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Releases: IBM-Blockchain/blockchain-vscode-extension


09 Mar 10:07
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1.0.21: March 9th 2020


  • We’re still waiting for the gRPC v1.25.0 binaries to be published so you may be affected by this issue, where gRPC fails to rebuild when using VS Code 1.40.x.

    Please see this comment for a workaround.

  • As part of our new feature for creating new 1-Organisation or 2-Organisation local Fabric environments locally, we have renamed the 'Local Fabric' environment to '1 Org Local Fabric'.

  • If you have generated any functional tests for the old 'Local Fabric', you will need to change any paths to use the '1 Org Local Fabric' environment now.

Features & Enhancements

  • Ability to create new 1-Organisation or 2-Organisation local Fabric environments locally #1898, #1862, #1863, #1558.

    It's now possible to create a new local runtime from either a 1-Organisation or 2-Organisation template, when adding a new environment.

    A 2-Organisation local environment can be used to try out generated private data smart contracts.

  • Added a new Getting Started with Private Data tutorial #1988.

    This tutorial goes through a private data scenario, creating the 2 Organisation network and generating a starting private data smart contract using the extension.

    This tutorial can be accessed from the Tutorial Gallery by running the 'View Tutorial Gallery' command.

  • Ability to open up the latest release notes #1898.

    From the Command Palette it's now possible to open up the latest release notes by running the 'Open Release Notes' command.

  • Ability to open up Home page from the status bar #1983.

    On the bottom status bar, you can now click 'Blockchain Home' to open up the home page.

  • Newly generated smart contracts will use version 1.4.5 of the fabric-contract-api and fabric-shim. Any local environments created will also use 1.4.6 of the Fabric Docker images.

    This also fixes the packaging issue #2014


  • Should show error if there are no packages to install #1701.

  • Should show error if there are no smart contracts to instantiate #1702.

  • Disabling local functionality shouldn't make Docker for Windows or the System Requirements required #1843.

  • Fixed adding a wallet with the same name deleting the original wallet #1838.

  • Fixed being able to replace an identity #1846.

  • Fixed asking the user to select the channel when submitting/evaluating a transaction, when the contract is instantied on multiple channels #1777.

  • Fixed error when attempting to upgrade from command palette when there are no smart contracts #1970.

  • Fixed error when attempting to delete an environment which has a gateway created from it #1966.

  • Removed broken Open New Terminal command #1858.

conga comic


20 Feb 15:34
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1.0.20: February 20th 2020


  • We’re still waiting for the gRPC v1.25.0 binaries to be published so you may be affected by this issue, where gRPC fails to rebuild when using VS Code 1.40.x.

    Please see this comment for a workaround.

Features & Enhancements

  • Ability to use transaction data files to make submitting transactions easier #1822 #1823 #1801.

    It’s now possible to create transaction data files, removing the need to manually type in arguments every time you submit a transaction.

    For information on how to write and use transaction data files, check out the README.

  • Ability to add an environment by connecting to a IBM Blockchain Platform console software instance #1334 #1335.

    In addition to this we are currently working on making it possible to connect to the IBM Blockchain Platform console on IBM Cloud.

    A tutorial which goes into detail on connecting to the IBM Blockchain Platform console within the extension will be published in a future release.

  • Ability to generate a 'private data' smart contract #1826

    When creating a new smart contract project, you now have the ability to generate a 'private data' smart contract.

    This project includes a collections file which can be provided at instantiation time, as well as a smart contract which demonstrates how to read and write to a private data collection.

    A tutorial which goes into more detail on private data will be added at a later date!


  • Fixed adding a wallet using a gateway #1894.

  • Fixed problem loading wallets on activation #1888.

  • Fixed 'View on GitHub' links in sample gallery #1776.

  • Fixed gateway and wallet panels to refresh when an environment updates #1877.

conga comic


10 Feb 09:40
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1.0.19 February 10th 2020


  • We’re still waiting for the gRPC v1.25.0 binaries to be published so you may be affected by this issue, where gRPC fails to rebuild when using VS Code 1.40.x.

    Please see this comment for a workaround.

  • Changing the ibm-blockchain-platform.fabric.chaincode.timeout setting will not work in this release due to moving to an Ansible based Local Fabric. This will be fixed in our next release.

Features & Enhancements

  • Updated Local Fabric to use Ansible #1768.

  • Import Ansible created networks #1848.


  • Fixed local development tutorial information on upgrading a smart contract #1861.

conga comic


16 Jan 09:52
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1.0.18: January 16th 2020


  • We’re still waiting for the gRPC v1.25.0 binaries to be published so you may be affected by this issue, where gRPC fails to rebuild when using VS Code 1.40.x.

