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My projects


Name Description Languages
3-D-Scene-Graph 3D scene graph generator implemented in Pytorch. Python, Shell
FactorizableNet Factorizable Net (Multi-GPU version): An Efficient Subgraph-based Framework for Scene Graph Generation C, C++, Cuda, Makefile, Python, Shell
ldgcnn Linked Dynamic Graph CNN: Learning through Point Cloud by Linking Hierarchical Features Python, Shell
lidar-postgis-anal PostGIS with Plotly Dash to query and show lidar data Python
made-ml-demo-app Point cloud classification demo in BinderHub HTML, Jinja, Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-ml-demo-app-model 3D object classification simple demo Python, Roff
pytorch-point-transformer Implementation of point transformer for point cloud classification and segmentation Jupyter Notebook, Python
RandLA-Net RandLA-Net in Tensorflow (CVPR 2020, Oral) C++, Python
azure-kinect-pcl Point cloud segmentation with Azure Kinect C++, CMake
cgal-plane-detector Plane detection with CGAL region growing algorithm C++, CMake


Name Description Languages
3d-reconstruct Geometry Images: Cutting Algorithm Walkthrough + Rendering Walkthrough Using A Normal Map With Optional Culling C++
nsga3 A python implementation of NSGA-3 Python
cuda_voxelizer Experimental CUDA voxelizer, to convert polygon meshes to annotated voxel grids. C, C++, CMake, Cuda
eoptimization-library The library for constrained optimization. Implemented three algorithms: Big bung - big crunch, Fireworks, Grenade explosion. C#
nds A C# implementation of the non-dominated sorting. C#
nds-py A Python implementation of the non-dominated sorting. Python
cuda_voxelizer Experimental CUDA voxelizer, to convert polygon meshes to annotated voxel grids. C, C++, CMake, Cuda
ZernikeMoments Fork of '3D Zernike Descriptors' library from 3d research Uni-Bonn C++, CMake, CSS


Name Description Languages
3D object calssification
3DML-Habr-paper Code examples for series of learning articles Python
Defect detection
How to scan a person with RGB-D
Neural neytworks for 3D data
Point cloud segmentation
PyTriton Triton inference server for Python Python
RGB-D sensors
XeLaTeX XeLaTeX for bachelor's or master's thesis TeX

Computer graphics

Name Description Languages
AI4Animation Bringing Characters to Life with Computer Brains in Unity C, C#, C++, CMake, HLSL, Python, ShaderLab, Smalltalk
egl-offscreen-render OpenGL offscreen rendering with EGL and antialiasing Python

Explainable ML

Name Description Languages
image-cls Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) classification: Python

Google Drive tools

Name Description Languages
gdrive-scanning Scan all files in the Google Drive with Google App script JavaScript

MADE (Big data academy)

Name Description Languages
made-recsys-pub Item2Item and ALS recommendation system Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-adv-ml-hw1 Linear regression with sampling Jupyter Notebook
made-adv-ml-hw2 EM algorithm for user ranking Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-adv-ml-hw3 Markov chain Monte Carlo for text decrypting and others Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-bd-hw1 Working with HDFS and MapReduce CSS, Dockerfile, Makefile, Python, Shell
made-bd-hw2 SQL queries with Hive Shell
made-bd-hw3 Linear regression on Scala with pseudo-inverse of a matrix Python, Scala
made-bd-hw4 TD-IDF on Spark Dataframe API Dockerfile, Jupyter Notebook
made-bd-hw5 Linear regression on Spark Scala
made-bd-hw6 Random Hyperplanes LSH as Spark Estimator Scala
made-cv-comp-key-points Kaggle competition: Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-cv-comp-plates Kaggle competition: Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-hpc-hw1 Prediction of performance with the Theta model of Assimakopoulos & Nikolopoulos C, CMake, HTML, Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-hpc-hw2 A matrix multiplication with Strassen’s Algorithm C++, CMake, Dockerfile, Shell
made-hpc-hw3 OpenMP C, C++, CMake
made-hpc-hw4 PageRank C++, CMake, Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-hpc-hw5 MPI programs C++, CMake, Python, Shell
made-hpc-hw6 CUDA: Median filter and blur C++, CMake, Cuda
made-ml-prod2 MLFlow dag and simple ML API Dockerfile, HTML, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Shell, Smarty
made-rl-1 Reinforcement learning algorithms: Q-learning and other Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-rl-2 Reinforcement learning algorithms: MCTS and other Jupyter Notebook, Python
kernela MLOps samples: FastAPI, Airflow and Kubernetes Dockerfile, HTML, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Shell, Smarty

MADE final project

Name Description Languages
data-collector Репозиторий для сбора данных Dockerfile, Python, Shell


Name Description Languages
AdaptiveWingLoss [ICCV 2019] Adaptive Wing Loss for Robust Face Alignment via Heatmap Regression - Official Implementation Python, Shell
CAST_pytorch Official implementation of the paper “Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning”(SIGGRAPH 2022) Python
darknet YOLOv4 - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet ) Batchfile, C, C#, C++, CMake, Cuda, Makefile, PowerShell, Python, Shell
face-alignment 🔥 2D and 3D Face alignment library build using pytorch Dockerfile, Python, Shell
Object-Detection-Metrics Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms. Python
transfer-learning-img-classification Jupyter Notebook, Python
yolo-video-detection-example YOLO V8 video detection inside TouchDesigner Cython, Python


Name Description Languages
clip-text-search Search images by text input with CLIP Dockerfile, Jinja, Jupyter Notebook, Python


Name Description Languages
Stack Exchange data analysis Data analysis of sample StackExchange data with ADO.NET and Python C#, Python
xFormres build GitHub action to compile xFormres library for different GPUs Python, CUDA, C++


Name Description Languages
education-recsys RecSys homework with some additions Jupyter Notebook, Python
made-recsys-pub Item2Item and ALS recommendation system Jupyter Notebook, Python

Test tasks created

Name Description Languages
3D ML test task Example of test task for 3D ML developer Python
Backend test task Example of test task for backend developer Python
Point cloud analysis test task Example of test task for developer who will work with point cloud Python

Test tasks solved

Name Description Languages
Тest task Solution of test tasks Python


Name Description Languages
cookiecutter-cmake Cookiecutter template for CMake projects. C++, CMake
cookiecutter-python Cookiecutter template for the Python Dockerfile, Python


Name Description Languages
habr-dvc-hydra-exp Python
habr-pytriton-example Dockerfile, Python
libpointmatcher An Iterative Closest Point (ICP) library for 2D and 3D mapping in Robotics C, C++, CMake, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Shell
recsys-metrics-polars Python
omfmi Docker image with PyFMI and OpenModelica Dockerfile
phyge Голосовой ассистент для эффективного поиска источников(ссылок на статьи) во время диалога/презентации. Dockerfile, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Shell


Name Description Languages
xelatex-gost-bac Шаблон для оформления ВКР бакалавра или магистерской диссертации в XeLaTeX. TeX
xelatex-gost-bac-docker-image Репозиторий содержит сборку образа Docker для использования в рамках другого репозитория Dockerfile