{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":104900766,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"SlicerVirtualReality","ownerLogin":"KitwareMedical","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2017-09-26T15:10:30.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2717525?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1693020618.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"8e8f7ddc4f00a22b6eec0e4fd844e4b8d2a61f20","after":"7e3aa1dc845bec02cf991fdfa898fee179f5b249","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-23T11:31:39.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lassoan","name":"Andras Lasso","path":"/lassoan","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/307929?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Update extension metadata\n\nConsolidate extension metadata based on the corresponding s4ext file organized\nin the ExtensionsIndex repository.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Update extension metadata"}},{"before":"fd7786675b5c8f63d2de04e1c33fb716902e55c8","after":"8e8f7ddc4f00a22b6eec0e4fd844e4b8d2a61f20","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-18T15:27:23.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"BUG: Fix memory leak in qMRMLVirtualRealityView\n\nFixed by using smart pointer instantiation.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"BUG: Fix memory leak in qMRMLVirtualRealityView"}},{"before":"d3bdb815213f14932c9e018c810b2b685a1ae34f","after":"fd7786675b5c8f63d2de04e1c33fb716902e55c8","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-04T15:17:31.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"DOC: Update README and DeveloperGuide to document OpenXR backend support\n\nIn the README:\n- Revise the top-level and Setup sections to reflect OpenXR support.\n- Update existing headset setup instructions to cover both OpenXR and OpenVR setups, with OpenXR being enabled by default. Added a note at the end of the section explaining how to enable OpenVR support.\n- Add new sections for \"Hololens 2\" and \"Meta Quest\" headsets\n- Add entries for \"Supported headsets\" and \"Supported XR modality\" to each headset section\n- Add \"How to use hand interaction\" section\n- Update the Contributors section to acknowledge @LucasGandel and @sankhesh.\n\nIn the DeveloperGuide:\n- Remove obsolete build instructions.\n- Update Python snippet.\n- Add references to the documentation of associated VTK modules.\n- Add the \"Mapping of Controller Action to VTK event\" section.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"DOC: Update README and DeveloperGuide to document OpenXR backend support"}},{"before":"c80f8d33e5f262f93b13a2dfab135aea8be4fb6c","after":"d3bdb815213f14932c9e018c810b2b685a1ae34f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-04T15:11:38.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"DOC: Improve wording of the \"Features\" section in the README document","shortMessageHtmlLink":"DOC: Improve wording of the \"Features\" section in the README document"}},{"before":"e5d60db344151e28685a9f7176b26312b08ce12c","after":"c80f8d33e5f262f93b13a2dfab135aea8be4fb6c","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-04T15:10:28.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"DOC: Update README and DeveloperGuide to document OpenXR backend support\n\nIn the README:\n- Revise the top-level and Setup sections to reflect OpenXR support.\n- Update existing headset setup instructions to cover both OpenXR and OpenVR setups, with OpenXR being enabled by default. Added a note at the end of the section explaining how to enable OpenVR support.\n- Add new sections for \"Hololens 2\" and \"Meta Quest\" headsets\n- Add entries for \"Supported headsets\" and \"Supported XR modality\" to each headset section\n- Add \"How to use hand interaction\" section\n- Update the Contributors section to acknowledge @LucasGandel and @sankhesh.\n\nIn the DeveloperGuide:\n- Remove obsolete build instructions.\n- Update Python snippet.\n- Add references to the documentation of associated VTK modules.\n- Add the \"Mapping of Controller Action to VTK event\" section.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"DOC: Update README and DeveloperGuide to document OpenXR backend support"}},{"before":"4c38779a966adb9fb64b5cb1630521e018643ff1","after":"e5d60db344151e28685a9f7176b26312b08ce12c","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-02T04:41:48.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"In the README:\n- Revise the top-level and Setup sections to reflect OpenXR support.\n- Update existing headset setup instructions to cover both OpenXR and OpenVR setups, with OpenXR being enabled by default. Added a note at the end of the section explaining how to enable OpenVR support.\n- Add new sections for \"Hololens 2\" and \"Meta Quest\" headsets\n- Add entries for \"Supported headsets\" and \"Supported XR modality\" to each headset section\n- Add \"How to use hand interaction\" section\n- Update the Contributors section to acknowledge @LucasGandel and @sankhesh.\n\nIn the DeveloperGuide:\n- Remove obsolete build instructions.\n- Update Python snippet.\n- Add references to the documentation of associated VTK modules.\n- Add the \"Mapping of Controller Action to VTK event\" section.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"In the README:"}},{"before":"ce76df5420d2eb4c39da8c32fcee4248bc766e7f","after":"4c38779a966adb9fb64b5cb1630521e018643ff1","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-01T20:10:29.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Prefer setting \"OpenXR\" as default backend if available.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Prefer setting \"OpenXR\" as default backend if available."}},{"before":"2e56befaf570d0c77234c58cd132275f33a8b78d","after":"ce76df5420d2eb4c39da8c32fcee4248bc766e7f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-02-29T06:05:41.