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Detailed Installation Guide

Table of Contents


Welcome to the comprehensive installation guide for Animal-AI. This guide is tailored for users who may not be familiar with Python dependencies, navigating GitHub repositories, or working with Unity. It's also here to help you smoothly navigate through any installation hiccups – because let's face it, it's custom software installation... when isn't there a hiccup or two?.

For Windows Users: This guide is primarily written with Windows users in mind. We've tried to make it as straightforward as possible, so you can get started with Animal-AI without any hassle.

For Mac and Linux Users: Similarly for Mac, most of the instructions for Windows users should still apply to you. If you are using MacOS, you may also need to run this command: chmod -R 777 in your MacOS terminal to unlock permissions for running the application.

If you're a Linux user, you're likely more comfortable with command-line interfaces and installations. Please note that if you are using Linux, you may need to make the .exe file executable: Simply run this command in your terminal: chmod +x env/AnimalAI.x86_64 . Please also make sure that when you extract the folder, you move the files inside the sub-directory to its parent folder.


1. Installing Python

  • Download Python: Obtain Python 3.9.x from Python's official website.
  • Run the Installer: Follow the installation instructions. Ensure to add Python to your PATH (via the checkbox). Note: if you're doing a custom intallation, it is recommended to keep the install pip box ticked and use pip to install dependencies.
  • Check Installation: Open a Command Prompt terminal and run python --version. You should see the version you installed. Make sure it's Python 3.9.x.
  • Check Pip: Run pip --version to see if pip is installed. If it's not, you can install it by running python -m ensurepip in the terminal. If you're using Python 3.4 or later, pip is included by default.
  • Check PATH: Run echo %PATH% in the terminal to see if Python is added to your PATH. If it's not, you can add it manually by following the instructions here.

2. Cloning the Animal-AI Repository (Optional)

Note: This step is only necessary if you wish to contribute to Animal-AI. If you only want to use the environment, you can skip this step and go to step 3.

  • Prepare a Directory: Create a root folder for the AnimalAI project for better organization.
  • Clone the Repository: Options include:
  • Check: The root folder should contain the animal-ai folder.

3. Setting Up a Virtual Environment (Optional)

  • Creating a Virtual Environment: Useful for managing dependencies.
    • Python: Use python -m venv your_env_name and activate it in the Scripts directory with activate.
    • Conda: Use conda create --name your_env_name and activate with conda activate your_env_name.

For more information on virtual environments, refer to the Python Documentation or Conda Documentation.

4. Installing Dependencies

  • Navigate to the Repository: Go to animal-ai.
  • Install Dependencies:
    • Using pip: Run pip install animalai. This will install the dependencies necessary to run Animal-AI, located in the animalai package from PyPI (Python Package Index).
    • Using Conda: Install pip (conda install pip), then run pip install animalai.
    • Using a Virtual Environment: Activate your virtual environment, then run pip install animalai.
  • Check: Run pip list to see if animalai is installed. You should obtain the latest version of the package automatically. If you require an older version, you can specify it with pip install animalai==x.x.x where x.x.x is the version number.

5. Downloading the Animal-AI Environment

  • Download: Get the version for your OS from the Releases section in the repository here.
  • Extract: Unzip the downloaded folder into any destination of your choosing (we recommend to your Desktop). You can use WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the files.
  • Check: The folder should contain the .exe file for Windows, .app file for MacOS, and the .x86_64 file for Linux.

6. Starting Animal-AI

You can now start using Animal-AI by launching the application for your OS, located in the directory where you extracted the folder. Note that Animal-AI does not need to be installed in your system to run.

Please see our Launching AAI guide for a step-by-step guide on how to start using Animal-AI.

General Notes

Folder navigation in Windows is performed using the cd command, e.g. if the current directory is shown as :C\Users\Name and you want to go to your new Animal-AI root folder called "AAI", you would type cd AAI and it will now show you are at :C\Users\Name\AAI . To go to the parent directory (e.g. in this case :C\Users ), you would type cd.. and if your directory name contains spaces, use speech marks e.g. cd "AAI Folder" . You can also use the dir command to list the contents of the current directory, and dir /b to list the contents without any additional information.

Everything you need to run scripts in Animal-AI (including the correct version of Unity's ml-agents package) is found in the Python Index Package animalai . This is installed using pip or conda as described above. The animalai package is a Python wrapper for the Unity environment, and is the only dependency you need to install. The animalai package is also the only dependency you need to import in your scripts, and it will import everything else you need from the animalai package itself.


You can then start using Animal-AI! Any problems, please get in touch ( / alhasacademy96) or post an issue on the GitHub repository.

Visit our FAQ page for more information on common issues and solutions here.