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5B. Creating Monad Transformer Stacks

Building Monad Stacks

The available transformers are:

  • Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe for MaybeT
  • Control.Monad.Trans.Reader for ReaderT
  • Control.Monad.Trans.Writer for WriterT
  • Control.Monad.Trans.State for StateT
  • Control.Monad.Trans.Id for IdT
  • Control.Monad.Trans.Except for ExceptT (informally called ErrorT)

Building monad stacks can get a li􏰁ttle confusing un􏰀til you know the pa􏰁tterns. The first type parameter to a monad transformer is the outer monad in the stack — the transformer itself provides the inner monad. For example, the MaybeIO type above was built using MaybeT[IO,a] but the result was effec􏰀tively a IO[Maybe[a]]. In other words, we build monad stacks from the inside out. The stack composes two monads and the bind operation cuts through two layers of abstrac􏰀tion, and always manipulates the innermost value. In our case, bind cuts through IO[Maybe[a]] and manipulates the a's.

Many monads and all transformers have at least two type parameters. It's considerd good practice to define type aliases for intermediate layers in the stack.

Example 1

For example, suppose we want to wrap Either around Maybe. Maybe is the innermost type so we want to use the MaybeT monad transformer. We need to use Either as the first type parameter. Either itself has two type parameters and monads only have one We need a type alias to make everything the correct shape:

-- Create a type alias to convert Either to
-- a type constructor, ErrorOr, that has a single parameter, a:
-- "ErrorOr[a] = Either[String,a]"
type ErrorOr = Either String           

-- Use ErrorOr as a type parameter to MaybeT:
-- "ErrorMaybeOr[a] = MaybeT[ErrorOr,a]"
type ErrorMaybeOr a = MaybeT ErrorOr a

We have now established ErrorMaybeOr as monad stack that combines the Error and Maybe monads, with Error wrapping Maybe. Every monad stack is itself a monad and so we can use return and >>= as usual. Here we use return to create stack instances and then we use >>= to transform the stack instance to a new instance.

main = do
   let stack1 = (return 10 :: ErrorMaybeOr Int)
   let stack2 = stack1 >>= (\x -> return (x + 1) :: ErrorMaybeOr Int)
   print $ stack2   


[...] Right (Just 11)

There is some junk in the [...], but we'll ignore this for now. The important thing is that we have an Either value Right wrapping a Maybe value of Just, wrapping an Int, 11. When we used bind, we transformed the innermost value in a stack instance. What does that mean? With any stack instance of ErrorMaybeOr stack, we have Either wrapping Maybe wrapping an Int - since an Int is the innermost value, we can directly manipulate with bind and add one to it. It started off as 10 and then we used bind to increment it to 11.

Example 2

Let’s add another monad into our stack. Let’s create a Writer of an Either of Maybe. Once again we build this from the inside out with an MaybeT of an EitherT of Writer.

type Logged            = Writer [String]
type LoggedEither      = ExceptT String Logged
type LoggedEitherMaybe = MaybeT LoggedEither

Our mammoth stack now composes not two but three monads. The return and >>= (bind) functions now cut through three layers of abstraction.

main = do
   let stack1 = (return 10 :: LoggedEitherMaybe Int)
   let stack2 = stack1 >>= (\x -> return (x + 1) :: LoggedEitherMaybe Int)
   print $ stack2


[...] (Right (Just 11),[])

This added a writer at the outermost level with a value containing the same previous stack of Right (Just 11) and a log that is empty, [].

Example 3

Why stop there, let's add a fourth monad. Remember that Lists are monads? Let's create a List of Writer of an Either of Maybe. We'll need to have a List wrapping a Writer wrapping an Either wrapping a Maybe. As always, we start at the inside with MaybeT and say its being wrapped inside Either. Then with Either, we'll use ExceptT and tell it that it's being wrapped inside a Writer. Then with Writer, we'll use WriterT to tell it that it needs to be wrapped inside a List. List has nothing wrapping it, so we don't need to use ListT, we just use the List type constructor, which is [] not "List" (which doesn't exist in Haskell).

type Many                  = []
type ManyLogged            = WriterT [String] Many
type ManyLoggedEither      = ExceptT String ManyLogged
type ManyLoggedEitherMaybe = MaybeT ManyLoggedEither

We'll use bind to cut through four layers and increment the innermost integer.

main = do
   let stack1 = (return 10 :: ManyLoggedEitherMaybe Int)
   let stack2 = stack1 >>= (\x -> return (x + 1) :: ManyLoggedEitherMaybe Int)
   print $ stack2


[...] [(Right (Just 11),[])]

In the output we see that at the outermost level, we now have square brackets showing we have a list. And inside the list there is one element which is our previous stack consisting of a writer (with an empty log) containing an either (in the Right case) containing a maybe (with a Just value) containing an int (11). No matter how many layers we have, the increment always targets the innermost integer.

