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File metadata and controls

81 lines (65 loc) · 3.12 KB



This part of repo is the one-to-one reimplementation of the offical paddle implementation of ERNIE-Vil I build for this competition. Since ERNIE-Vil is the best performaning vision-langage model on VCR leaderboard during the competition period, I didn't put to much effort to improve ERNIE-Vil's performance on hateful memes challenge. My main purpose of including this model is to add more diversity to the final ensemble result.


As usual, please download the pretrained weight to ROOT/checkpoints before going to next step. After you place the weight npz files to the right place, your project structure now shoule look like:

├── ERNIE-Vil
├── data
├── data_utils
├── pretrain_model
│   ├── uniter
│   ├── faster_rcnn_r2_101_fpn_2x_img_clip
│   ├── ernie-vil
│   │   ├── ernie-vil-large-vcr.npz
│   │   └── ernie-vil-large.npz
│   └── vl-bert
└── checkpoints

The pretrained weight is extracted from paddle checkpoint released in the original repo with ROOT/ERNIE-Vil/ script.

Fine-tune on HatefulMeme

You can use the following script to train and inference on test set.


After you run the shell script, you should see the following reuslts:

├── ERNIE-Vil
├── data
├── data_utils
├── pretrain_model
└── checkpoints
    ├── vl-bert
    ├── uniter
    └── ernie-vil
         ├── ernie-vil-large
         │   ├── args.pickle
         │   ├── ernie_vil.large.json
         │   ├── final.ckpt
         │   ├── lightning_logs
         │   ├── task_meme_gcp.json
         │   └── test_set.csv
         └── ernie-vil-large-vcr
            ├── args.pickle
            ├── ernie_vil.large.json
            ├── final.ckpt
            ├── lightning_logs
            ├── task_meme_gcp.json
            └── test_set.csv

final.ckpt are weights that is used to inference on the test set.
test_set.csv CSV files are the inference result.
ernie_vil.*.json JSON files are the model architecture config.
task_meme_gcp.json JSON files are the task/dataset specific config.(in our case there is only one task unlike original implemntation)
args.pickle pickle files are dump of all training parameters we get from argparser.

Rerun test set inference

bash scripts/

By runing this script it will re-evaluate every checkpoint with filename in the path ROOT/checkpoints/ernie-vil/**/. And the csv inference results will also be updated. This could be useful when you are directly working with the fine-tuned checkpoints.