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Simplify reading of default settings\n\nSince adjusting the settings is straightforward, this commit removes\nthe backward compatibility support for reading \"VirtualReality/DefaultXRRuntime\".","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Simplify reading of default settings"}},{"before":"74c44d57f230819279ac6b7485deffb23c09a4c5","after":"2e56befaf570d0c77234c58cd132275f33a8b78d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-02-29T05:54:32.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Remove unsupported preprocessor test based on Slicer_REVISION\n\nSince Slicer_REVISION is defined a string (\"12345\" vs 12345), using\narithmetic comparison operator is not support.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Remove unsupported preprocessor test based on Slicer_REVISION"}},{"before":"0d64da9c9e5cf854431047613aec7f6b57ec4b8c","after":"74c44d57f230819279ac6b7485deffb23c09a4c5","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T07:29:49.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Clear CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL to fix packaging of VTK modules on macOS\n\nClearing CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL is crucial to ensure that the installed\nVTK libraries have their ID associated with a full path. This step is\nrequired for the fix-up process to work as expected.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Clear CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL to fix packaging of VTK modules o…"}},{"before":"cac2e961c461867582ead42a88015f88c38994c8","after":"0d64da9c9e5cf854431047613aec7f6b57ec4b8c","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T05:52:22.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Update OpenXR SDK from 1.0.26 to 1.0.33\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.33 (2024-01-03)\n\nThis release primarily adds new ratified functionality describing the\nloader interaction with runtimes and API layers. Corresponding\ndefinitions are now in the official openxr_loader_negotiation.h\ngenerated header, rather than the loader_interfaces.h header previously\nshipped only with the OpenXR-SDK-Source repository. This change only\naffects vendors of runtimes and API layers as well as contributors to\nthe OpenXR loader: applications do not directly use this API, the loader\nuses it on their behalf. A number of other small fixes are also\nincluded.\n\n- Registry\n - Extension reservation: Update author ID and reserve extensions\n for Varjo. (internal MR 3083)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve 10 extension ids each for\n ANDROIDX & ANDROIDSYS. (internal MR 3086)\n - Khronos ratified addition: Specify the existing loader\n negotiation functions (without modification) in the XML, moving\n from loader_interfaces.h to a new generated header\n openxr_loader_negotiation.h. (internal MR 2807, internal issue\n 1953)\n - XR_KHR_android_thread_settings: Fix the description of\n XrAndroidThreadTypeKHR enum values - they were swapped relative\n to their implicit meaning from their name. (internal MR 3077)\n - XR_MNDX_egl_enable: Update version to 2 to reflect function\n pointer type change released in 1.0.29. (OpenXR-Docs PR 159)\n- SDK\n - Loader: Fix loader build on Universal Windows Platform:\n build-system-only change. (Included in SDK hotfix\n (internal MR 3071)\n - Loader: Correctly destroy the LoaderInstance when loader is\n done. (internal MR 3041)\n - Remove obsolete loader_interfaces.h header, migrating uses (in\n loader and layers) to use the newly specified and ratified\n openxr_loader_negotiation.h, and adjust scripts for the addition\n of the loader negotiation APIs. (internal MR 2807, internal\n issue 1953, internal MR 3122)\n- Misc\n - Update/correct names.\n - Ship a .mailmap file in the public repositories, maintained\n separately from the larger one used in the private monorepo, to\n correct names/emails and unify contributor identities.\n - Update Khronos Group copyright dates.\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK hotfix: Fix CMake build of loader on Universal Windows Platform\n\nAlso fix Azure Pipelines CI.\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.32 (2023-11-29)\n\nThis release contains a number of vendor extensions, plus a new ratified\nrevision to the XR_KHR_loader_init extension that specifies forwarding\nthe init calls to API layers. Vendors of API layers, primarily on\nAndroid, must verify they can handle being passed XR_NULL_HANDLE for the\ninstance parameter of xrGetInstanceProcAddr, to avoid bugs when using\nthe updated loader. This release also contains a number of build system\ncleanups and fixes. Users of the Android Gradle Plugin and our official\nloader AAR file can now use the OpenXR::headers target just like on\ndesktop: there is now metadata for the “prefab” tool to generate for\nCMake both this header/include-only target and the normal\nOpenXR::openxr_loader imported library target. The shipped AAR is much\nsmaller due to stripping debug data from the binaries, which helps in\ncase application build systems do not automatically strip native\nbinaries. A bug in the loader Android manifest as shipped in 1.0.31 has\nalso been fixed.\n\n- Registry\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extension id for\n XR_KHR_maintenance1 (internal MR 3010)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extension id for\n XR_KHR_game_controller (internal MR 3019)\n - New vendor extension: XR_HTC_anchor (internal MR 2667)\n - New vendor extension: XR_META_touch_controller_plus (internal MR\n 2702)\n - New vendor extension: XR_ML_marker_understanding (internal MR\n 2750)\n - New vendor extension: XR_ML_localization_map (internal MR 2802,\n internal MR 3045, internal MR 3047)\n - XR_KHR_loader_init: New Khronos ratified revision, adds support\n for forwarding loader init calls to API layers (internal MR\n 2703)\n- SDK\n - Loader: Pass xrInitializeLoaderKHR calls to enabled API layers\n if XR_KHR_loader_init is enabled, per ratified update to that\n extension. (internal MR 2703)\n - Loader: Partial fix for the loader not honoring\n BUILD_LOADER_WITH_EXCEPTION_HANDLING on Android. (internal MR\n 2870, OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 405, internal issue 1999)\n - Loader Android AAR: Strip binaries before inclusion in AAR, as\n loader is stable (and mostly shared with all platforms) and size\n difference is substantial.