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Remix Auth - Spotify Strategy

The Spotify strategy is used to authenticate users against a Spotify account. It extends the OAuth2Strategy.

The strategy supports refreshing expired access tokens. The logic for this is stolen from heavily inspired by remix-auth-supabase – thanks @mitchelvanbever!

Supported runtimes

Runtime Has Support

How to use

Create application in Spotify developer dashboard

  1. Go to the Spotify developer dashboard and sign in with your account
  2. Click Create an app and give the application a suitable name and description
  3. Click Edit settings and add
    • http://localhost:3000 under Website
    • http://localhost:3000/auth/spotify/callback under Redirect URIs (remember to hit Add)
  4. Hit Save at the bottom of the modal
  5. Grab your client ID and secret from the dashboard overview, and save them as env variables

Remember to update Website and Redirect URIs if/when deploying your app.

Install remix-auth and the Spotify strategy

npm install remix-auth remix-auth-spotify
# or
yarn add remix-auth remix-auth-spotify

Setup env variables, sessionStorage, strategy and authenticator

# .env
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID="your client id"
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET="your client secret"
SPOTIFY_CALLBACK_URL="your callback url" # e.g. http://localhost:3000/auth/spotify/callback
// app/services/session.server.ts
import { createCookieSessionStorage } from '@remix-run/node';

export const sessionStorage = createCookieSessionStorage({
    cookie: {
        name: '_session', // use any name you want here
        sameSite: 'lax',
        path: '/',
        httpOnly: true,
        secrets: ['s3cr3t'], // replace this with an actual secret from env variable
        secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', // enable this in prod only

export const { getSession, commitSession, destroySession } = sessionStorage;
// app/services/auth.server.ts
import { Authenticator } from 'remix-auth';
import { SpotifyStrategy } from 'remix-auth-spotify';

import { sessionStorage } from '~/services/session.server';

if (!process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID) {
    throw new Error('Missing SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID env');

if (!process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET) {
    throw new Error('Missing SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET env');

if (!process.env.SPOTIFY_CALLBACK_URL) {
    throw new Error('Missing SPOTIFY_CALLBACK_URL env');

// See
const scopes = ['user-read-email'].join(' ');

export const spotifyStrategy = new SpotifyStrategy(
        clientID: process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID,
        clientSecret: process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET,
        callbackURL: process.env.SPOTIFY_CALLBACK_URL,
        scope: scopes,
    async ({ accessToken, refreshToken, extraParams, profile }) => ({
        expiresAt: + extraParams.expiresIn * 1000,
        tokenType: extraParams.tokenType,
        user: {
            email: profile.emails[0].value,
            name: profile.displayName,
            image: profile.__json.images?.[0]?.url,

export const authenticator = new Authenticator(sessionStorage, {
    sessionKey: spotifyStrategy.sessionKey,
    sessionErrorKey: spotifyStrategy.sessionErrorKey,


Setup authentication routes

// app/routes/auth.spotify.tsx
import type { ActionFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/node';
import { redirect } from '@remix-run/node';

import { authenticator } from '~/services/auth.server';

export function loader() {
    return redirect('/login');

export async function action({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) {
    return await authenticator.authenticate('spotify', request);
// app/routes/auth.spotify.callback.tsx
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/node';

import { authenticator } from '~/services/auth.server';

export function loader({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
    return authenticator.authenticate('spotify', request, {
        successRedirect: '/',
        failureRedirect: '/login',
// app/routes/logout.tsx
import type { ActionFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/node';
import { json, redirect } from '@remix-run/node';

import { destroySession, getSession } from '~/services/session.server';

export async function action({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) {
    return redirect('/', {
        headers: {
            'Set-Cookie': await destroySession(
                await getSession(request.headers.get('cookie')),

export function loader() {
    throw json({}, { status: 404 });

Use the strategy

spotifyStrategy.getSession() works similar to authenticator.isAuthenticated(), only it handles refreshing tokens. If you don't need to refresh tokens in your app, feel free to use authenticator.isAuthenticated() instead.

// app/routes/_index.tsx
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/node';
import { Form, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';

import { spotifyStrategy } from '~/services/auth.server';

export async function loader({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
    return spotifyStrategy.getSession(request);

export default function Index() {
    const data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
    const user = data?.user;

    return (
        <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: 20 }}>
            <h2>Welcome to Remix!</h2>
                <a href="">Check out the docs</a> to get
            {user ? (
                <p>You are logged in as: {user?.email}</p>
            ) : (
                <p>You are not logged in yet!</p>
            <Form action={user ? '/logout' : '/auth/spotify'} method="post">
                <button>{user ? 'Logout' : 'Log in with Spotify'}</button>