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Waves Node Configuration Parameters

Configuration Format

The configuration system of Waves Node uses HOCON format. HOCON stands for Human-Optimized Config Object Notation. The complete description of HOCON could be found in the Official HOCON documentation. The advantages of HOCON are simple syntax and ability to use comments.

Default Configs and Overrides

Default Configuration Embedded into JAR

Complete default Waves Node configuration file which is embedded into jar-file can be found here:

MainNet and TestNet config in DEB-packages

If you use DEB-packages to install a node, they also contain configuration files which override some parameters specific to the network:

Overriding parameters when running JAR-file

If you run JAR file it's recommended to override default parameters by passing a path to config file as the command line parameter then starting Waves Node application.

java -jar waves-all-0.13.3.jar waves.conf

Typically this file should contain you node's unique characteristics (ip, name, keys, etc...) and network-specific parameters similar to waves-mainnet or waves-testnet configs from previous sections (files shipped with DEB packages).

Configuration Sections

Waves configuration section

Root configuration section waves holds essential application parameters and other configuration subsections.

Using parameter directory it is possible to set a path to the base application directory. Starting from version 0.6.0 it is possible to use environment variables to set configuration parameters. For example, by default, the base directory constructed relative to the user’s HOME environment variable. Please, do not enclose environment variables references in quotes, in this case, they will be handled as strings and won’t be resolved.

Note: If you want to change waves directory in Ubuntu packages you should change it using in /etc/waves/application.ini and /lib/systemd/system/waves.service. You can override any JVM start parameter in waves.service, it has priority.

Note: For Windows users. Often on Windows, the HOME environment variable is not set. Please, replace ${HOME} with ${HOMEPATH} or ${APPDATA} in your additional configuration file. Also, you should remember that Windows' environment variables names are case sensitive.

Parameter data-directory sets the location of LevelDB database folder. In this database stored blockchain data and state.

Using parameter leveldb-cache-size you can set the size of theinternal cache of LevelDB database.

Note: The number of bytes should be given to set the cache size parameter. But you can use size units:

  • K - for kilobyte
  • M - for megabytes
  • G - for gigabytes

Network settings {#user-content-network-settings}

In network section P2P network related settings could be set.

Use file parameter to set the location of peers database. In this database node stores lists of known and blacklisted peers. By default, the path is resolved with regard to base directory from waves section.

Using declared-address parameter you can set the external IP address and port number of the node. It’s necessary to work behind NAT in most cloud hosting, where the machine does not interface directly with the external address. If you do not specify it, then your node connects to the P2P network, but it won’t listen to incoming connections so other nodes will not be able to connect. Other nodes are connected to your node using these data. The format of this parameter is "[ip-address]:[port]".

Using parameter bind-address you can set the IP address of local network interface on which Waves Node will accept incoming connections. By default, node binds to that means that it will listen on all available network adapters.

Use port parameter to set the network port number to which other Waves nodes will connect. Check that the port is reachable from outside otherwise, your node will connect to P2P network only using outgoing connections. If this the port is taken by other application, your node won’t start.

Parameter node-name could be used to set the name of your node visible to other participants of the P2P network. The name transmitted during initial handshake. In the default configuration, this parameter is commented out, which leads to random name generation.

Parameter nonce is sent during a handshake. By default, it’s not set and nonce will be generated randomly. This value is used to distinguish nodes connected from one IP address.

The known-peers parameter stores the list of bootstrap nodes to which your node will establish outgoing connections while initializing. By default it set to Testnet nodes.

The peers-data-residence-time parameter could be used to set the period of time during which the node stores information about external peer since last communication session with it.

Note: All time span parameters are set in milliseconds. But duration units can be used to shorten the value. Supported units are:

  • s - second, seconds
  • m - muinute, minutes
  • h - hour, hours
  • d - day, days
For usage examples see the default configuration file above.

Parameter black-list-residence-time could be used to set the period of time for which information about external peer stays in the blacklist.

Use max-inbound-connections parameter to set the maximum number of simultaneous inbound connections handled by the node.

Use max-outbound-connections parameter to limit the number of outgoing network connections.

Using max-single-host-connections parameter you can specify the allowed number of network connections made from single IP address.

Parameter connection-timeout could be used to change the network communication timeout.

Parameter outbound-buffer-sizeis used to set the network buffer size. Better leave the default value, incorrect buffer size could lead to node malfunction.

Parameter max-unverified-peers could be used to change the maximum size of the buffer to store information about peers during handshake process.

Use enable-peers-exchange parameter to enable requesting and sending the information about peers.

Parameter enable-blacklisting allows to enable or disable blacklisting of peers.

Use peers-broadcast-interval parameter to set the period of time between broadcasts of known peers list to other nodes.

Using handshake-timeout parameter it is possible to set time period to wait for reply during handshake. In case of no reply the peer will be blacklisted.