\n - Loader Android AAR: Expose OpenXR::headers prefab imported\n target just as on desktop builds (internal MR 2886)\n - Loader Android AAR: Generate a source jar file for completeness.\n (internal MR 2886)\n - Loader Android AAR: Add elements to Android loader\n AAR manifest, to prevent the manifest merger from assuming a\n version < 4 and adding unneeded permissions accordingly.\n (internal MR 3029) (internal MR 3032)\n - Clean up our CMake build substantially, correcting dependencies\n and narrowing the scope of includes. (internal MR 2886,\n OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 344, internal issue 1872,\n OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 419, internal issue 2071, internal MR\n 2987)\n - Fix build in directories containing spaces. (internal MR 2886,\n OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 344, internal issue 1872,\n OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 419, internal issue 2071, internal MR\n 2987)\n - Fix linking to GLX when glvnd is not found on the system\n (internal MR 3000)\n - Fix use of OpenXR::headers target when not building the loader.\n (internal MR 2886, OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 344, internal issue\n 1872, OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 419, internal issue 2071, internal\n MR 2987)\n - scripts: Migrate namedtuple usage to dataclass, and expose the\n definitions for reuse. (internal MR 2183)\n - scripts: Clean up formatting, clean up some issues found by\n type-aware Python editors, and improve the experience of editing\n Python scripts in some editors by adding a .env file. (internal\n MR 2183)\n - scripts: Support base header types with no derived types defined\n yet. (internal MR 2802)\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.31 (2023-10-18)\n\nThis release features two new vendor extensions and minor extension XML\nrevisions, in addition to compatibility and logging improvements in the\nsoftware.\n\n- Registry\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extensions for NVIDIA. (internal\n MR 2952)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extensions for Meta. (internal MR\n 2959)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extensions for Android. (internal\n MR 2966)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve an extension for\n XR_KHR_egl_enable. (internal MR 2982)\n - New vendor extension: XR_MSFT_scene_marker (internal MR 2601)\n - New vendor extension: XR_ML_user_calibration (internal MR 2849)\n - Schematron: Allow chained structs that extend a two-call-idiom\n struct to carry only a *CapacityInput member. (internal MR 2892,\n internal issue 2059)\n - XR_FB_render_model: Fix structextends attribute and remove\n returnedonly attribute of XrRenderModelCapabilitiesRequestFB, to\n match the specification prose. (internal MR 2765, OpenXR-Docs\n issue 153, internal issue 2017)\n - xml: Fixed a few errors in MSFT extensions discovered by\n Schematron checks. (internal MR 2892)\n- SDK\n - API Layers: Add logging on API layer negotiation failure.\n (internal MR 2926)\n - Fix: Enable build with clang-cl on Windows through Visual\n Studio. (internal MR 2948)\n - Fix: Remove unused pthread prototypes declaration in _USE_GNU\n ifdef, fixing builds on some systems. (internal MR 2981)\n - Fix comment typo in platform utils header. (internal MR 2991)\n - gfxwrapper: Add OpenGL 3.3 functions to an internal utility\n library used by hello_xr, shared with the CTS. (internal MR\n 2941)\n - loader: Modify jnipp, used by the loader on Android, to no\n longer use basic_string<> with types that are technically not in\n the C++ specification as permissible, to fix compatibility with\n an upcoming libc++ update. (internal MR 2974, internal issue\n 2094, OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 426)\n - loader_test: Refactor to use existing macros for all test to\n avoid repetition. (internal MR 2922)\n - scripts: Small fixes and cleanups (internal MR 2998, internal MR\n 2894, internal MR 2896)\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.30 (2023-09-20)\n\nThis release is primarily a quality improvement release, fixing a range\nof issues in the registry and SDK, including fixing a loader bug related\nto layers, in addition to a new vendor extension and an updated vendor\nextension.\n\n- Registry\n - Add missing enum tags for enum-sized array struct members.\n (internal MR 2731)\n - Fix EGL “get proc addr” function pointer typedef. (internal MR\n 2939)\n - New vendor extension: XR_YVR_controller_interaction (internal MR\n 2841)\n - XR_BD_controller_interaction: Add support for G3 devices\n (internal MR 2872)\n - Fix specification errors highlighted by fixed tooling. (internal\n MR 2923)\n- SDK\n - Add installable manual page for openxr_runtime_list_json.\n (internal MR 2899)\n - Remove unused diagram exports from loader directory. (internal\n MR 2907)\n - Update URLs in manual pages. (internal MR 2935)\n - Validation Layer: Remove conditional XR_KHR_headless support as\n the extension is not part of OpenXR 1.0. (internal MR 2901)\n - build system: Add CTest support for running the loader test.\n (internal MR 2289, OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 309, internal issue\n 1733)\n - hello_xr: Clean up how we specify the default graphics plugin on\n Android. (internal MR 2917)\n - list_json: Add missing return statement for exit code. (internal\n MR 2936)\n - loader: fix for implicit/explicit api layer loading logic\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 421, internal issue 2079)\n\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.29 (2023-08-25)\n\nThis release contains several fixes to the specification registry,\nimprovements to the loader, layers, and loader test, as well as\nenhancements to the loader documentation/specification to support\narchitecture and ABI specific active runtime manifest names on Linux and\nAndroid.