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Monte Carlo Methods

In theory, probability distribution and expected values are the reflection of measure and integration theory. Many continuous probability distribution $P(x)$ can be written in the integral form

$$ P(x)=Pr(X\leq x)=\int_{X\leq x}f(x)\mathrm{d}x=\int_{X\leq x}\mathrm{d}F(x) $$

where $f(x), F(x)$ is called as probability density function(pdf) and cumulative density function, respectively. The first integration $\int_{X\leq x}f(x)dx$ is in the Lebegues sense and the second integration $\int_{X\leq x}\mathrm{d}F(x)$ is in the Lebesgue–Stieltjes sense.

Generally, the probability of any event $S$ in the event space can be reformulated as an expectation: $$Pr(X\in S)=\mathbb{E}{x}\mathbb{I}{S}$$ where $\mathbb{I}_{S}$ is the character function. Thus integral calculus really matters in computation of probability.

And it is a begin to the tour of probabilistic programming. It also may provide some mathematical understanding of the machine learning model. It is more useful in some simulation problem. Additionally, we will introduce some Monte Carlo methods or stochastic simulation.

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a family of algorithms used to produce approximate random samples from a probability distribution too difficult to sample directly. The method produces a Markov chain that whose equilibrium distribution matches that of the desired probability distribution. Since Markov chains are typically not independent, the theory of MCMC is more complex than that of simple Monte Carlo sampling. The practice of MCMC is simple. Set up a Markov chain having the required invariant distribution, and run it on a computer.

  2. An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning
  3. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo Revolution by Persi Diaconis
  5. Markov chain Monte Carlo @Metacademy
  7. Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability
  8. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Without all the Bullshit
  9. Foundations of Data Science
  10. Markov Chain Monte Carlo: innovations and applications in statistics, physics, and bioinformatics (1 - 28 Mar 2004)
  11. Advanced Scientific Computing: Stochastic Optimization Methods. Monte Carlo Methods for Inference and Data Analysis by Pavlos Protopapas
  12. Radford Neal's Research: Markov Chain Monte Carlo
  13. Computational Statistical Inference for Engineering and Security Workshop: 19th September 2019
  14. MCMC Coffee
  15. MCMClib

Gibbs Sampling

Gibbs sampling is a conditional sampling technique. It is known that $P(X_1, \dots, X_n) = P(X_1)\prod_{i=2}^{n}P(X_i|X_1,\dots, X_{i-1})$.

Algorithm: Gibbs Sampling

  • Initialize ${{z}i^{(0)}}{i=1}^{n}$;
  • For $t=1,\dots,T$:
    • Draw $z_{1}^{(t+1)}$ from $P(z_{1}|z_{2}^{\color{green}{(t)}},z_{3}^{(t)},\dots, z_{n}^{(t)})$;
    • Draw $z_{2}^{(t+1)}$ from $P(z_{2}|z_{1}^{\color{red}{(t+1)}},z_{3}^{(t)},\dots, z_{n}^{(t)})$;
    • $\vdots$;
    • Draw $z_{j}^{(t+1)}$ from $P(z_{j}|z_{1}^{\color{red}{(t+1)}},\dots, z_{j-1}^{\color{red}{(t+1)}}, z_{j+1}^{(t)}, z_{n}^{(t)})$;
    • $\vdots$;
    • Draw $z_{n}^{(t+1)}$ from $P(z_{n}|z_{1}^{\color{red}{(t+1)}},\dots, z_{j-1}^{\color{red}{(t+1)}}, z_{n-1}^{\color{red}{(t+1)}})$.

The essence of Gibbs Sampling is integrals as iterated integrals.


The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm involves designing a Markov process (by constructing transition probabilities) which fulfills the existence of stationary distribution and uniqueness of stationary distribution conditions, such that its stationary distribution $\pi (x)$ is chosen to be $P(x)$.

The approach is to separate the transition in two sub-steps; the proposal and the acceptance-rejection. The proposal distribution ${\displaystyle \displaystyle g(x'|x)}$ is the conditional probability of proposing a state $x'$ given $x$, and the acceptance ratio ${\displaystyle \displaystyle A(x',x)}$ the probability to accept the proposed state $x'$.The transition probability can be written as the product of them: $$P(x'|x) = g(x'|x) A(x', x).$$ Inserting this relation in the previous equation, we have $$\frac{A(x', x)}{A(x, x')}=\frac{P(x'|x)}{P(x|x')} \frac{g(x|x')}{g(x'|x)}=\frac{P(x')}{P(x)} \frac{g(x|x')}{g(x'|x)}$$ where we infer $\frac{P(x'|x)}{P(x|x')} = \frac{P(x')}{P(x)}$ from the fact that $P(x'|x)P(x)=P(x',x)=P(x|x')P(x')$. The next step in the derivation is to choose an acceptance that fulfils the condition above. One common choice is the Metropolis choice: $$A(x', x)=\min(1, \frac{P(x')}{P(x)} \frac{g(x|x')}{g(x'|x)})$$ i.e., we always accept when the acceptance is bigger than 1, and we reject accordingly when the acceptance is smaller than 1.

