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  1. BeautifullSoup, Pandas – in this notebook I retrieve sale offers of properties from a web site using BeautifullSoup . There are a few codes here and each subsequent one allows you to get more detailed data and increase their number. The use of these codes must not violate the regulations of the website to which these codes apply.

  2. Folium_map and Pandas- in this notebook I organize data containing real estates prices using Pandas library, then I present real estates prices on two different maps- the first one contains points that show the prices of apartments in specific locations and the second one is a choropleth map

  1. Papermill - The goal is to generate a sales report at the end of each month for the current month. Papermill allows me to execute the same Jupyter notebook with different variables (different sales data for each month). Thanks to this, it is easier and faster to generate and save mothly reports. The Jupyter notebook is also converted to html file by nbconvert so it can be used as a final report and submitted to the customer.


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