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Effective RIDE Examples

{% prettylink link="/technical-details/" %}RIDE's Introduction{% endprettylink %}


You can use the following recommendations to make your scripts readable, maintainable and useful.


We support the following chars " ", "\r", "\t", "\n". Try to avoid long lines, sometimes you'll work with
scripts from terminals or browsers frames. For readability you can use blank lines between logic blocks.

Constant Naming

Language Version 1.0 supports only a constants. To define constant you should use let structure
let = constName (";"|"\r"|"\n") BLOCK. For multi definition structure is
let = constName (";"|"\r"|"\n")[let = constName (";"|"\r"|"\n")]+ BLOCK.
Use clear and understandable names, avoid using keywords of the language such as height, tx, None,
if-then-else, or functions names. Main points are: clearness, understandable and shortness. The language parser
uses rules:

number = [+-]?['0'-'9']+

string = """, [1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-]*, """

byteVector = "base58'", [123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]* , "'"

constName = {latin-numeric string strating with char, excluding keywords}


let txHeight = height; true

let hash = "some secret message"

let one = 1; let two = 2; let three = 3;  one + two + three >= 8

let alicePubKey  = base58’B1Yz7fH1bJ2gVDjyJnuyKNTdMFARkKEpV’ (...)

let isAccepted = getBoolean(tx.recipient, (...)


let x = tx.attachment (...)

let none = MyFunc($Then) (...)


Braces are used to create logical expressions or functions calls:

let notaryAgreement = if(isDefined(tx.proof[1])) then (...)

let massTransferAttrs = ((match tx {
              case a: MasstransferTransaction => true} && (size(tx.transfers) == 2)) (...)

(...) (txToGovAttrsAllow && sig && txToGov)  || (txToUsers && sig)


Start with a #

# add up some numbers
let total = 3 + 5 + 8 + 11  # Fibonacci


As described in Available data types,
language has the following types: Bottom Type, Primitive Types, Complex Types. Users shouldn't specify type,
the language will do it automatically, but remember basic rules:

  • don't mix up different types 100500 + true or tx.timestamp - "hash"
  • a full type checking(ensuring type-safety in all branches of execution) is done in compilation phase


Details are available by link List[T],
and below is examples of List[T] usage:

let commonAmount = (tx.transfers[0].amount + tx.transfers[1].amount) (...)

let accSig = sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes,tx.proofs[0],accountPK) (...)

Control structures

Binary Operations

Operations include ">=", ">", "<", "<=", "+", "-", "&&", "||", "==". Consider examples for binary operators
in RIDE:

let amountTxCorrect = tx.amount == 300000 (...)

let sig = ((match tx {
              case a: LeaseTransaction => true}) || sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes,tx.proofs[0],sigA)) (...)

(...) height <= 15000000

Getter structures

You can use getter structures for field access of transactions or something with a complicated structure, just use
"." symbol:

(...) extract(mTx).bodyBytes (...)

(...) tx.transfers[1].amount (...)


IF-THEN-ELSE works in the same way as defined in many program languages. Structure of if-then-else is "if(BLOCK) then BLOCK else BLOCK

let isRecipientAgreed = if(isDefined(recipientAgreement)) then extract(recipientAgreement) else false (...)

let minSignaturesRequired = if( height < 1000) 2 else 1

Pattern matching

As Scala's documentation says: "Pattern matching is a mechanism for checking a value against a pattern. A successful
match can also deconstruct a value into its constituent parts. It is a more powerful version of the switch statement
in Java and it can likewise be used in place of a series of if/else statements."

RIDE also inherits such functionality but in a more simple mode, a basic statement for usage:

match tx {
    case a: TypeA => 0
    case b: TypeB => 1
    case other => throw()

throw() signals the occurrence of an exception during a script execution. In case of throw the transaction does not pass into the blockchain.

Union Types

Union Types is a powerful concept in many programming languages, expressiong a capability of a varaible to be one of allowed types.
Union types intersect, e.g.

PointA(x: Long, y: Long)
PointB(x: Long, y: String, z: Boolean)

and variable p being of type PointA | PointB (Union type)

let a = p.x # a is of type Long
let b = p.y # b is of type  Long | String
let c = p.z # won't compile!

If one wants to distinguish PointA from PointB, he needs to pattern-match the variable:

let v = match (p) {
 case pb: PointB => p.z # compilation works, because pb is of type PointB in this context
 case pa: _ => throw()  # compilation works, because throw() returns `Nothing`

In this example,tx, d don't have recipient field, but t has. All calls to transaction fields are now exception-free.

Crypto functions

Sometimes users need operate confidential information, for such needs RIDE has crypto functions "sha256", "blake2b256", "keccak256". In very popular use case as AtomicSwap, you can find an example of such usage:

let Bob = Address(base58'$BobBC1')
let Alice = Address(base58'$AliceBC1')

match tx {
  case ttx: TransferTransaction =>
     let txToBob = (ttx.recipient == Bob) && (sha256(ttx.proofs[0]) == base58'$shaSecret') && ((20 + $beforeHeight) >= height)
     let backToAliceAfterHeight = ((height >= (21 + $beforeHeight)) && (ttx.recipient == Alice))
     txToBob || backToAliceAfterHeight
  case other => false

where $shaSecret is sha256"BN6RTYGWcwektQfSFzH8raYo9awaLgQ7pLyWLQY4S4F5" of "some secret message from Alice",
$beforeHeight is some predefined height.

For example transactions list will be:
1) TransferTransactionV2 from AliceBC1 to swapBC1
2) TransferTransactionV2 from swapBC1 to BobBC1 OR after some height from swapBC1 to AliceBC1