In upnp section you can set the UPnP settings. Actually, those settings are useful only if you ran your Waves node on the home network where the node could ask your router to establish a tunnel. By default, this functionality is disabled. Useenableparameter ofupnpto enable this functionality.

In traffic-logger section you can enable or disable logging of some of incoming or outgoing network messages. Network messages are logged at TRACE level.

Wallet settings {#user-content-wallet-settings}

In wallet section you can configure wallet built in Waves node.

Use file parameter to set the path to the wallet file. By default, the path to the file is calculated relative to the base application directory.

Parameter password could be used to set the password string to protect the wallet file.

Using seed parameter you could recreate an existing wallet on a new node. Provide the BASE58 string of your seed here. If you don’t have any existing wallet comment out this parameter and start the node. During the first run, the application will create a new wallet with a random seed for you. In this case, the seed will be displayed in the application log. If you miss it or if you don’t want to check the log files, it will also be available in REST API using the wallet/seed method.

Warning: The wallet is a critical part of your node. Better to create its file in a safe and protected location. Don’t forget to backup your wallet’s file. It’s recommended to remove the seed from the configuration file immediately after the start of the node. If an attacker gains access to this seed string, he has access to all your funds on all your addresses!

Update wallet's settings

If you want to run the node with another wallet, you have to:

  • delete/cope to another location your wallet.dat file for making directory /wallet empty
  • update seed at config file

After that node will use another wallet settings.

Blockchain settings {#user-content-blockchain-settings}

Here you can select the blockchain type or create your own blockchain.

Use parameter max-transactions-per-block-diff to set the number of transactions stored in memory before storing on disk. Reducing the number could increase the number of disk operations.

You can change the number of blocks stored in memory using parameter min-blocks-in-memory.

Using type parameter you can select the blockchain type. Three choices are available: TESTNET, MAINNET and CUSTOM. For TESTNET or MAINNET types, parameters of blockchain are built in the application so you don’t have to configure them. But if you select CUSTOM blockchain type you have to provide the custom configuration section (which is commented out in the example).

Configuring custom blockchain {#user-content-configuring-custom-blockchain}

Use parameter address-scheme-character in section custom to set the address feature character. This character used while building an address and also passed over a network during a handshake. The latter allow nodes not connect to the nodes with other blockchains.

functionality section allows you to set the timestamps of activation of different blockchain validations. It’s better to set all functionality settings to 0 to have a blockchain with all validations active.

In genesis section it is possible to describe the first (genesis) block of your custom blockchain.

Use block-timestamp parameter to set the date of creation of genesis block. Using parameter timestamp it is possible to set time of creation for genesis transactions.

Using signature parameter you can set the signature of genesis block.

In initial-balance parameter it’s possible to set the total amount of coins. This value should be given in the smallest units of cryptocurrency.

Using initial-base-target parameter it’s possible adjust the speed of block generation in the very begging of your custom blockchain.

Using average-block-delay parameter you can set the speed of block generation in your blockchain. This is a target period of time between blocks. In reality delays between blocks could vary.

In transactions parameter you should provide the list of first transactions. Each transaction is described by recipient’s address (as BASE58 string) and amount. You have to distribute all initial balance to one or more addresses in genesis block. If you failed to do so, the genesis block will be considered as incorrect and the application won’t start.

Checkpoints settings {#user-content-checkpoints-settings}

In this section, you can configure the public key for checkpoints verification sent over the P2P network. Provide the BASE58 representation of public key using public-key parameter. It’s useful to change this parameter only in CUSTOM blockchains.

Matcher settings {#user-content-matcher-settings}

Configuration section matcher could be used to configure DEX matcher.

Use enable parameter to enable DEX matcher. By default, it’s disabled.

In account parameter you could provide the address of the matcher. This address is used to receive orders and pay or collect fees.

Using bind-address it’s possible to set the IP address of local network interface to bind matcher’s REST API.

port parameter is used to set the port number on which the matcher’s REST API will accept incoming connections.

Using min-order-fee parameter it’s possible to set the minimum required fee to process orders. For now, matcher accepts fee only in WAVES. The fee should be given in minimal units (WAVELETS).

Use order-match-tx-fee parameter to set the transaction fee of order match transactions created by the matcher.

Parameter matcher-direcotory could be used to set the location of matcher’s files.

In data-directory, journal-directory and snapshots-directory parameters, you can set the location of matcher’s data. Matcher has its own LevelDB database.

Parameter leveldb-cache-size allows to set the size of cache for Matcher’s LevelDB database. By default it’s the same as for the node.

Use snapshots-interval parameter to change the period of time between snapshots of matcher’s state.

Use order-cleanup-interval parameter to adjust how often clean up of expired orders occurs.

Using max-open-ordersparameter you can limit the number of unmatched orders stored in the matcher.

Using parameters price-assets and predefined-pairs it is possible to define rules of assets pairs creation for the matcher. Inside the matcher a trading pair consists of an "amount" asset and a "price" asset. The "amount" asset is used to specify the amount in order. The "price" asset is used to specify the price in order.