\n\n- Registry\n - Change PFNEGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC (for eglGetProcAddress) to a\n locally defined type to avoid compiler errors. (internal MR\n 2468)\n - Extension reservation: Register author ID and reserve vendor\n extensions for YVR. (internal MR 2832)\n - New vendor extension: XR_META_passthrough_preferences (internal\n MR 2694)\n - XR_HTCX_vive_tracker_interaction: Added new role paths for\n wrists and ankles. (internal MR 2728)\n- SDK\n - Changes also included in SDK hotfix release\n - layers: Build with /bigobj or equivalent on Windows due to\n increased number of generated functions with spec growth.\n (internal MR 2837, internal issue 2051, OpenXR-SDK-Source PR\n 414)\n - Changes also included in SDK hotfix release\n - Android AAR artifacts (loader) and hello_xr: Fix \n element contents. (internal MR 2840, internal issue 2053)\n - Android AAR artifacts: Fix C++ standard library selection\n for Android artifacts in build-aar.sh (internal MR 2836,\n internal issue 2052)\n - Android AAR artifacts: Use jar instead of 7-zip to perform\n archiving, and document requirements in build-aar.sh\n (internal MR 2836, OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 303, internal\n issue 1711)\n - build system: Support SDK hotfix versions (fourth version\n component). (internal MR 2836)\n - Add XrVector2f length function to xr_linear.h (internal MR 2876)\n - Add build.gradle files for list_json, c_compile_test. (internal\n MR 2908)\n - Change PFNEGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC (for eglGetProcAddress) to a\n locally defined type to avoid compiler errors. (internal MR\n 2468)\n - Enable loader_test tests which require a valid extension\n (internal MR 2790)\n - Fix building hello_xr with mingw compiler. (internal MR 2850)\n - Improvement: Reduce size of dispatch table in OpenXR loader.\n (Full size table still shipped in OpenXR-SDK even though it is\n not used by the loader anymore.) (internal MR 2810, internal MR\n 2842)\n - Maintenance script updates. (internal MR 2900)\n - loader: Add support for architecture-specific active runtime\n manifests for Linux, macOS, and Android. (internal MR 2450,\n internal issue 2066, internal MR 2871)\n - loader: refactor to use jnipp on Android (internal MR 2812)\n - loader: disable loader_test if api layer building is disabled\n (internal MR 2843)\n - loader_test: Replace session test with action test to make test\n more maintainable. (internal MR 2786)\n - validation layer: Fix deadlock when calling XR_EXT_debug_utils\n functions. (internal MR 2865)\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK hotfix release: Includes the following fixes\n\n- Loader spec: Fix description of element contents:\n existing description would fail to install. (internal MR 2840,\n internal issue 2053)\n- Android AAR artifacts (loader) and hello_xr: Fix \n element contents. (internal MR 2840, internal issue 2053)\n- Android AAR artifacts: Fix C++ standard library selection for\n Android artifacts in build-aar.sh (internal MR 2836, internal\n issue 2052)\n- Android AAR artifacts: Use jar instead of 7-zip to perform\n archiving, and document requirements in build-aar.sh (internal\n MR 2836, OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 303, internal issue 1711)\n- build system: Support SDK hotfix versions (fourth version\n component). (internal MR 2836)\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.28 (2023-07-10)\n\nThis release contains improved compatibility and code quality fixes for\nthe loader, support for loading certain API layers on Android-based\ndevices, and a number of other improvements, in addition to the new\nextensions. Additionally, the loader documentation now describes how\nOpenXR handles compatibility with Android API levels of 30 and above:\nruntimes may need to update accordingly to support this compatibility\nsolution.\n\n- Registry\n - Added defines to xr.xml for extension enum base and enum stride.\n (internal MR 2693, OpenXR-Docs issue 148, internal issue 1979)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve an extension for XR_EXT_future\n (internal MR 2631)\n - Extension reservation: Register ANDROID author ID and reserve 15\n extensions for it. (internal MR 2690)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extensions for “user presence”\n and “locate spaces” (internal MR 2705)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve 25 extensions for Magic Leap.\n (internal MR 2778)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extension for\n XR_KHR_extendable_action_binding (internal MR 2779)\n - Fix spelling. (internal MR 2766)\n - Fixed the error code specification for\n xrGetControllerModelPropertiesMSFT function. (internal MR 2600)\n - New multi-vendor extension: XR_EXT_hand_interaction (internal MR\n 2116)\n - New multi-vendor extension: XR_EXT_plane_detection (internal MR\n 2510, internal MR 2791)\n - New multi-vendor extension: XR_EXT_hand_tracking_data_source\n (internal MR 2568)\n - New vendor extension: XR_META_passthrough_color_lut (internal MR\n 2507)\n - New vendor extension: XR_META_virtual_keyboard (internal MR\n 2555)\n - New vendor extension: XR_OPPO_controller_interaction\n (OpenXR-Docs PR 146)\n - Update Magic Leap contact (internal MR 2699)\n - XR_FB_face_tracking: Non-functional registry change, fixing a\n problem with standalone headers. (internal MR 2663)\n - XR_FB_scene: Introduce XrSemanticLabelsSupportInfoFB and bump\n spec version to 3. (internal MR 2682)\n - XR_FB_spatial_entity and XR_FB_scene: Add\n XR_ERROR_SIZE_INSUFFICIENT return code to functions which use\n the two-call idiom. (internal MR 2718)\n - XR_FB_touch_controller_pro: Fix XML to require the\n touch_controller_pro interaction profile for the extension\n (internal MR 2806)\n - registry: Remove extraneous whitespace from some commands.\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 397)\n - schematron: Improve self tests. (internal MR 2680)\n - schematron: Require vendor tag on interaction profile paths\n introduced by extensions. (internal MR 2684)\n - scripts: Allow schematron to check an alternate XML file.