The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm thus consists in the following:

  1. Initialise
    • Pick an initial state $x_{0}$;
    • Set $t=0$;
  2. Iterate
    • Generate: randomly generate a candidate state $x'$ according to ${\displaystyle g(x'|x_{t})}$;
    • Calculate: calculate the acceptance probability $A(x',x_{t})=\min(1, \frac{P(x')}{P(x)} \frac{g(x|x')}{g(x'|x)})$;
    • Accept or Reject:
      • generate a uniform random number ${\displaystyle u\in [0,1]}$;
      • if ${\displaystyle u\leq A(x',x_{t})}$, accept the new state and set ${\displaystyle x_{t+1}=x'}$;
      • if ${\displaystyle u>A(x',x_{t})}$, reject the new state, and copy the old state forward $x_{t+1}=x_{t}$;
    • Increment: set ${\textstyle t=t+1}$;

The Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm

MCMC Using Hamiltonian Dynamics, Radford M. Neal said

In 1987, a landmark paper by Duane, Kennedy, Pendleton, and Roweth united the MCMC and molecular dynamics approaches. They called their method “hybrid Monte Carlo,” which abbreviates to “HMC,” but the phrase “Hamiltonian Monte Carlo,” retaining the abbreviation, is more specific and descriptive, and I will use it here.

  • The first step is to define a Hamiltonian function in terms of the probability distribution we wish to sample from.
  • In addition to the variables we are interested in (the "position" variables), we must introduce auxiliary "momentum" variables, which typically have independent Gaussian distributions.
  • The HMC method alternates simple updates for these momentum variables with Metropolis updates in which a new state is proposed by computing a trajectory according to Hamiltonian dynamics, implemented with the leapfrog method.

Hamiltonian Dynamics

Hamiltonian dynamics are used to describe how objects move throughout a system. Hamiltonian dynamics is defined in terms of object location $x$ and its momentum $p$ (equivalent to object’s mass $m$ times velocity $\nu$, i.e., $p=m\nu$) at some time $t$. For each location of object there is an associated potential energy $U(x)$ and with momentum there is associated kinetic energy $K(p)$.The total energy of system is constant and is called as Hamiltonian $H(x,p)$, defined as the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy: $$ H(x,p)=U(x)+K(p) $$ The partial derivatives of the Hamiltonian determines how position $x$ and momentum $p$ change over time $t$, according to Hamiltonian’s equations: $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}x_i}{\mathrm{d} t}=\frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i}=\frac{\partial K(p)}{\partial p_i} \ \frac{\mathrm{d} p_i}{\mathrm{d} t}= -\frac{\partial H}{\partial x_i}= -\frac{\partial U(x)}{\partial x_i} $$ The above equations operates on a d-dimensional position vector $x$ and a d-dimensional momentum vector $p$, for $i=1,2,\cdots,d$.

Hamiltonian and Probability: Canonical Distributions

To relate $H(x,p)$ to target distribution $P(x)$ we use a concept from statistical mechanics known as the canonical distribution. For any energy function $E(q)$, defined over a set of variables $q$, we can find corresponding $P(q)$: $$ P(q)=\frac{1}{z}e^{-\frac{E(q)}{T}} $$ where $Z$ is normalizing constant called Partition function (so that $\int_{\mathbb{R}}P(q)\mathrm{d}q =1$) and $T$ is temperature of system. Since, the Hamiltonian is an energy function for the joint state of “position”, $x$ and “momentum”, $p$, so we can define a joint distribution for them as follows: $$ P(x,p)=\frac{exp(-H(x,p))}{z}=\frac{exp[-U(x)-K(p)]}{z}. $$ Furthermore we can associate probability distribution with each of the potential and kinetic energy ($P(x)$ with potential energy and $P(p)$, with kinetic energy). Thus, we can write above equation as: $$ P(x,p)=\frac{P(x)P(p)}{Z^{\prime}} $$ where $Z^{\prime}$ is new normalizing constant.

