment to review who should and should not use this tutorial. This is a Linux command-line tutorial. We make the following assumptions about your general Linux skills:

  • You can modify file permissions and set environment variables
  • You can install python modules (probably in virtual environments)
  • You can clone Git repositories

It is further assumed that you have an interest in genomics. If you don't know what that means, you probably downloaded the wrong software. Here are some expected users of grimoire.

  • You want to run a gene prediction program
  • You want to identify potential errors in genome annotation
  • You want to model some kind of sequence feature
  • You want to develop a new algorithm using grimoire

It is further assumed that you have enough bioinformatics knowledge to know that there are a variety of standard formats and that standard formats are sometimes interpreted loosely. You're also okay working around these problems. Here are a few more assumptions:

  • You have worked with FASTA files before
  • You have worked with GFF files before
  • You have used BLAST or similar programs on the command line
  • You can write scripts in Python/Perl to munge files

Finally, while we are excited when other people use our software, we are an academic lab with limited time and funding. We cannot offer much support. We appreciate bug reports and feature requests, but we don't intend to offer general Linux, Python, or Git help.

OK, if you're still around, let's start the tutorial.

1. Setup

It is assumed that you either pip3 installed the grimoire package (probably in a virtual environment) or you are working with a cloned git repo and have set your PYTHONPATH to include grimoire and your PATH to include grimoire/bin.

Grimoire depends on the matplotlib and graphviz packages. Make sure those are installed (possibly in a virtual environment)

pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install graphviz

You also need to install the graphviz executables and have them available in your PATH.

sudo apt install graphviz # Ubuntu, Debian
brew install graphviz     # Mac via homebrew

To make sure the grimoire pacakage and its dependencies are installed correctly, run the unit tests in the grimoire root directory.

python3 test

If any of the tests fail, it may be because one of the python libraries is missing or the graphviz executables are not in your PATH. Fix those before proceeding. Don't continue the tutorial unless all the unit tests pass cleanly.

In the grimoire/data directory you will find the files we will be using in this tutorial. These sequence and annotation files represent 1% of the C. elegans genome. The GFF3 and GTF files contain mostly the same information, but not exactly. The GFF3 has some RNA genes while the GTF has only coding genes.

+ `ce270.fa.gz` from WS270
+ `ce270.gff3.gz` from WS270
+ `ce270.gtf.gz` from WS270

To keep things tidy, create a working diretory somewhere and make symlinks from the files above to your working directory (you don't need to have set GRIMOIRE as shown below, so if you didn't, use the path to wherever the grimoire root directory is).

ln -s $GRIMOIRE/data/ce*.gz .

2. Summarizing genome annotation with calfo

One of the first problems any bioinformatician faces is how to deal with "other peoples' data". In this case, we're talking about genome annotation in some standard-ish format. WormBase is the primary source for C. elegans files. But you can also pick them up from Ensemble, for example. Even at WormBase you can find more than one format for the annotation. The GFF3 file contains everything, which may be more than you want while the GTF file contains just the genes.

Examine the annotation files with zless or whatever (but if that 'whatever' is you uncompressing the file and then opening it with Word, you should consider a change in career). You'll notice that the GFF3 and GTF files have different names for the same feature (e.g. mRNA is the same as transcript) and also different ways of describing the same feature (e.g. CDS features contain stop codons in GFF3 but not GTF).

Let's get an overview of the C. elegans genome annotation at release 270 with calfo. We'll create reports for both gff3 and gtf.

calfo --fasta ce270.fa.gz --gff ce270.gff3.gz --title ce270gff --html ce270gff3.html
calfo --fasta ce270.fa.gz --gff ce270.gtf.gz --title ce270gtf --html ce270gtf.html

Open the html pages in your favorite browser. In Figure 2, you can see that the files specify different feature types. But the figures afterward all use the same terminology (i.e. mRNA instead of transcript). That's because grimoire considers GFF3 to be its native format and automatically converts GTF (and some other formats) to GFF3.

3. Visualizing annotation files with kandi

One of the bioinformatician's most useful debugging tools is their powers of observation. However, it is often difficult to observe genome annotations when they are represented as thousands of lines of text. That's why there are genome browsers like Jbrowse, Gbrowse, IGV, IGB, Apollo, etc. Genome browsers are usually the best way to examine annotation at arbitrary resolution. But setting them up can be a bit of a pain because the files have to be indexed properly or uploaded to a website. So we're going to use the really simple genome browser kandi, which you can find in grimoire/bin. This vi-like browser is terminal-based and driven with the keyboard, not mouse. kandi can be useful in a debugging or tutorial setting but is not intended for use on whole genomes. Let's open up the annotation files and compare them in kandi.

kandi ce270.fa.gz ce270.gff3.gz ce270.gtf.gz

The program starts out in 'gene' view. On the left-hand quarter of the display at about 23000, you should see a purple glyph that is present in the GTF file that isn't in the GFF file. If you hit 't' to go to 'transcript' view, you can see that the is glpyh is colored yellow. Coding segments are green and this isn't coding. If you move the cursor over that yellow glyph and hit 'return', you can zoom in on it. If you zoom in more (with the '+' key) you will eventually see the DNA.