\n (internal MR 2670)\n- SDK\n - Allow compilation of OpenXR SDK on Mac (internal MR 2788,\n internal MR 2789, internal MR 2790, internal MR 2800)\n - Common: Add stdint.h include to platform_utils.hpp for GCC 13+\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 406)\n - Describe building OpenXR SDK on macOS with Xcode (internal MR\n 2768)\n - Handle clang-format-16 in runClangFormat.sh, and adjust source\n files so its output matches the earlier version used on CI.\n (internal MR 2666, internal MR 2814)\n - Improvement: Fix clang warning -Wundef. (internal MR 2717)\n - Improvement: Fix leftover warnings when building with -Wall.\n (internal MR 2754, OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 410)\n - Loader: On Android, use a single logcat tag for all parts of the\n loader. (internal MR 2688)\n - Loader: Update the required queries elements for an OpenXR\n application on Android, so that runtime and layer components\n loaded in the application process may access their own package\n in API >29. (internal MR 2708)\n - Loader: Search system directories for API layer manifests on\n Android (internal MR 2709)\n - Loader: Add Product and OEM partition to active runtime search\n path on Android (internal MR 2709)\n - Loader: Improve casting to uint32_t edge case handling.\n (internal MR 2745)\n - Loader: Clear possible dangling next pointers in\n XR_EXT_debug_utils label structures. (internal MR 2764)\n - Validation Layer: Fix the validation_layer_generator to not\n check static array addresses. (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 399)\n - api_layers: Update API Layers spec section in README.md\n (internal MR 2753)\n - cmake: Set up alias targets OpenXR::openxr_loader and\n OpenXR::headers so that the loader and headers may be used the\n same whether you used find_package(OpenXR) on binaries or have\n included the source tree as a subproject. (internal MR 2793)\n - gradle: Add license for gradlew and gradlew.bat (internal MR\n 2725)\n - gradle: General cleanup and updates of Android build system.\n (internal MR 2796)\n - hello_xr: Enable building with latest Android Studio canary\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 393)\n - layers: Code cleanup and calling convention fixes (internal MR\n 2784)\n - loader test: Fix for Windows 32-bit (internal MR 2784)\n - loader test: Fix CMake dependencies. (internal MR 2776)\n\n\n## OpenXR SDK 1.0.27 (2023-03-21)\n\nThis release contains a large list of improvements, including\ninteraction profile definitions in machine-readable format in the XML,\nconsistent tool-based formatting of the XML, a new list_json tool to\nease updates to OpenXR-Inventory, and a wide variety of new vendor and\nmulti-vendor extensions, in addition to a collection of smaller\nimprovements.\n\n- Registry\n - Add interaction profile definitions to xr.xml (internal MR 2485)\n - Chore: Format the full XML API registry with PrettyRegistryXML,\n making some small changes by hand to clean up. (internal MR\n 2540, internal MR 2329, OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 373, OpenXR-Docs PR\n 14, OpenXR-CTS PR 50, OpenXR-SDK PR 12)\n - Document how to generate a standalone header file for an\n extension. (internal MR 2627)\n - Extension reservation: Register author ID and reserve vendor\n extensions for Logitech. (internal MR 2504)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve an extension number for a\n multi-vendor extension. (internal MR 2520)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve an extension for\n XR_EXT_hand_tracking_usage (internal MR 2550)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve extension id 430 for\n XR_EXT_plane_detection (internal MR 2565)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve vendor extensions for Monado.\n (internal MR 2613)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve vendor extensions for ACER.\n (OpenXR-Docs PR 142)\n - Extension reservation: Reserve a vendor extension for OPPO.\n (OpenXR-Docs PR 145)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_composition_layer_depth_test\n (internal MR 2208, internal issue 1657)\n - New vendor extension: XR_META_foveation_eye_tracked (internal MR\n 2239, internal MR 2273, internal MR 2332)\n - New vendor extension: XR_QCOM_tracking_optimization_settings\n (internal MR 2261, internal issue 1703)\n - New vendor extension: XR_META_local_dimming (internal MR 2267,\n internal MR 2595)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_spatial_entity_sharing (internal MR\n 2274)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_scene_capture (internal MR 2286)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_spatial_entity_storage_batch\n (internal MR 2312)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_haptic_amplitude_envelope (internal\n MR 2326)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_touch_controller_pro (internal MR\n 2327, internal issue 1916)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_haptic_pcm (internal MR 2329)\n - New vendor extension: FB_face_tracking (internal MR 2334,\n internal MR 2539)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_eye_tracking_social (internal MR\n 2336, internal MR 2576)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_body_tracking (internal MR 2339,\n internal MR 2575)\n - New vendor extension: XR_OCULUS_external_camera (internal MR\n 2397, internal MR 2344)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_spatial_entity_user (internal MR\n 2407)\n - New vendor extension: XR_FB_touch_controller_proximity (internal\n MR 2412)\n - New vendor extension: XR_ML_global_dimmer (internal MR 2461)\n - New vendor extension: XR_ML_frame_end_info (internal MR 2462,\n internal MR 2536)\n - New vendor extension: XR_ML_compat (internal MR 2473)\n - New vendor extension: XR_EXT_local_floor (internal MR 2503,\n internal issue 746, internal issue 1606, OpenXR-Docs issue 103)\n - New vendor extension: XR_BD_controller_interaction (internal MR\n 2527)\n - New vendor extension: XR_MNDX_force_feedback_curl (OpenXR-Docs\n PR 136)\n - Register author ID for Matthieu Bucchianeri. (OpenXR-Docs PR\n 143)\n - Rename tag name to a short one