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Chapter 5 - Classes and Interfaces

If you’re like most programmers coming from an object-oriented programming language, classes are your bread and butter.

😬 This does not define me whatsoever. I so rarely use Classes. But LFG!

Classes and Inheritance

Building a Chess Engine

See chessEngine.ts

Every piece has a color and a current position. In chess, positions are modeled as (letter, number) coordinate pairs; letters run from left to right along the x-axis, numbers from bottom to top along the y-axis. Standard algebraic notation in chess: A–H (the x-axis) are called “files” and 1–8 (the inverted y-axis) “ranks”

Access Modifiers

TypeScript supports three access modifiers: public, private, and protected.

Access modifiers allow you to design classes that don't expose too much information about their implementations. Instead, they expose well-defined APIs for others to use.

  • public is the default and is accessible from anywhere
  • private is accessible from this class only
    • within the constructor this automatically assigns the parameter to this (this.file and so on), and sets its visibility to private, meaning that code within a Piece instance can read and write to it, but code outside of a Piece instance can’t. Different instances of Piece can access each other’s private members; instances of any other class—even a subclass of Piece—can’t.
  • protected is like private, but it’s also accessible from subclasses of Piece
    • position is declared as protected. Like private, protected assigns the property to this, but unlike private, protected makes the property visible both to instances of Piece and to instances of any subclass of Piece. We didn’t assign position a value when declaring it, so we have to assign a value to it in Piece’s constructor function. If we hadn’t assigned it a value in the constructor, TypeScript would have told us that the variable is not definitely assigned, i.e., we said it’s of type T, but it’s actually T | undefined because it’s not assigned a value in a property initializer or in the constructor—so we would need to update its signature to indicate that it’s not necessarily a Position, but it might also be undefined
  • new Piece takes three parameters: color, file, and rank
    • We added two modifiers to color:
      • private, meaning assign it to this and make sure it’s only accessible from an instance of Piece
      • readonly, meaning that after this initial assignment it can only be read and can’t be written anymore

abstract Classes

“We’ve defined a Piece class, but we don’t want users to instantiate a new Piece directly—we want them to extend it to create a Queen, a Bishop, and so on, and instantiate that. We can use the type system to enforce that for us, using the abstract keyword:

abstract class Piece {}

// Error TS2511: Cannot create an instance of an abstract class.
new Piece('White', 'E', 1);

“The abstract keyword means that you can’t instantiate the class directly, but it doesn’t mean you can’t define some methods on it:

abstract class Piece {
    moveTo(position: Position) {
        this.position = position;
    abstract canMoveTo(position: Position): boolean;

Classes Summary

  • Declare classes with the class keyword. Extend them with the extends keyword.
  • Classes can be either concrete or abstract. Abstract classes can have abstract methods and abstract properties.
  • Methods can be private, protected, or, by default, public. They can be instance methods or static methods.
  • Classes can have instance properties, which can also be private, protected, or, by default, public. You can declare them in constructor parameters or as property initializers.
  • You can mark instance properties as readonly when declaring them.


As with JavaScript, TypeScript supports super calls. If your child class overrides a method defined on its parent class (say, if Queen and Piece both implement the take method), the child instance can make a super call to call its parent’s version of the method (e.g., super.take). There are two kinds of super calls:

  1. Method calls, like super.take.
  2. Constructor calls, which have the special form super() and can only be called from a constructor function. If your child class has a constructor function, you must call super() from the child’s constructor to correctly wire up the class (don’t worry, TypeScript will warn you if you forget; it’s like a cool futuristic robot elephant in that way).

Note that you can only access a parent class’s methods, and not its properties, with super.

Using this as a Return Type

Implementing ES6's Set data structure

let set = new Set();
set.has(2); // true
set.has(4); // false
class Set {
    has(value: number): boolean {
        // ...
     * Setting return type to `this` allows chaining
    add(value: number): this {}


When you use classes, you will often find yourself using them with interfaces.

Like type aliases, interfaces are a way to name a type so you don’t have to define it inline. Type aliases and interfaces are mostly two syntaxes for the same thing (like function expressions and function declarations), but there are a few small differences. Let’s start with what they have in common. Consider the following type alias:

type Sushi = {
    calories: number;
    salty: boolean;
    tasty: boolean;

This can easily be rewritten as an interface:

interface Sushi {
    calories: number;
    salty: boolean;
    tasty: boolean;

Everywhere you used your Sushi type alias, you can also use your Sushi interface. Both declarations define shapes, and those shapes are assignable to one another (in fact, they’re identical!).