Parameter price-assets is the list of assets IDs that will be used as price asset (second one) in a pair with any unknown asset. If both assets in the pair are "price" assets you have to use parameter predefined-pairs to define the correct order of assets in the pair.

In case of no definition given, assets will be sorted by their IDs and the first will be selected as "price" asset and the second will be chosen as "amount" asset.

To specify Waves as a side of a pair use special asset ID "WAVES".

Below you can find an example of setting assets pairs.

price-assets = [
predefined-pairs = [
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe"},
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj"},
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux"},
     {amountAsset = "WAVES", priceAsset = "6pmDivReTLikwYqQtJTv6dTcE59knriaodB3AK8T9cF8"},
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "2aSqCbvCTgvCpwkGsk4mea4tCLG4Zgp69aQDhHNvRUZv"},
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "8zEZuJcKPQmFuYgVe5ZMpxgiPLu5zBhjA6xgdGomQDaP"},
     {amountAsset = "Fmg13HEHJHuZYbtJq8Da8wifJENq8uBxDuWoP9pVe2Qe", priceAsset = "D2MNuUyA38pSKoV7F7vpS15Uhw9nw5qfbrGUfCLRNuRo"},
     {amountAsset = "2xnE3EdpqXtFgCP156qt1AbyjpqdZ5jGjWo3CwTawcux", priceAsset = "HyFJ3rrq5m7FxdkWtQXkZrDat1F7LjVVGfpSkUuEXQHj"}

Parameter max-timestamp-diff is used to set the maximum allowed time difference between order and local matcher’s time.

Parameters blacklisted-assets and blacklisted-names could be used to blacklist assets from DEX.

It is possible deny operations on DEX for some addresses using parameter blacklisted-addresses.

Miner settings {#user-content-miner-settings}

In section miner it is possible to configure parameters of the new blocks generator.

Use enable parameter to enable or disable block generation on the node. By default, it’s enabled, but if you disable it your node won’t try to generate new blocks (won’t mine).

Use quorum parameter to set the minimum required number of connected peers to enable and start mining of new blocks. It defaults to 1, so your node will start mining as soon as it connects to the first peer in the P2P network. Setting this parameter to 0 will enable off-line generation.

Using interval-after-last-block-then-generation-is-allowed parameter you tune your node’s blocks download and generation behavior. By default, it set to 1 day, which means that your node won’t start block generation until it has the last block in the local blockchain not older than 1 day. So, using this parameter you order you node to actualize the blockchain before starting to generate new blocks. Actually, it works only after long node shutdowns.

REST API settings {#user-content-rest-api-settings}

In section rest-api you can set the node’s REST API parameters.

Use enable parameter to activate or deactivate REST API.

Parameter bind-address could be used to select network interface on which REST API will accept incoming connections.

Parameter port could be used to change the port number on which REST API will await connections.

Warning: Attention! For better security, do not change bind-address from if you do not know what you’re doing! For external access, you should use instead Nginx’s proxy_pass module or SSH port-forwarding.

Use api-key-hash parameter to set the hash of your API key. The API key is used to protect calls of critical API methods. Remember, that in this parameter you should provide the hash of API key, but during REST calls you should provide API key itself. You can use API method /utils/hash/secure to produce the hash of your API key.

Warning: API key is transmitted in the HTTP header as unprotected plain text! An attacker could intercept it in network transit and use it to transfer your money to any address! So you have to protect the transmission using HTTPS or use SSH port forwarding.

Parameter cors could be used to enable or disable CORS support in REST API. CORS allows to safely resolve queries to other domains outside the one running the node. It’s necessary for Swagger and Lite client. You can read about it here.

Synchronization settings {#user-content-synchronization-settings}

In synchronisation section it is possible to tune different aspects of node synchronization process.

Use max-rollback parameter to change the length of blockchain that can be discarded in case of fork detection. In your node find yourself on a fork with a lower score, it will try to switch to another fork, to do so the node will rollback few blocks. If the detected fork is longer than the given number, node prefers not to switch to another fork even if its score is bigger.

Parameter max-chain-length is used to set the size of the buffer that stores blocks of detected fork. This size should be bigger than maximum fork length.

Parameter synchronization-timeout could be used to set the timeout on block download operation.

Use parameter score-broadcast-interval to set the interval between score broadcasts to the P2P network.

Use parameter score-ttl to set the time-to-live interval of broadcasted score packets.

Parameter remote-score-debounce allows to set the time to wait before receiving the next score update from a peer.

In history-replier subsection you can configure the number of last blocks and micro-blocks cached in memory.

In micro-block-synchronizer subsection you could tune various parameters of Waves-NG protocol.

UTX pool settings {#user-content-utx-pool-settings}

In this section, you can change the size of unconfirmed transactions pool (max-size parameter) and maximum age of transactions allowed to UTX (max-transaction-age).