Since joint distribution factorizes over $x$ and $p$, we can conclude that $P(x)$ and $P(p)$ are independent. Because of this independence we can choose any distribution from which we want to sample the momentum variable. A common choice is to use a zero mean and unit variance Normal distribution $N(0,I)$. The target distribution of interest $P(x)$ from which we actually want to sample from is associated with potential energy, i.e., $$ U(x) = −\log(P(x)). $$

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Given initial state $x_0$, stepsize $\epsilon$, number of steps $L$, log density function $U$, number of samples to be drawn $M$

  1. set m=0
  2. repeat until m=M
    • set $m\leftarrow m+1$

    • Sample new initial momentum $p_0 \sim N(0,I)$

    • Set $x_m\leftarrow x_{m−1}, x^{\prime}\leftarrow x_{m−1}, p^{\prime}\leftarrow p_0$

    • Repeat for $L$ steps

      • Set $x^{\prime}, p^{\prime}\leftarrow Leapfrog(x^{\prime},p^{\prime},\epsilon)$
    • Calculate acceptance probability $α=\min(1,\frac{exp(U(x^{\prime})−(p′.p′)/2)}{exp(U(x_m−1)−(p_0.p_0)/2)})$

    • Draw a random number $u \sim Uniform(0, 1)$

    • if $u\leq \alpha$ then $x_m\leftarrow x^{\prime},p_m\leftarrow p^{\prime}$.

Leapfrog is a function that runs a single iteration of Leapfrog method.

Slice Sampling

Slice sampling, in its simplest form, samples uniformly from underneath the curve $f(x)$ without the need to reject any points, as follows:

  • Choose a starting value $x_0$ for which $f(x_0)>0$.
  • Sample a ${y}$ value uniformly between $0$ and $f(x_0)$.
  • Draw a horizontal line across the curve at this $y$ position.
  • Sample a point $(x,y)$ from the line segments within the curve.
  • Repeat from step 2 using the new $x$ value.

The motivation here is that one way to sample a point uniformly from within an arbitrary curve is first to draw thin uniform-height horizontal slices across the whole curve. Then, we can sample a point within the curve by randomly selecting a slice that falls at or below the curve at the x-position from the previous iteration, then randomly picking an x-position somewhere along the slice. By using the x-position from the previous iteration of the algorithm, in the long run we select slices with probabilities proportional to the lengths of their segments within the curve.

The general idea behind sampling methods is to obtain a set of samples $z^{(l)}$ (where $l = 1, \dots, L)$ drawn independently from the distribution $p(z)$. This allows the expectation $\mathbb{E}[f]=\int f(z)p(z)\mathrm{d}z$ to be approximated by a finite sum $$ \hat{f}=\frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^{L}f(z^{(l)}) $$

Importance sampling

Let $\vec{X}$ be a random vector, and we wan to compute the integration or the expectation $$\mu=\mathbb{E}(f(\vec{X}))=\int_{\mathbb{R}}f(\vec{X})p({X})\mathrm{d}X,$$ where $p({X})$ is the probability density function of $\vec{X}$. We can rewrite the expectation $$\mu=\int_{\mathbb{R}}\frac{f(\vec{X})p(X)}{q(X)}q(X)\mathbb{d}X=\mathbb{E}_{q}(\frac{f(\vec{X})p(X)}{q(X)}),$$ where $q(X)$ is so-called proposed density function and $q(X)=0$ implies $f(\vec{X})p(X)=0$. It is clear that any integration can be written in the expectation form.

The algorithm of importance sampling is as following:

  1. Generate samples $\vec{X}_1,\vec{X}_2,\cdots,\vec{X}_n$ from the distribution $q(X)$;
  2. Compute the estimator $\hat{\mu}{q} =\frac{1}{n}\sum{i=1}^{n}\frac{f(\vec{X_i})p(\vec{X_i})}{q(\vec{X_i})}$

See more in

Simulated Annealing

Simulated annealing is a global optimization method inspired by physical annealing model. If $f^{\star}=\min_{x}f(x)$, the probability $p(x)\propto \exp(-f(x))$ attains its highest probability at the point $f^{\star}$. In short, the optimization really connect with sampling. As sampling algorithms, it can applied to continuous and discrete cases.

If we identify a distribution $$p(x)\propto \exp(-f(x))$$ one may define a secondary distribution $$p_T(x)\propto\exp(-\frac{f(x)}{T}).$$ We get a peakier distribution as $T\to 0$ around the global minimum so that $distribution\to optimum$.

SO we can minimize one objective function $f(x)$ by minimize by identifying with the energy of an imaginary physical system undergoing an annealing process.

  • Move from $x_i$ to $x_j$ via a proposal:
    • If the new state has lower energy, accept $x_j$.
    • If the new state has higher energy, accept $x_j$ with the probability $$A=\exp(-\frac{\Delta f}{kT}).$$

The stochastic acceptance of higher energy states allows our process to escape local minima. The temperature $T$ play the role similar to the step length of gradient descent.

And we ensures ${x_t}$ generated by simulated annealing is a stationary Markov chain with target Boltzmann distribution: equilibrium.