Things get more interesting when you start combining types. Let’s model another food in addition to Sushi:

type Cake = {
    calories: number;
    sweet: boolean;
    tasty: boolean;

A lot of foods have calories and are tasty—not just Sushi and Cake. Let’s pull Food out into its own type, and redefine our foods in terms of it:

type Food = {
    calories: number;
    tasty: boolean;

type Sushi = Food & {
    salty: boolean;

type Cake = Food & {
    sweet: boolean;

Nearly equivalently, you can do that with interfaces too:

interface Food {
    calories: number;
    tasty: boolean;
interface Sushi extends Food {
    salty: boolean;
interface Cake extends Food {
    sweet: boolean;

Note Interfaces don’t have to extend other interfaces. In fact, an interface can extend any shape: an object type, a class, or another interface.

The 4 differences between types and interfaces:

  1. Type aliases are more general as their right-hand side can be any type, including a type expression. For an interface, the right-hand side must be a shape. For example, type A = string | number is valid, but interface A = string | number is not.
  2. When you extend an interface, TypeScript checks that the shape you’re extending is compatible with the shape you’re extending it with. When you extend a type, TypeScript doesn’t check that the shape you’re extending is compatible with the shape you’re extending it with. When you’re modeling inheritance for object types, the assignability check that TypeScript does for interfaces can be a helpful tool to catch errors.
interface A {
    good(x: number): string;
    bad(x: number): string;

 * Error TS2430: Interface 'B' incorrectly extends interface 'A'. Type 'number'
 * is not assignable to type 'string'.
interface B extends A {
    good(x: string | number): string;
    bad(x: string): string;
  1. Declaration Merging: multiple interfaces with the same name in the same scope are automatically merged; multiple type aliases with the same name in the same scope will throw a compile-time error.

Declaration Merging

Declaration merging is TypeScript’s way of automatically combining multiple declarations that share the same name. A few features of TypeScript use it:

  • Interfaces
  • Enums
  • Namespaces
// User has a single field, name
interface User {
    name: string;

// User now has two fields, name and age
interface User {
    age: number;

let a: User = {
    name: 'Ashley',
    age: 30

If you try to merge two types with the same name, TypeScript will throw an error:

// Error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'User'.
type User = {
    name: string;

// Error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'User'.
type User = {
    age: number;


When you declare a class, you can use the implements keyword to say that it satisfies a particular interface. Like other explicit type annotations, this is a convenient way to add a type-level constraint that your class is implemented correctly as closely as possible to the implementation itself, so that the error from an incorrect implementation doesn’t show up downstream where it’s less clear why it was thrown

interface Animal {
    eat(food: string): void;
    sleep(hours: number): void;

// Note the use of `implements` instead of `extends`
class Cat implements Animal {
    eat(food: string) {'Ate some', food, '. Mmm!');
    sleep(hours: number) {'Slept for', hours, 'hours');

Cat has to implement every method that Animal declares, and can implement more methods and properties on top if it wants.

You’re not limited to implementing just one interface—you can implement as many as you want:

interface Animal {
    readonly name: string;
    eat(food: string): void;
    sleep(hours: number): void;

interface Feline {
    meow(): void;

class Cat implements Animal, Feline {
    name = 'Whiskers';
    eat(food: string) {'Ate some', food, '. Mmm!');
    sleep(hours: number) {'Slept for', hours, 'hours');
    meow() {'Meow');

implement w/ Interfaces vs. extend an Abstract Classe

implementing an interface is very similar to extending an abstract class.

The key difference is that interfaces are more general and lightweight, and abstract classes are more special-purpose and feature-rich.

An interface:

  • is a way to model a shape—an object, array, function, class, or class instance
  • does not emit JavaScript code
  • only exists at compile time.

An abstract class:

  • can only model a class.
  • emits runtime code—a JavaScript class
  • can have constructors
  • provide default implementations
  • set access modifiers for properties and methods.

Interfaces can’t do any of those things.

Which one to use?

  • It depends on your use case.
    • Use an abstract class when an implementation is shared among multiple classes.
    • Use interface when a lightweight way to say “this class is a T” is needed.

Classes are Structurally Typed

As with every other type in TypeScript, TypeScript compares classes by their structure, not by their name. A class is compatible with any other type that shares its shape, including a regular old object that defines the same properties or methods as the class. This means that if you have a function that takes a Zebra and you give it a Poodle, TypeScript may not mind:

class Zebra {
    trot() {
        // ...

class Poodle {
    trot() {
        // ...

function ambleAround(animal: Zebra) {

let zebra = new Zebra();
let poodle = new Poodle();

ambleAround(zebra); // OK
ambleAround(poodle); // OK

As long as Poodle is assignable to Zebra, TypeScript is OK with this because from our function’s point of view, the two are interchangeable; all that matters is that they implement .trot. If you were using almost any other language that types classes nominally, this code would have raised an error; but TypeScript is structurally typed through and through, so this code is perfectly acceptable.