    Please see this comment for a workaround.

Features & Enhancements

  • Updated Local Smart Contract Development tutorial #1806.


  • Updated deleting nodes prompt message #1752

  • Fixed error instantiating when running a non-smart contract debugging session #1614

  • Updated generated debug configuration #1079

  • Fixed environment refreshing view when importing nodes bug #1762

  • Fixed bug when creating an environment from a gateway which showed peers in the CA list #1733

  • Updated OpenSSL prerequisites installation check #1654.

  • Strip leading/trailing whitespace for transaction arguments #1604

conga comic


12 Dec 13:25
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1.0.17: December 12th 2019


  • We’re still waiting for the gRPC v1.25.0 binaries to be published so you may be affected by this issue, where gRPC fails to rebuild when using VS Code 1.40.x.

    Please see this comment for a workaround.

Features & Enhancements

  • Instantiate/Upgrade with a smart contract endorsement policy #1603

    When instantiating/upgrading a smart contract, you are now able to use the 'Default' smart contract endorsement policy (1 endorsement from any organisation), or to choose a 'Custom' endorsement policy.

    Selecting Custom will allow you to provide a JSON file containing the custom smart contract endorsement policy.

    For more information about writing endorsement policies in JSON, see Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK documentation.

  • Updated README to add compatibility notes, restructure prerequisites section and included current Local Fabric version #1708, #1709, #1710.

  • Added setting for showing the Home page on next activation #1578.

By setting ”ibm-blockchain-platform.home.showOnNextActivation”: true, the Home page will open when VS Code is reloaded and the extension is activated.

conga comic


28 Nov 17:58
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1.0.16: November 28th 2019


  • We’re still waiting for the gRPC v1.25.0 binaries to be published so you may be affected by this issue, where gRPC fails to rebuild when using VS Code 1.40.x.

    Please see this comment for a workaround.

  • We’re currently exploring creating a status page. Creating this will allow us to make any future problems and workarounds visible, until they are able to be addressed in a release.

Features & Enhancements

  • Local Fabric functionality is now optional #1497

    If you do not want to use the Local Fabric functionality, you are now able to turn it on/off from the Prerequisites page (by calling View Prerequisites from the command palette) or User Settings.

    Disabling this functionality means that Docker and Docker Compose dependencies are not required. On Windows, the OpenSSL and the windows-build-tools are not required as well.

  • Updated Java functional test dependency and README #1663

    If you have previously generated Java functional tests during its BETA, please update the fabric-gateway-java dependency from 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.4.2.

    For more information on Java functional tests, please check the README.

  • Release notes will now pop-up when the extension updates #1689

    In a future release, we plan on making it possible to open the release notes from inside of VS Code at any time.

  • Added performance reports link to the Home page #1632


  • Fixed dialog when there are no packages to delete #1567

conga comic


07 Nov 10:13
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1.0.15: November 7th 2019

Features & Enhancements

  • Generate Java functional tests #1513 🎉

This is a BETA release of this feature as it requires a snapshot of a dependency. As a result, these generated tests shouldn’t be used in production as you may encounter problems - please check here for more information

  • Added tutorials to the Tutorial Gallery for creating identities and creating identities with attributes #1172 #1170
  • Ability to associate multiple nodes with an identity #1416


  • Fixed “No path for wallet has been provided” bug #1593

conga comic


24 Oct 13:38
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1.0.14: October 24th 2019


  • Fixed publishing & telemetry reporting #1588


24 Oct 09:37
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1.0.13: October 24th 2019

Features & Enhancements

  • Delete multiple environments from command palette #1376
  • Display channel peers when hovering over channel tree item #1492
  • Target custom peers when submitting/evaluating a transaction #1514
  • Updated to use file system registries #1517
  • Display empty panel tree items #1564


  • Fixed generated gateway ssl override property #1525
  • Fixed Local Fabric Wallet display name #1509
  • Fixed environment disconnect icon on other panels #1549
  • Updated ‘Add Environment’ tutorial #1550
  • Fixed to show stack trace when extension fails to activate #1553
  • Removed wallet property from exported connection profile #1459
  • Fixed adding an identity to Local Fabric Wallet if not connected #1465

conga comic


10 Oct 10:43
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1.0.12: October 10th 2019

  • Fixed submitting transactions where there are multiple channels #1443
  • Export connection profile when connected to gateway #1386
  • Cancelling importing nodes during environment creation no longer errrors #1446
  • Fixed ‘cannot launch program’ when starting debug on Windows #1077
  • Fixed debug toolbar icon appearing when it shouldn’t #1464
  • Added the ability to delete multiple identities at once using the Command Palette #1447

conga comic