So the GFF3 and GTF files are pretty similar but not identical. For our purposes, it doesn't matter, so we'll use the GFF3 file from now on.

4. Creating training and testing sets with haman

When building a gene-finder or other sequence decoder, we need some kind of training set. One convenient source is a closely related genome that has already been annotated, In our case, we're going to use the previous WS270 annotations. If we want to know how well our decoder performs, we also need a test set. We're going to do the very simple thing of splitting our data into halves: one half for the training, one half for the testing.

haman --fasta ce270.fa.gz --gff ce270.gff3.gz --segment gene --split 2 --out set

The previous command splits our data set into 4 files. Those marked set-0 will be used for training while set-1 is for testing. To make this abundantly clear, let's alias them.

ln -s set-0.fa train.fa
ln -s set-0.gff3 train.gff3
ln -s set-1.fa test.fa
ln -s set-1.gff3 test.gff3

Take a quick look at the training set with kandi.

kandi set-0*

You'll find that each gene now has its own piece of DNA with about 100 bp upstream and downstream (negative strand genes have been flipped and have 101 bp rather than 100 - for internal debugging reasons). You may want more or less than that, which you can do with the --padding parameter in haman. If you look at a few genes, you'll not that there may be more than one transcript per gene. The third gene in the list has two transcripts, for example. In the real, messy biological world, a gene may produce several transcripts, some of which may be quite rare. However, in the computer world, this complexity is usually distilled down to the simple rule that a gene creates exactly one transcript. This makes training, testing, and evaluation much simpler. In this tutorial, we will continue on with that tradition. However, this is an oversimplification of the underlying biology and while grimoire is capable of doing more complex things, those are outside the scope of this tutorial.

5. Building an HMM with milwa

There are several simple models that can be built with milwa. We're going to build a model of the splice donor site and some flanking sequence.

milwa --fasta train.fa --gff train.gff3 --model don --canonical --first --hmm donor.hmm

In the command line above, --model don indicates we want to build the donor model, --canonical means we only want canonical sequences (e.g. donor sites starting with 'GT', --first means we only want the first transcript if there are more than one, and --hmm donor.hmm specifies the name of the output file.

Examine the donor.hmm file with less or whatever and you'll see that it is formatted as a JSON document.

6. Visualizing an HMM with dumapic

When you create your own HMMs, it's easy to mess up the state connections. So it's a good idea to visualize the state connection diagram with dumapic.

dumapic --hmm donor.hmm --svg donor.svg

You can view the donor.svg file with a variety of web browsers and graphics programs. ImageMagick works well for converting to png or pdf.

HMMs are generative models, so in that spirit, grimoire includes a program, mogref, to generate random sequences consistent with a model. Feel free to skip this next step as it's just included 'for fun'.

mogref --hmm donor.hmm --fasta fake.fa --gff fake.gff --count 10 --length 200 --seed 1

Note that the names of the features in the GFF file are not actually following the GFF3 specification.

7. Decoding sequences with halito

The HMM we built with milwa modeled splice donor sites, but we don't have a collection of splice donor sites to decode. We'll create one now with milwa but this time we will save the sequences and not the HMM.

milwa --fasta test.fa --gff test.gff3 --model don --canonical --first --source donors

You will now have two new files in your working directory: donors.fa and donors.gff. Inspect these with less to make sure they look as expected.

Now it's finally to decode some sequences with the HMM we built. To do that, we use halito. You can run this multi-threaded, but the HMM is so simple and the sequences are so short that it isn't worth the overhead.

halito --fasta donors.fa --hmm donor.hmm > out.gff

8. Comparing predictions with morlis

To compare the predictions out.gff with the test set donors.gff we use morlis. Right now, development of morlis is highly volatile as there are many ways one can interpret correctness. For this reason, the following code may or may not do anything useful.

morlis --fasta donors.fa --file1 donors.gff --file2 out.gff

9. Tuning models to improve accuracy

The HMM we built in this tutorial was somewhat terrible. The reason for that is that each state was specified with a naive emission model. HMMs become much more accurate when state emissions have context. A clear example of this is that CDS states need a context of at least 2 in order to prevent in-frame stop codons (i.e. the probability of emitting an 'A' from the 3rd state of a codon should be zero if the previous emissions were 'TA').

To improve the model, we might also want to make the donor site longer to capture more of the surrounding sequence context. How long the donor site should be depends on the specific genome.

The data set here was very small. There were only ~65 sequences in each of the training and testing sets. When using such small data sets, splitting them 50/50 isn't a great idea. It's better to use cross-validation or jack-knifing.