for ByteDance. (internal MR 2502)\n - Schema: Add initial tests for Schematron rules. (internal MR\n 2512)\n - Schema: Add author ID schematron checks and change duplicate\n name/number report to an assert (internal MR 2514)\n - Schema: Fix Relax-NG checks of naming convention, and add naming\n convention checks to Schematron. (internal MR 2538)\n - Schematron: Update extension naming rule to allow for vendor\n tags to be followed by an X for experimental and a version\n number (internal MR 2518)\n - scripts: Let deprecated override provisional when choosing\n extension table of contents section. (internal MR 2547)\n - scripts: Fix leftover exclusion of extensions/meta from\n checkMarkup now that it no longer generated files. (internal MR\n 2560)\n- SDK\n - Experimental Extension Naming: Allow vendor tags to be followed\n by an “X” for experimental and an optional version number\n (e.g. XR_EXTX2_hand_tracking). Update source generator vendor\n checks accordingly (internal MR 2518)\n - Fix typo in API Dump generation script (internal MR 2608)\n - Loader: Fix dynamic build on MinGW. (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 362,\n OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 367)\n - Loader and layers: In debug builds, log when non-empty\n environment variables are being ignored due to executing with\n elevated privilege. (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 336)\n - Loader doc: Minor cleanups to API layer section. (internal MR\n 2581)\n - Loader doc: Fix incorrect markup/dead links. (internal MR 2598)\n - Remove third-party dependencies in external/include/utils.\n (internal MR 2528)\n - Update all XrStructureType initialization to use standard OpenXR\n style. (internal MR 2557)\n - Update URLs with branch names in manpages. (internal MR 2648)\n - Validation layer: Fix function signature for\n xrNegotiateLoaderApiLayerInterface in core validation api layer\n (internal MR 2607, OpenXR-SDK-Source issue 378, internal issue\n 1929)\n - clang-format: Add clang-format-15 as acceptable clang formats\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 359)\n - doc: Add VS 2022 version code to BUILDING.md (OpenXR-SDK-Source\n PR 381)\n - headers: Remove spurious space in preprocessor conditional, that\n was causing defined to be treated as an operator. (internal MR\n 2491)\n - hello_xr: Correct domain in Android package identifier.\n (internal MR 2513)\n - hello_xr: Update Vulkan plugin to use the newer\n VK_EXT_debug_utils extension, and provide names for most Vulkan\n objects used by the app to aid in debugging. (Utility code\n shared with CTS.) (internal MR 2524, internal MR 2579, internal\n MR 2637)\n - hello_xr: Zero initialize XrSwapchainImage* structs (internal MR\n 2551)\n - hello_xr: Export built-in NativeActivity (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR\n 358)\n - hello_xr: Use correct lost event count (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR\n 359)\n - loader: Prefer cstdio and cstdlib for c++ files\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 357)\n - loader,api_layers: Fix finding wayland-client.h on linux\n (OpenXR-SDK-Source PR 346)\n - sdk-source: Add list_json, a small app to print json similar to\n the schema used by OpenXR-Inventory. (internal MR 2541, internal\n MR 2658)\n - xr_linear.h: Add some extra linear algebra functions (internal\n MR 2532)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Update OpenXR SDK from 1.0.26 to 1.0.33"}},{"before":"b4d8dca93ed49c6bddef69a22938f151f79eedb0","after":"cac2e961c461867582ead42a88015f88c38994c8","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T05:10:38.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Remove VirtualRealityStub and re-enable support for building on macOS","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Remove VirtualRealityStub and re-enable support for building on …"}},{"before":"e8887f7910c0660373c0acafd5f2e16bda31245d","after":"b4d8dca93ed49c6bddef69a22938f151f79eedb0","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T03:44:36.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Update VTK external projects to set python module destination\n\nThis updates VTKExternalModule and set the Python module install destination\ninstall the VTK modules similarly to the location in Slicer core, it is\nalso done anticipating the support for packaging VTK modules on macOS.\n\nList of VTKExternalModule changes:\n\n```\n$ git shortlog 37ade3c26..3a290ec10 --no-merges\nJean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (1):\n Support customizing Python module install destination\n```","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Update VTK external projects to set python module destination"}},{"before":"21f3fe697dc75a8ea2d6b1b3e9019b97e9c513ed","after":"e8887f7910c0660373c0acafd5f2e16bda31245d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T03:31:32.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"STYLE: Update OpenVR and OpenXR library install rules indentation","shortMessageHtmlLink":"STYLE: Update OpenVR and OpenXR library install rules indentation"}},{"before":"1991fa3793bb16ea9e871ba8c34f45658cddc672","after":"21f3fe697dc75a8ea2d6b1b3e9019b97e9c513ed","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T03:19:41.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Disable OpenXR runtime build by default on macOS\n\nSince attempting to build on macOS results into few errors described below,\nthis commit sets the default value for SlicerVirtualReality_HAS_OPENXR_SUPPORT\nto OFF.\n\n## Issue finding \"OpenGL.framework\"\n\nDuring the configuration of the external project associated with the\nvtkRenderingVR project, error like the following was reported:\n\n CMake Error in /D/S/A/VTK/Rendering/VR/CMakeLists.txt:\n Imported target \"VTK::RenderingOpenGL2\" includes non-existent path\n \"/Applications/Xcode-14.2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX14.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework\"\n in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES. Possible reasons include:\n * The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.