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Releases: IsmAvatar/LateralGM


27 Jul 15:18
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Cleanup Check for Changes

Can safely delete the unused code that walked the tree to find out if
the project had been changed. Walking the tree is a bad idea because it
has to go through groups rather than just flatly iterating over the
resources. This is not to say changes to the tree should be ignored, no,
and in fact, we still need to add a check for that. Walking the tree
would imply that the tree contains something the ProjectFile or resource
map doesn't, which would be a bad idea. Also fixed the formatting and
brace style in a few places while I was in here.


27 Jul 13:38
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Cleanup DataBuffer Vestigials

Even if it had worked and not reported incorrect results, it wouldn't be
useful to the user anyway. The point of the memory status label is to
inform the user of the approximate memory usage of the engine and game.
Since traditionally this has been 32 bit BGRA, a simple width by height
as a factor of 4 is really all that is needed. Either way it should have
been in the Util class rather than duplicating it everywhere too.
Perhaps later if sound and or image/texture page compression becomes a
thing it will be useful to bring it back at that time.


27 Jul 13:19
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Cleanup Vestigials

* No arg GmMenu constructor should call super constructor.
* Add missing GmMenuBar localization tags.
* openFrame on DefaultNode was not needed.
* TODO for GMX physics friction/awake/kinematic is really just a NOTE.
* GlyphMetric did not need to be an UpdateListener.
* Compared to PathPoint, GlyphMetric is safe to simply return validate.


27 Jul 01:57
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Fix Background Preview Division By Zero

Just scale it by the zoom before checking if it's big enough.


27 Jul 01:32
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Cleanup Subimage Label Dispose

There was no need to dispose here because the graphics were not cloned
and it could hypothetically screw up painting any installed border.


27 Jul 01:23
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Fix Choppy Zoom

Use the set viewport position method instead.


27 Jul 00:57
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Cleanup Image Preview Transparency Pattern

Move all of the logic to the parent abstract image preview class. This
now shows the transparency pattern on the sprite strip dialog like GM8.1
used to. Also unifies the clipping and center translation for all
previews plus safely clones the graphics object to prevent corruption.


26 Jul 22:29
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Cleanup Zoom In/Out Logic

Move it to the abstract image preview parent class and fix a regression
from c4a130db77fac82932283400aa44b055af35902d by validating the scroll.


26 Jul 19:38
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Cleanup Image Preview Zoom

Move it to the parent abstract class rather than duplicate it all over.


26 Jul 16:39
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Cleanup Graphics Dispose

There were a lot of places we were creating graphics objects and not
disposing of them, some of them added by me. The documentation for
dispose is very clear that when you are done painting you should dispose
manually created or cloned graphics objects from components. There seems
to still be a few more places but I just did the main ones that it's
clear we weren't disposing of them.