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The reason behind decentralized exchange (DEX, aka Matcher) is to perform secure exchange of assets issued on Waves platform. When a user sends an order to Matcher he doesn't transfer ownership of his money to anyone, his money remains on his account until the order is matched with counter-order. And Matcher guarantees to create ExchangeTransaction on the conditions that are not worse than in user's order. After the transaction is confirmed on blockchain user account balances of assets are changed according to amount and order execution price.

Please find the matcher API for MainNet and TestNet: {% prettylink link="" %}MainNet Matcher API{% endprettylink %}

{% prettylink link="" %}TestNet Matcher API{% endprettylink %}

Limit Order

POST /matcher/orders

A user initiates his willingness to buy or sell assets by creating, signing and sending a Limit Order request to the Matcher node. The order should contain the following fields:

Request params:

Field name Type Description
sender PublicKeyAccount Public key of order creator related to the address from which to send/receive assets
matcher PublicKeyAccount Public key of matcher to whom user authorize to match his order
spendAssetId Option[Array[Byte]] Asset Id that creator wants to spend after exchange. Empty spendAssetId means WAVES
receiveAssetId Option[Array[Byte]] Asset Id that creator wants to receive after exchange. Empty receiveAssetId means WAVES
price Long 10^(8+Asset2Decimals-Asset1Decimals)
amount Long Amount in Asset1
expiration Long Max time of open order to live before execution. Currently, max is 1 month
matcherFee Long Fee which goes to Matcher for order matching (execution)
signature Array[Byte] Signature of all order data created by private key of sender

spendAssetId and receiveAssetId form AssetPair = (Asset1, Asset2) by the following rule:

  • the first asset in the pair is an asset with minimal bytes compared byte by byte starting from the first. Empty asset ( WAVES ) is always first in the pair. Thus:
AssetPair(spendAssetId, receiveAssetId) == AssetPair(receiveAssetId, spendAssetId) = (Asset1, Asset2)

For each AssetPair, there is exactly one OrderBook. AsetPair exists independently of which asset is 'spend' and which is 'received'. Thus for two different assets one AssetPair is created and corresponding Order Book is used for trading that AssetPair.

After AssetPair is determined, Order can be considered of 'BUY' or 'SELL' type with the following rule:

val (Asset1, Asset2) = AssetPair(spendAssetId, receiveAssetId)
if (receiveAssetId == Asset1) OrderType.BUY
else if (spendAssetId == Asset1) OrderType.SELL

Order validation rules

When a new Order is submitted to the Matcher all its fields are validated:

  1. amount should be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  2. price should be > 0 and <MaxAmount
  3. matcherFee be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  4. maxTimestamp should be > now and < than 30 days in the future
  5. signature should be valid with regards to sender's public key

*MaxAmount = 10^18

Additionally, the Order is validated based on internalMatcherstate:

  1. Order with such id should not exist already
  2. Sum of all open Order amounts for a particular spendAssetId should be <= confirmed balance of that spendAssetId on sender's account.

Matching algorithm

Price calculation

A new submitted Order is matched against some Order in OrderBook if there is such order that its price is better or equal to the submitted one.

  1. For 'BUY' order better means there is a 'SELL' order with price <= submitted
  2. For 'SELL' order better means there is a 'BUY' order with price >= submitted

Execution price of ExchangeTransaction is always determined by the price of an order that was accepted earlier, i.e. an order that is already in OrderBook.

Full execution

  1. If for a submitted order there is no counter-order matched by price (which price equal or better) that order would be put in the corresponding OrderBook and remains open until executed or until maxTimestamp is reached.
  2. If there is a counter-order that matches with a submitted order then _order execution _is performed. That means the counter-order is removed from OrderBook and ExchangeTransaction is created and signed by the Matcher's private key and is sent to the Waves network to be included in the blockchain.
  3. If there are multiple orders, that are matched with a new order, the earliest on based on acceptance time gets chosen.

Partial execution

  1. If an amount of a submitted order is a big enough to execute a few orders, Matcher creates several ExchangeTransaction. Created transactions have amounts equal to matched counter-order amounts. Matched counter-orders are chosen in order of their acceptance time (FIFO).
  2. If after the execution of all counter-orders at a particular price there is still remaining amount from the submitted order, the next price level of OrderBook, which satisfy the incoming price, is used to execute orders. For all matched counter-orders corresponding ExchangeTransaction are created similarly to the previous step.
  3. If after all matches found on the previous steps there is still remaining amount from the submitted order and there are no other open orders matched by the price, a new Order is put on OrderBook with remaining amount out of initialOrder.
  4. If the first matched order in OrderBook has an amount greater than the submitted one, ExchangeTransaction will be created with amount equals to the incoming order. Partially executed counter-order will be substituted with remaining amount in OrderBook.

Matcher fee calculation

  1. ExchangeTransaction contains two separate fields for Matcher's fee, which goes from _BUY _and _SELL _orders.
  2. If Order is fully executed by some transaction, all matcherFee from it is included in that transaction.
  3. If Order is partially executed by some transaction, matcherFee, proportionally to the executed amount, is included in that transaction, i.e. executedAmount * orderMatcherFee / orderAmount
  4. If partially executed Order is fully executed by some transaction, all remaining matcherFee (after previous matches) is included in that transaction.