\n * An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.\n * The installation package was faulty and references files it does not\n provide.\n\nIt was fixed by adding the missing symlink:\n\n cd /Applications/Xcode-14.2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs\n ln -s MacOSX.sdk MacOSX14.0.sdk\n\n## Issue building \"OpenXR-SDK\" project\n\nThe following was reported when linking the `libopenxr_loader` library:\n\n [ 6%] Linking CXX shared library libopenxr_loader.dylib\n -macosx_version_min has been renamed to -macos_version_min\n ld: unknown options: --version-script=/D/S/S-0-E-b/SlicerVirtualReality-build/OpenXR-SDK/src/loader/openxr-loader.map --no-undefined\n clang-14: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)\n\nUpdating \"OpenXR-SDK\" from `release-1.0.26` to `release-1.0.32` allows to\naddress this.\n\n## Issue resolving \"XrGraphicsBindingOpenGL\"\n\nHere is the error reported while building the vtkRenderingOpenXR module:\n\n [ 15%] Building CXX object vtkRenderingOpenXR/CMakeFiles/RenderingOpenXR.dir/vtkOpenXRManagerConnection.cxx.o\n In file included from /D/S/A/VTK/Rendering/OpenXR/vtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphics.cxx:15:\n /D/S/A/VTK/Rendering/OpenXR/vtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphics.h:119:19: error: use of undeclared identifier 'XrGraphicsBindingOpenGL'\n std::shared_ptr GraphicsBinding;\n ^\n /D/S/A/VTK/Rendering/OpenXR/vtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphics.h:49:16: error: cannot initialize return object of type 'vtkObjectBase *' with an rvalue of type 'vtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphics *'\n vtkTypeMacro(vtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphics, vtkOpenXRManagerGraphics);\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Disable OpenXR runtime build by default on macOS"}},{"before":"8e40bc5544822bca6e96a8b6d9520f5e2ea93267","after":"1991fa3793bb16ea9e871ba8c34f45658cddc672","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T03:11:43.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Fix build with OpenXR and OpenXRRemoting support disabled","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Fix build with OpenXR and OpenXRRemoting support disabled"}},{"before":"645d799f92229b1ba38c06f32ae5f4fdee3cb47d","after":"8e40bc5544822bca6e96a8b6d9520f5e2ea93267","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-11T11:23:29.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":4,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Update OpenXRRemoting from 2.9.1 to 2.9.3\n\nThis enhancement enables building the SlicerVirtualReality extension against\nthe latest version (2.9.3) of Microsoft.Holographic.Remoting.OpenXr. This aligns\nSlicerVirtualReality with the corresponding version of the \"Holographic Remoting\nPlayer\" available on the Microsoft Store.\n\nThe update relies on VTK changes integrated into the upstream VTK project via\nvtk/vtk!10814. Additionally, Slicer/VTK fork branches, namely Slicer/VTK#53\nfor SlicerPreview and Slicer/VTK#54 for SlicerStable, have been synchronized with\nthese changes.\n\nFor SlicerPreview, changes have been integrated in Slicer through Slicer/Slicer#7534.\nIn the case of SlicerStable, the updated VTK fork has been manually checked out\non the relevant build machines to incorporate the necessary adjustments.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Update OpenXRRemoting from 2.9.1 to 2.9.3"}},{"before":"0b8ad3d986507744d6e8d6e69f8f2d5a952d8f1e","after":"645d799f92229b1ba38c06f32ae5f4fdee3cb47d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-11T09:41:16.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":7,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Disable \"XR Runtime\" combox if hardware is connected","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Disable \"XR Runtime\" combox if hardware is connected"}},{"before":"1cd502aa4090797faff96b1e0c29d286d2f3280b","after":"0b8ad3d986507744d6e8d6e69f8f2d5a952d8f1e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-10T06:03:01.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Update VTKExternalModule to ensure find_dependency macro is always available\n\nList of changes:\n\n```\n$ git shortlog 50f1c5be9..37ade3c26 --no-merges\nChris Harris (1):\n Add VTK_WHEEL_BUILD option\n\nJean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (6):\n Add support for externally building tests of a VTK modules\n Update vtkmodule-config to ensure find_dependency macro is always available\n Add SuperBuild support\n Remove redundant BUILD_TESTING option\n COMP: Support configuring install directories\n Add support for finding VTKCompileTools and passing cross-compilation variables (#7)\n\nPatrick Avery (1):\n Update runtime install path for Windows\n```","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Update VTKExternalModule to ensure find_dependency macro is alw…"}},{"before":"dcc6d8b5af8c43bcfb25f3caa43e2699cac797be","after":"1cd502aa4090797faff96b1e0c29d286d2f3280b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-10T05:44:25.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Update OpenXR integration to rely on OpenXR config module\n\nUpdate build-system to rely on OpenXR config module instead of the custom\nFindOpenXR.cmake module provided by VTK.\n\nUpdate OpenXR library install rule to leverage the IMPORTED_RUNTIME_ARTIFACTS\ninstall command mode introduced in CMake 3.21.\nSee https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.21/command/install.html#imported-runtime-artifacts","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Update OpenXR integration to rely on OpenXR config module"}},{"before":"ebae10deec1ed64800ef34fcc2e5782faf9b07d8","after":"dcc6d8b5af8c43bcfb25f3caa43e2699cac797be","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-10T03:19:15.