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JohnAlbin edited this page Nov 6, 2014 · 41 revisions

Normalize.css docs

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Installation and usage instructions can be found in the project README:

Compass' Browser Support module

Normalize-scss uses @import "compass/support"; to include Compass support module.

Based on's browser usage stats, Compass will support any browser that is used by at least 1 user in 10,000. These variables are used to specify which browsers are supported by Compass. "Unsupported" browsers will still see the generated CSS, of course, but will not get special treatment for its bugs or CSS3 vendor prefixes.

The full documentation for Compass' Support module is at

But the following variables are the most interesting:

// The browser usage threshold for features that cannot degrade gracefully.
// A value of 100 means 100% of users would have to use the browser before it is
// supported. A value of 0.01 (the default) means 1 user in 10,000.
$critical-usage-threshold: 0.01 !default;

// Set this to true to generate comments that will explain why a prefix was
// included or omitted.
$debug-browser-support: false;

// Optional map of minimum browser versions to support. If a specific browser
// has usage stats below the $critical-usage-threshold, you can still require
// support for it using this variable. For example, to require support for IE 6
// and later, set $browser-minimum-versions['ie'] to '6'.
$browser-minimum-versions: (
  'chrome':  null,
  'firefox': null,
  'ie':      null,
  'safari':  null,
  'opera':   null
) !default;
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