ExchangeTransaction fields

New transaction type for blockchain is created for assets exchange. It contains the following fields:

Field name Type Description
buyOrder Order Initially signed order executed in this transaction that 'BUY' corresponding AssetPair
sellOrder Order Initially signed order executed in this transaction that 'SELL' corresponding AssetPair
price Long Execution price of orders seealgorithm. Price is determined for Asset2 in Asset1 * 10^8
amount Long Executed amount in Asset1 that is matched from both orders
buyMatcherFee Long Amount fee for matching from buyOrder. Transferred to Matcher's account balance.
sellMatcherFee Long Amount fee for matching from sellOrder. Transferred to Matcher's account balance.
fee Long Fee for the transaction to be included in a block by a miner. It is paid from the Matcher's account
timestamp Long Transaction creation timestamp
signature Array[Byte] Signature of all transaction data created by Matcher's private key

ExchangeTransaction validation rules

  1. amount should be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  2. price should be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  3. amount should be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  4. buyMatcherFee should be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  5. sellMatcherFee should be > 0 and < MaxAmount
  6. fee should be > MinTransactionFee (100000 Wavelets) and < MaxAmount
  7. buyOrder should has OrderType.BUY
  8. sellOrder should has OrderType.SELL
  9. buyOrder should be valid according to Order validation rules and be not expired
  10. sellOrder should be valid according to Order validation rules and be not expired
  11. Both orders should have same Matcher
  12. Both orders should have same AssetPair
  13. price should be not worse than prices in buyOrder and sellOrder
  14. amount should not exceed amounts in buyOrder and sellOrder
  15. buyMatcherFee and sellMatcherFee should not exceed matcherFee in corresponding orders proportionally to the executed amount
  16. signature should be valid with regards to Matcher's public key.

Order Book

GET /matcher/orderbook/{{asset1}}/{{asset2}}

Get Order Book for a given Asset Pair.

Request params:

Field name Type Description
asset1 Array[Byte] Base58-encoded One of the asset in Asset Pair, or empty if it is WAVES
asset2 Array[Byte] Base58-encoded (optional) Another asset in Asset Pair, or empty if it is WAVES
depth Int (optional) Limit the number of bid/ask levels returned

Notes about depth:

  • The default and maximum depth is 100;
  • Now you can specify either 10 or 100. If you choose another value, the near biggest will be chosen. For example, if you choose 3, you will get 10 records in bids and asks;
  • These numbers can be changed in future.

Response JSON example:

  "timestamp": 1481544101791,
  "pair": {
    "asset1": null,
    "asset2": "FaEwcAJv2HAL25ugSyiNbXvcXJiRo7TofYoxjUokd4wx"
  "bids": [],
  "asks": [
      "price": 200000000,
      "amount": 50000000000

Response fields:

"pair" - Asset Pair
"timestamp" - UNIX timestamp
"bids" - lists of open BUY orders level, each level is represented as a list of price and sum of all order amounts at the particular level
"asks" - lists of open SELL orders level

Order Status

GET /matcher/orders/status/{id}

Get Order status for a given Asset Pair. Status is returned for orders submitted not earlier than 30 days ago. For earlier orders, NOT_FOUND will be returned.

Request params:

Field name Type Description
id Array[Byte] Base58-encoded Order Id to get status of
asset1 Array[Byte] Base58-encoded One of the asset in Asset Pair that is not WAVES
asset2 Array[Byte] Base58-encoded (optional) Another asset in Asset Pair or empty if it is WAVES

Possible statuses:

Order Status Description
Accepted Order is accepted but is not filled yet
NotFound Order with the given id and asset pair is not found for the last 30 days
PartiallyFilled Order is partially filled. Already filled amount is provided in filledAmount field
Filled Order is fully filed
Cancelled Order was canceled. Already filled amount is provided in filledAmount field

Response JSON example:

  "status": "PartiallyFilled",
  "filledAmount": 30000000000

Cancel Order

Orders, which are not fully filled, can be canceled by sending CancelOrder command. After an order is canceled it's removed from matcher's order book.

POST /matcher/orders/cancel

Request params:

Field name Type Description
sender PublicKeyAccount Public key of order creator related to the address from which to spend/receive assets
spendAssetId Option[Array[Byte]] Asset Id that creator wants to spend after exchange. Empty spendAssetId means WAVES
receiveAssetId Option[Array[Byte]] Asset Id that creator wants to receive after exchange. Empty receiveAssetId means WAVES
orderId Array[Byte] Accepted Order Id that sender wants to cancel.
fee Long Fee for Asset transaction, min = 100000 (WAVElets)
timestamp Long UNIX timestamp in millisec
signature Array[Byte] Signature of all transaction data

Tradable balance

How much you can spend in orders on the given pair.

GET /matcher/orderbook/{{amountAsset}}/{{priceAsset}}/tradableBalance/{{address}}

Response JSON example:

  "zMFqXuoyrn5w17PFurTqxB7GsS71fp9dfk6XFwxbPCy": 11,
  "WAVES": 1024460284

So, in pair zMFqXuoyrn5w17PFurTqxB7GsS71fp9dfk6XFwxbPCy/WAVES you can spend 1024460284 WAVES and 11 Bitcoin Cash.