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Fix install dirs in VTK module external project to support VTK9\n\nVTK_INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR or VTK_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR CMake variables\nwere completely removed in VTK 9.1\nSee kitware/VTK@d75f5c0f7 (vtkDirectories: remove unused file)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Fix install dirs in VTK module external project to support VTK9"}},{"before":"81ce0dff2c93dcaec918443c722bb17e5498f24a","after":"ebae10deec1ed64800ef34fcc2e5782faf9b07d8","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-09T21:39:02.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Fix linux build explicitly setting lib install dir\n\nFollow-up of 240a60a (ENH: Add support for \"OpenXR\" XR runtime).\n\nPreviously, `lib` was assumed for CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR, which caused\nissues on some builds where `GNUInstallDirs` defaulted\n`CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR` to `lib64`.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Fix linux build explicitly setting lib install dir"}},{"before":"240a60a70d9fae65ac653b8325283b4dca858bc0","after":"81ce0dff2c93dcaec918443c722bb17e5498f24a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-09T21:27:14.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"COMP: Fix openxr_loader library windows install rule\n\nFollow-up of 240a60a (ENH: Add support for \"OpenXR\" XR runtime)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"COMP: Fix openxr_loader library windows install rule"}},{"before":"574d5b0aafccbcb4447febc345e7a43022d466a9","after":"240a60a70d9fae65ac653b8325283b4dca858bc0","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-30T06:21:49.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":41,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Add support for \"OpenXR\" XR runtime\n\n- Add SlicerVirtualReality_HAS_OPENXR_SUPPORT CMake option\n\n- Add OpenXR-SDK and vtkRenderingOpenXR external projects\n\n- Add OpenXR specialized interactor style class for.\n\n- Add OpenXR specialized interactor class. Thanks to the shared\n `vtkVirtualRealityComplexGestureRecognizer`, there is no duplicated code.\n\n- Add OpenXR specialized interactor style class. Thanks to the shared\n `vtkVirtualRealityViewInteractorStyleDelegate`, there is no duplicated code.\n\n- Update vtkSlicerVirtualRealityLogic::ComputeActionManifestPath support\n for `OpenXR`.\n\n- Update `vtkMRMLVirtualRealityViewNode` adding `OpenXR` to `XRRuntimeType` enum\n\n- Update `qMRMLVirtualRealityView::createRenderWindow` to instantiate `vtkOpenXR*` classes\n\n- Update `qMRMLVirtualRealityView::currentXRRuntime` to check for OpenXR","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Add support for \"OpenXR\" XR runtime"}},{"before":"7998ea98c567adb5ca1261e3da73d9358168a45f","after":"574d5b0aafccbcb4447febc345e7a43022d466a9","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-26T23:36:01.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":4,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"EMH: Generalize VirtualRealityViewNode API to use deviceHandle\n\nSimplifies the API to accept \"deviceHandle\" instead of a string reprensation\nof the device handle called \"openVrDeviceId\".","shortMessageHtmlLink":"EMH: Generalize VirtualRealityViewNode API to use deviceHandle"}},{"before":"43c5f67a258fcb04374159a7cae01a521444f12a","after":"7998ea98c567adb5ca1261e3da73d9358168a45f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-26T23:29:01.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"DOC: Fix comments in vtkMRMLVirtualRealityViewNode \"CreateDefault\" functions","shortMessageHtmlLink":"DOC: Fix comments in vtkMRMLVirtualRealityViewNode \"CreateDefault\" fu…"}},{"before":"77085062acbedb544dc90885a2f975f1ea8db9b7","after":"43c5f67a258fcb04374159a7cae01a521444f12a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-24T01:03:02.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Centralize Displayable Manager classes in MRMLDM library\n\nIn preparation for upcoming refactoring efforts, which involve invoking\nVirtualReality logic functions from displayable manager classes, this\ncommit relocates the pertinent classes into a dedicated MRMLDM (MRML\nDisplayable Manager) library.\n\nThe use of the 'MRMLDM' name follows the established convention in the\nSlicer core.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Centralize Displayable Manager classes in MRMLDM library"}},{"before":"335dbde95d04dd70cc430560e47d97ed1a7e0825","after":"77085062acbedb544dc90885a2f975f1ea8db9b7","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-24T00:59:09.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Update interactor style to use runtime-agnostic API to retrieve poses","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Update interactor style to use runtime-agnostic API to retrieve …"}},{"before":"77085062acbedb544dc90885a2f975f1ea8db9b7","after":"335dbde95d04dd70cc430560e47d97ed1a7e0825","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-24T00:53:20.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Centralize Displayable Manager classes in MRMLDM library\n\nIn preparation for upcoming refactoring efforts, which involve invoking\nVirtualReality logic functions from displayable manager classes, this\ncommit relocates the pertinent classes into a dedicated MRMLDM (MRML\nDisplayable Manager) library.\n\nThe use of the 'MRMLDM' name follows the established convention in the\nSlicer core.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Centralize Displayable Manager classes in MRMLDM library"}},{"before":"643f425254167efff6ead859c6ee4114886b05ff","after":"77085062acbedb544dc90885a2f975f1ea8db9b7","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-24T00:35:55.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"jcfr","name":"Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin","path":"/jcfr","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/219043?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"ENH: Update interactor style to use runtime-agnostic API to retrieve poses","shortMessageHtmlLink":"ENH: Update interactor style to use runtime-agnostic API to retrieve …"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEN_4JnwA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity · KitwareMedical/SlicerVirtualReality"}