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Representations used in the project

The table below presents the specifications of different the representation we use in this project. The last column refers to the name we use for the specific feature in config.

Backbone Obj. Data DATA.FEATURE
ResNet-50 Supervised ImageNet imagenet_supervised
ResNet-50 Supervised iNat2021 inat2021_supervised
ResNet-50 Supervised iNat2021-mini inat2021_mini_supervised
ResNet-50 MoCo-v2 ImageNet imagenet_moco_v2
ResNet-50 MoCo-v3 ImageNet mocov3_rn50
ResNet-50 SwAV ImageNet imagenet_swav
ResNet-50 DINO ImageNet dino_resnet50
ResNet-50 BarlowTwins ImageNet imagenet_barlowtwins
ViT-B/16 Supervised ImageNet sup_vitb16_224
ViT-L/16 Supervised ImageNet sup_vitl16_224
ViT-S/16 DINO ImageNet dino_vits16
ViT-S/16 MoCo-v3 ImageNet mocov3_vits
ViT-B/16 DINO ImageNet dino_vitb16
ViT-B/16 MoCo-v3 ImageNet mocov3_vitb
Swin-T Supervised ImageNet swint_imagenet
Swin-S Supervised ImageNet swins_imagenet
Swin-B Supervised ImageNet swinb_imagenet_224
Swin-T MoBY ImageNet swint_imagenet_ssl