Example 4

Let's be silly and add the identity monad, Identity on top. It will make no difference, but we'll do it to show off our monad stacking skills. Let's take the same stack and wrap it. List is now beng wrapped so we'll need to change the type constructor from [] to ListT -- this needed because we need to tell list that it is now being wrapped in the Identity monad.

type Same                      = Identity
type SameMany                  = ListT Same
type SameManyLogged            = WriterT [String] SameMany
type SameManyLoggedEither      = ExceptT String SameManyLogged
type SameManyLoggedEitherMaybe = MaybeT SameManyLoggedEither

main = do
   let stack1 = (return 10 :: SameManyLoggedEitherMaybe Int)
   let stack2 = stack1 >>= (\x -> return (x + 1) :: SameManyLoggedEitherMaybe Int)
   print $ stack2


[..] [(Right (Just 11),[])])

The identity monad is now there on the stack, but it made no difference to the values we see on the stack. With out stack of five monads, our increment still targets the inner most int.

All of these monad transformers follow the same conven􏰀tion: For a monad transformer, FooT m a, the first type parameter m is the next immediate outer monad in the stack, and the transformer itself provides the inner monad in the stack.

If we want to wrap a Baz around Bar around a Foo we'd use

Baz <- BarT <- FooT

Key Point: MaybeT m is a new monad type which takes Maybe and wraps it in some monad T. We've added the power of T to Maybe, or conversely, added the power of Maybe to T.

The Default is the Innermost Monad

Key Point: When we use bind together with a monad transformer stack, we transform the value of the innermost monad. If we have a stack where M1 wraps M2 wraps ... wraps Mn, then bind will change Mn's value.

To create a new monad transformer stack we used (return 10 :: ErrorMaybeOr Int). This placed 10 inside the innermost monad which is Maybe. The other outer monads have a default value automatically set. In our case, there is only one outer monad of Either and it's default is to put its value in the Right case. Hence we have (Right (Just 10)). The definition of Either's return function is what choose this default. Every monad has a definition of return that picks its default when we construct a new stack instance.

Key Point: In general for a monad transformer stack where M1 wraps M2 wraps ... wraps Mn, we can use return x, and specified the value x to be placed inside the innermost monad, Mn. The other outer monads, M1 ... Mn-1, will automatically have a default value set to them. For each of these outer monads, the default is determined by that particular monad's definition of return.

The key thing to remember is that we always work with the innermost monad. For any monad transformer stack, operations such as bind and return automatically cut through the outer monads and work directly with the innermost value. By default, all of the other monads are abstracted away.

let stack1 = (return 10 :: ErrorMaybeOr Int)
let stack2 = stack1 >>= (\x -> return (x + 1) :: ErrorMaybeOr Int)
--  use return                           use >>=
--  to create new stack                  to increment
--  setting innermost value              innermost value   
--           |                                 |
--           |            --- stack1 -----     |      ---- stack2 -----
-- 10       =======>      (Right (Just 10))   ===>     (Right (Just 11))

Constucting and Unpacking Instances

As we saw above, we can use return to directly inject raw values into a fresh monad transformer stack instance. In the injected value goes inside the innermost monad and the rest of the monads take a "default value.

-- Create a new stance instance and inject 10 as the innermost value
let stack1 = (return 10 :: SameManyLoggedEitherMaybe Int)

We can also create instances from untransformed stacks using monad transformer’s data constructors. The advantage of this later approach is that we can control the values of all the layers -- the former appoach only allows us to control the innermost value. The disadvantage is that it is usually more verbose.

-- Create a new stack instance by passing in the raw data
-- We pass the raw data through each monad's data constructor
let raw = [(Right (Just 11),[])]
let stack1 = MaybeT (ExceptT (WriterT (ListT (Identity raw))))

Recall that stack was formed with type constructors MaybeT being wrapped by ExceptT, being wrapped by WriterT, being wrapped by ListT, being wrapped by Identity. To create a stack from untransformed (raw) data, we pass the data through the corresponding data constructors corresponding these types constructors, but in reverse order. Because we started with MaybeT type constructor first (innermost), we pass our data through MaybeT data constructor last.

