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Reproducibility (DKFZ internal only)

This document will guide you through the process of reproducing the main results for our semantic organ segmentation paper. To reduce the number of required training runs, we are only reproducing the results for the spatial-spectral comparison (Fig. 5).


Start by installing the repository according to the README.

These instructions were tested on the paper_semantic_v3 tag. However, for reproducing, we recommend to use the latest master instead as there are some general dependencies (e.g. dataset version, cluster access) which are not guaranteed to work on an old tag in the future.

Please use a screen environment for all of the following commands since they may take a while to complete.

(Optional) run tests

If you like, you can run all the tests (some tests may be skipped) [≈ 1 hour]

htc tests --slow --parallel 4

With the test test_paper_semantic_files (usually one of the longest running tests) you already reproduced all paper figures based on the trained models. We will now re-train the networks again to see whether we can still reproduce the main results.

Start fresh

We want to train our networks again based on the raw data, so please delete the intermediate files

rmd ~/htc/2021_02_05_Tivita_multiorgan_semantic/intermediates

There are 20 pigs in total in the semantic dataset and the pigs ['P043', 'P046', 'P062', 'P068', 'P072'] are used as test set. Please move the corresponding pig folders (located in ~/htc/2021_02_05_Tivita_multiorgan_semantic/data/subjects) somewhere else to a location only you know (but outside the repository). This ensures that the following training steps cannot accidentally access the test set.

for subject_name in P043 P046 P062 P068 P072; do mv ~/htc/2021_02_05_Tivita_multiorgan_semantic/data/subjects/$subject_name YOUR_SECRET_FOLDER/$subject_name; done


Create the preprocessed files by running the following scripts (this basically re-creates the intermediates) [≈ 10 minutes]

htc l1_normalization && htc median_spectra && htc parameter_images


Start the training runs with the following script. This will create and submit 75 cluster jobs. It is recommended that you have set up filters in your mailbox to ensure that mails from the cluster get sorted into their own folder. [≈ 1–2 days (depending on the cluster utilization)]

htc model_comparison

If all jobs are finished and succeeded successfully, copy the trained models from the cluster and combine the results from the different folds (some unimportant warnings may be raised) [≈ 20 minutes]

htc move_results
htc table_generation

All run folders are stored in ~/htc/results/training/(image|patch|superpixel_classification|pixel) and there will be a validation_table.pkl.xz with all the validation results and an ExperimentAnalysis.html notebook with visualizations for each run. You also need the timestamp which was used for the runs later (e.g. 2022-02-03_22-58-44). Every algorithm is prefixed with the same timestamp.

Test inference

During training, we computed only validation results. It is now time to move the previously hidden test pigs back to the data folder and re-run the preprocessing steps from above [≈ 10 minutes]

for subject_name in P043 P046 P062 P068 P072; do mv YOUR_SECRET_FOLDER/$subject_name ~/htc/2021_02_05_Tivita_multiorgan_semantic/data/subjects/$subject_name; done
htc l1_normalization && htc median_spectra && htc parameter_images

For the NSD, we need to make the inter-rater results available (they are also shown in Fig. 5) [≈ 5 minutes]

htc nsd_thresholds

After this, it is finally time for the test predictions and validation [≈ 4 hour]

htc multiple --filter "<YOUR_TIMESTAMP>" --script ""

Main results

It is now time to take a look at the final results. The main figures are produced by a notebook and you can generate a HTML version via [≈ 5 minutes]

HTC_MODEL_COMPARISON_TIMESTAMP="<YOUR_TIMESTAMP>" jupyter nbconvert --to html --execute --output-dir=~/htc ~/htc/src/paper/MIA2021/Benchmarking.ipynb

Fig. 5, Fig. 7 and Fig. 11 are directly shown in the notebook. Fig 6 is stored in ~/htc/results/paper/ranking_bootstrapped_test_dice_metric_image.pdf. Due to non-determinism in our machine learning, the results cannot be expected to be exactly the same, but as long as the results are roughly similar to the paper, everything is good :-)