The exception to this rule is classes with private or protected fields: when checking whether or not a shape is assignable to a class, if the class has any private or protected fields and the shape is not an instance of that class or a subclass of that class, then the shape is not assignable to the class:

class A {
    private x = 1;
class B extends A {}

function f(a: A) {}

f(new A()); // OK
f(new B()); // OK

 * Error TS2345: Argument of type '{x: number}' is not
 * assignable to parameter of type 'A'. Property 'x' is
 * private in type 'A' but not in type '{x: number}'.”
f({ x: 1 });

Classes Declare Both Values and Types

Most things that you can express in TypeScript are either values or types:

// value
let a = 1999 function b() {}
// type
type a = number interface b { (): void }

Types and values are namespaced separately in TypeScript. Depending on how you use a term (a or b in this example), TypeScript knows whether to resolve it to a type or to a value:

if (a + 1 > 3) {
    //... // TypeScript infers from context that you mean the value a

// TypeScript infers from context that you mean the type a
let x: a = 3;

This contextual term resolution is really nice, and lets us do cool things like implement companion types

Classes and enums are special. They are unique because they generate both a type in the type namespace and a value in the value namespace:

class C {} // In this context, C refers to the instance type of our C class.
let c: C = new C(); // In this context, C refers to C the value.

// In this context, E refers to the type of our E enum.
enum E {
let e: E = E.F; // In this context, E refers to E the value.

When we work with classes, we need:

  • a way to say “this variable should be an instance of this class”
    • classes generate types at the type level so we’re able to express this “is-a” relationship
  • a way to represent a class at runtime
  • classes generate a value at the value level so we can instantiate it as well


Skipping until I figure out why I'd use it. I can see using them with functions, but not with classes at this time.


Skipping until I figure out why I'd use them.


Skipping as they are experimental and I don't see myself using them at this time

Simulating final Classes

Skipping as I don't see myself using them at this time since I've yet to use this feature in other languages

Design Patterns

Factory Pattern

Skipping as I don't see myself using them at this time since I've yet to use them.

Builder Pattern

Skipping as I don't see myself using them at this time since I've yet to use them.


Exercise 1

What are the differences between a class and an interface?


  • A blueprint for creating objects.
  • It encapsulates data for the object and methods to manipulate that data.
  • Classes support inheritance, meaning one class can extend another, inheriting its properties and methods.
  • They are real entities that can be instantiated into objects using the new keyword.


  • A TypeScript feature (not present in JavaScript) used to define the structure that an object should conform to.
  • Interfaces can include properties and method definitions
  • But all are abstract, meaning they don't provide implementation details.
  • They're used for type-checking and are not compiled into JavaScript.
  • Interfaces can extend multiple other interfaces, enabling more flexible design patterns than class inheritance.

Key differences:

  • Compilation:
    • Classes exist in JavaScript and TypeScript, meaning they are part of the compiled JavaScript code. Interfaces are TypeScript-specific and are used for type-checking during development; they disappear in the compiled JavaScript. Implementation vs. Definition: Classes implement functionality, whereas interfaces define an object's shape. You write code in a class to define how methods work, but in an interface, you just declare method signatures or properties.
  • Instantiation:
    • You can instantiate classes to create new objects. Interfaces cannot be instantiated; they're purely a compile-time construct.
  • Extension vs. Implementation:
    • Classes can extend other classes (single inheritance) but implement multiple interfaces, allowing a class to type-check against multiple structures.
  • Constructor:
    • Classes can have constructors, special methods for creating and initializing an object created with a class.
    • Interfaces cannot have constructors.

Given my preference for descriptive naming and functional programming, interfaces are particularly useful for defining complex types or contracts within a codebase, without committing to a specific implementation upfront. This aligns well with principles of functional programming by emphasizing the shape and behavior of data over its concrete representation.

Exercise 2

Q: When you mark a class’s constructor as private, that means you can’t instantiate or extend the class. What happens when you mark it as protected instead? Play around with this in your code editor, and see if you can figure it out.

A: When you mark a class constructor as protected in TypeScript, it means:

  • Instantiation:
    • You cannot instantiate the class directly from outside the class itself or outside a subclass of it. This is similar to a private constructor but with an important difference regarding inheritance.
  • Inheritance:
    • Unlike with a private constructor, a protected constructor allows the class to be extended. Subclasses can be created that derive from this class, and these subclasses can call the protected constructor of the parent class. protected is like private, but it’s also accessible from subclasses of Piece

See exercises.ts for an example.

Exercise 3

Skipping as it uses the Factory Pattern and I don't see myself using them at this time since I've yet to use them.

Exercise 4

Skipping as it uses the Builder Pattern and I don't see myself using them at this time since I've yet to use them.