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A series of classes for modeling distributions and stochastic processes.

If you use these classes, please cite the following paper,

  • J. Early and A. Sykulski. Smoothing and interpolating noisy GPS data with smoothing splines. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. In prep.

Table of contents

  1. Quick start
  2. Distribution class

Quick start

The Distribution class is an abstract class, so in practice one only uses its subclasses such as NormalDistribution directly. For example, to create a Gaussian distribution,

sigma = 1;
distribution = NormalDistribution(sigma);

and now you can create some random values,

n = 1000;
z = distribution.rand([n 1]);

and plot those values,


which can be compared against the expected pdf,

zdist = linspace(min(z),max(z),100)';
hold on

All distribution subclasses include the cdf as a function, as well as the total variance of the process.

Correlated values

It is also sometimes useful to correlate the random values in order to create a stochastic process. Let's define an autocorrelation sequence,

tau = 10;
distribution.rho = @(z) exp(-(z/tau).^2);

and now generate a signal,

t = (0:500).';
z = distribution.noise(t);

The signal now looks smooth on time scales less than O(tau).


The Distribution class is an abstract class, but most subclasses only need to define a pdf and cdf in order to gain most of the useful functionality, such as random number generation, stochastic process generation, as well as error metrics like the Anderson-Darling and Kolmogorov-Smirnov errors.

There are currently five built-in distribution subclasses,

Distribution class

The distribution class represents a univariate probability distribution. As such the class requires the following properties,

Optionally, one can also define

When the cdf is defined, the following functions can be used,

  • rand(), generates random numbers with the cdf.
  • locationOfCDFPercentile() returns the location of a given cdf percentile.
  • varianceInRange() returns the variance between two cdf percentiles.
  • varianceInPercentileRange() returns the total variance in a given percentile range.
  • kolmogorovSmirnovError(), returns the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic for a given set of data.
  • andersonDarlingError(), returns the Anderson-Darling test statistic for a given set of data.

Once rho is also defined,

  • noise() returns a signal with increments following rand and autocorrelation sequence following rho.

Normal distribution

The NormalDistribution does the obvious thing and adds a single additional property, sigma and implements a normal distribution.

Student's t-distribution

The StudentTDistribution has additional two properties, sigma and nu, and implements a Student's t-distribution.

Added distribution

The AddedDistribution is a univariate mixture distribution, essentially the sum of two (or more) distributions.

The class is initialized with AddedDistribution(scalings,distribution1,distribution2,varargin) where scalings is a vector that must sum to 1, followed by two (or more) distributions

Two dimensional distance distribution

The TwoDimDistanceDistribution takes a single one-dimensional distribution and returns the radial distribution of two independent distribution on x-y. Thus, for a normal distribution this gives you an emirically computed Rayleigh distribution.