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Releases: IBM-Blockchain/ansible-collection


18 Sep 10:30
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v0.0.44 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • A fix for a typo in the requirements topic in the documentation, thanks @silliman!
  • Fixes for FAB-18205 and FAB-18175 are now included in the Docker image, along with changes that allow you to use FAB-18205 (#440). These fixes allow Ansible to interact with an ordering service that has expired TLS certificates, or interact with a peer/ordering service using an expired signer certificate (assuming that the peer/ordering service has been configured to allow this).


17 Sep 10:29
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v0.0.43 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • An official Docker image that is automatically pushed to Docker Hub and available for use (#440). The Docker image is ibmcom/ibp-ansible, and is supported for use with Docker, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift. The documentation has been updated accordingly.


15 Sep 13:10
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v0.0.42 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • A fix for the error messages produced by installing and instantiating chaincode (#429), as the error message did not map to the operation being performed.
  • A fix for generated connection profiles to turn the TLS certificates for a certificate authority into an array of strings (#432), to align the connection profile format with that produced by the IBM Blockchain Platform console and consumed by the Hyperledger Fabric SDKs for Go, Java, and Node.js.
  • A fix to the console role that specifies the correct API version (v1alpha2) when deleting the console (#431).
  • Updates to the Docker image so that it can be run as a non-root user, and also run in Red Hat OpenShift (#438). Red Hat OpenShift is special as it runs Docker images with a random UID and the root GID.
  • A fix to the console role to add jobs to the list of resources that the operator can manage (#441), which will be used by the next version of the IBM Blockchain Platform.
  • An update to the crds and console role so that they now install the August fix pack for the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.5.0 by default (#442).


17 Aug 09:49
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v0.0.41 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • Improvements to the reliability of chaincode instantiation/upgrade (#427). Ansible will now check to see that the transaction has been committed after executing the instantiate/upgrade command, as the peer CLI does not support the --waitForEvent flag. Ansible will also retry the instantiate/upgrade command if the transaction is not committed after 30 seconds, or if a timeout occurs due to a lengthy chaincode build process.


14 Aug 09:34
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v0.0.40 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • A fix not to send in the BCCSP section in the config overrides for an update to a peer or ordering service node (#423).
  • A fix to an enhancement that went out in v0.0.39 that caused warnings to be printed about v1 APIs all the time (#425).


13 Aug 07:29
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v0.0.39 Pre-release

This release includes

  • Support for rate limiting by the IBM Blockchain Platform console (#189). When the console returns HTTP 429 Too Many Requests, Ansible will inspect the Retry-After header, sleep, and try again.
  • Support for using identity files exported from the IBM Blockchain Platform console (#420). Identity files created by Ansible have a ca field, which is unfortunately required due to the way the peer command works, whilst identity files exported by the console do not. When a ca field is not provided, Ansible will look up the CA information from the console instead.
  • A minor fix that allows Ansible to connect to old IBM Blockchain Platform consoles (version < 2.1.3) and identify them as not supporting the new /v2 APIs used by Ansible (#418). Most features with these old versions will not work, and you should only attempt it if recommended by IBM support.


07 Aug 10:54
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v0.0.38 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • A new task guide for adding an administrator certificate to an existing organization (#412). For organizations that do not have NodeOU support enabled (the default), this task demonstrates how to update the organization in the system channel and any application channels to add a new administrator certificate to the MSP.


04 Aug 12:04
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v0.0.37 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • Updates to the channel_block and channel_config modules that allow you to specify a set of ordering service nodes instead of an entire ordering service (#408). This is required as a subset of ordering service nodes may be used as the consenters for any one channel.


31 Jul 18:49
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v0.0.36 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • New consortium_member_info and channel_member_info modules for getting information for an organisation from a consortium or a channel (#391, #392). This is useful if you are trying to determine whether or not an organisation is already a member of the consortium or channel before adding them.
  • An update to the new modules for Fabric v2.x chaincode lifecycle that check whether or not the Fabric v2.x binaries are available (#395).
  • A new ordering_service_node_info module for getting information about an existing ordering service node, instead of the whole ordering service (#365).
  • A couple of fixes to the parameters/return data of the various peer and ordering service modules around TLS certificates (#398, #399).
  • A new channel_consenters module for adding, updating, and removing ordering service nodes for a channel (#366, #367, #368).
  • The consenter_fin_proposal property of an ordering service node is now exposed from the various ordering service modules (#362). This allows you to determine if an ordering service node has been pre-created, and needs to be passed a config block.
  • A new ordering_service_node module for adding, updating, and removing ordering service nodes (#362, #363, #364). This in combination with the channel_consenters module above allows you to add and remove Raft ordering service nodes from an ordering service.
  • Finally, a fix for the Dockerfile that enables it to work with buildah, an alternative image build tool (#407). The fix may also reduce the size of the built image.


23 Jul 16:54
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v0.0.35 Pre-release

This release includes:

  • The consortium_member and channel_member modules will now create an Endorsement policy for the organization when Fabric v2.x capabilities are enabled (#354).
  • A Fabric v2.x version of the tutorial playbooks and scripts (in the tutorials/v2.x directory) that demonstrates how to use the Fabric v2.x binaries along with the new chaincode lifecycle with IBM Blockchain Platform 2.5.0 (#381).
  • A fix for the approved_chaincode module so that it does not fail if used after the chaincode definition has been committed (#383).
  • A fix for the console_user module to treat email addresses as case-insensitive as per the behaviour of the IBM Blockchain Platform console (#386).
  • A fix for several modules which had not marked the api_* options as required when they should have been (#385).