Once we’ve finished with a monad transformer stack, we can unpack it. Each monad transformer FooT conventionally comes with a function called runFooT that let's us retrieve the raw untransformed stack. Once we unpack, we can manipulate the values in the usual way. Each call to runFooT only unpacks a single monad transformer, so we may need more than one call, runFooT, runBarT, runBazT, ... to completely unpack a large stack:

import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe

type Logged              = Writer [String]
type LoggedFallable      = ExceptT String Logged
type LoggedFallableMaybe = MaybeT LoggedFallable

main = do
   let packed = return 123 :: LoggedFallableMaybe Int

   let partiallyUnpacked = runMaybeT packed
   print $ partiallyUnpacked
   -- ExceptT (WriterT (Identity (Right (Just 123),[])))

   let almostUnpacked = runExceptT partial
   print $ almostUnpacked
   -- WriterT (Identity (Right (Just 123),[]))

   let completelyUnpacked = runWriter almost
   print $ completelyUnpacked
   -- Right (Just 123),[])

Give the unpacked type of WriterT u (StateT v (Either x)) y.


WriterT u (StateT v (Either x)) y
=> (StateT v (Either x)) (y,u)
=> (λa . (v  (Either x) (a,v)))(y,u)
=> (v  (Either x) ((y,u), v))
=> (v  (Either x) ((y,u), v))
=> v  (Either x ((y,u), v))

More Precise Unpacking with evalFooT and execFooT

Suppose we have transformer for monad Foo, called FooT. And suppose it's part of a monad transformer stack and we're about to unpack FooT using runFooT. Sometimes runFooT will return a tuple (a,s), but we don't want the whole tuple, we only one just one of the values in the tuple. In this situation, the FooT newtype will provider two helper functions that let us unpack FooT on the stack, but only return one of the values in the tuple.

These two functions are called evalFooT and execFooT.

  • Extract both: runFooT :: FooT s m a -> s -> m (a,s) returns both the tuple (a,s)
  • Extract left: evalFooT :: FooT s m a -> s -> m a returns just the left a
  • Extract right: execFooT :: FooT s m a -> s -> m s returns just the right s


import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State

main = do
  let st = return 1 :: StateT s Identity Int
  print $ runIdentity $  runStateT st ()      -- (value, state)
  print $ runIdentity $ evalStateT st ()      --  value
  print $ runIdentity $ execStateT st ()      --         state

In this example, evalStateT and execStateT are like runStateT except that they extract just the value and state respectively

There is no IO Monad Transformer

Key Point: The IO monad is a common candidate for the base monad.

It never makes sense to have IO as an outer monad.

Key Point: The IO monad does not have a transformer. There is no IOT.

If you ever use the IO monad in a stack it will be at the bottom (the base monad)

Naming Conventions (what's "top" and what's "bottom"?)

The following naming conventions are used: The bottom is the outermost monad. By default, we don't access this monad when performing bind. The top is the innermost monad. By default, bind cuts through all the monad layers and manipulates this innermost monad.

This naming convention is intuitive in terms of access. In Data Structures and Algorithms, with a stack, we always have O(1) access to the top element. Analogously with monad transformer stacks, bind directly manipulates the "top", which is the innermost monad. However the naming convention is unintuitive in terms of stacking. When we construct monad stacks, we start at the "top", and then slot layers underneath, adding the bottom monad last. The stack is filling top to bottom which is counterintuitive as in real life a stack would fill bottom to top.

Two terms that pops up are base monad and precursor monad. For a particular transformer, FooT, two monads are formed, the inner monad Foo and the outer monad T. We refer to the more outer monad as the base monad for the transformer and the more inner monad as the precursor monad for the transformer. I personally don't like these terms (they're a bit too formal) -- for me, it's usually enough to just say inner and outer.


1. State what type constructors are needed (and in what order, going inside out) to build a stack where IO wraps Writer wraps State wraps Maybe?

Answer: Remember that for a monad transformer, FooT m a, the first type parameter is the next immediate outer monad in the stack, and the transformer itself provides the inner monad. So we need MaybeT, followed by StateT, followed by WriterT and finally IO.

IO <- WriterT <- StateT <- MaybeT

2. Draw the monad transformer stack for the following monad tranformer types.

(a) WriterT u (StateT v (Either x)) y
(b) WriterT [(String, Int)] IO ()
(c) ErrorT u (WriterT v (State x)) y

3. For the following monad transformer stacks, state which monad is the base monad.

(a) WriterT u (StateT v (Either x)) y
(b) WriterT [(String, Int)] IO ()
(c) ErrorT u (WriterT v (State x)) y

4. Give the unpacked type for the following monad transformer stacks

(a) WriterT u (StateT v (Either x)) y
(b) WriterT [(String, Int)] IO ()
(c) ErrorT u (WriterT v (State x)) y