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2017 Meetings

2017-02-13 Gathering at The Cook restaurant and bar

Let's start the New Year with a social get together and meet at The Cook in Hamilton East. There we can talk about all things Python and the cool things that we got up to over the Xmas break!

2017-03-13 Introduction to Python, Django, and Flask

Our March meeting is aimed at people new to Python and ones that would like to find out more about the language.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an introduction into Python, showing off its succinct but easy to read syntax, using Jupyter Notebook (

Peter Reutemann will talk about developing web applications using the Django ( framework.

Ian Stewart will demonstrate how to set up a website on using the flask ( framework.

The evening will conclude with a ability to mingle, ask more questions and get first-hand advice from Pythonistas.

If you would like to demo an application or how to use a cool library, then please contact the organizer Peter.

2017-04-10 Advanced Introduction to Python, Flask on and Nvidia CUDA GPU's.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will continue with his introduction into Python, covering more advanced topics, once again using Jupyter Notebook (

Ian Stewart will demonstrate how to set up a website on using the flask ( framework.

Chris O'Halloran will give a mini presentation on how to use Python in conjunction with Nvidia CUDA GPUs, to speed up processing of large datasets. Using pycuda and scikit-cuda, he will show how to: install the libraries, compile kernels, allocate grids/block/threads, compare the performance. Jupyter will be used to compare numpy, scipy, and skcuda for Fast Fourier Transforms - the latter using CUDA.

2017-05-08 Coroutines / Asyncio, Text-to-Speech and RPi-GPIO using hall effect to measure bike speed.

Lawrence D’Oliveiro will talk about coroutines and asyncio in Python 3.5, including an introduction to decorator functions.

Ian Stewart will make a LibreOffice Impress presentation talk!

Ian Stewart will demo his bicycle speedometer. His demo includes a hall effect sensor module, a Raspberry Pi, use of the client/server programming model, use of python modules pydbus, RPi-GPIO, and GTK+, ...and a bicycle!

William Mckee's talk has been moved to the July meetup (

2017-06-12 Gathering at the Cook

University is busy with exams, so let's just meet down the road at the pub. It's always great to have a chat with like minded people about what makes Python such a great programming language. This is a great opportunity if you are interested in Python but haven't had the chance to tinker with it yet.

2017-07-10 Analyzing data with Natural Language Toolkit

William Mckee will talk about the fashion company Zalando ( -, their API ( - and analyzing the data with the Natural Language Toolkit (

Are you working on a Python project at the moment or did you come across a nifty Python library? Then how about a little show and tell? It doesn't have to be a presentation, a simple hands-on demo will do. If that's the case, then please send Peter, the organizer, a little blurb and he'll add you to the lineup of speakers.

2017-08-14 Introduction to Python classes. Processing CSV files and API calls.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an introduction into Python classes and the more esoteric aspects like meta-classes.

Nathan Humphrey will show how you can use Python to process CSV files from the command-line.

As a follow-on to the presentation William delivered last month on using API's to access data at the Zalando web-site, Ian Stewart will present the three API calls ( that retrieve data from the energyhive ( web-site.

2017-09-11 Database Techniques and Visualization. Client/Server using D-Bus

Lawrence D'Oliveiro gives an introduction to database techniques and data visualization: importing data from CSV files into SQLite ( and generating statistics and plots using Matplotlib ( and Seaborn (

2017-10-09 Asyncio/Conway's Game of Life and Client/Server via the sysyem D-Bus

asyncio ( - Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks in Python 3.5.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an intro to his wrapper for the GLib event loop and also explain the asyncio API a bit.

Ian Stewart will first talk about how Cycle Analyst ( is used to monitor and control an electric bike. It also broadcasts the status of the bike every second as a ttl async ascii record of 14 tab delimited fields.

After that, Ian will present how to use USB to ttl serial converter cable ( to create the device ttyUSB0. He will demonstrate a Python 3.5 server program using asyncio to capture the data. The server emits this data over the system D-Bus. A client app subscribes to the D-Bus to capture and process the data. The clients processed data is broadcast as a console and an audio message.

2017-11-13 Gathering at Homestead Bar and Restaurant

It is the end of semester and university is busy with exams again. Let's just head down to the pub and discuss all things Python over a drink. This is a great opportunity to meet other Pythonistas or, if you are thinking about diving into Python, to get first hand information about using the programming language.

2017-12-11 Review of Talks from Kiwi PyCon

Let's finish this year on a high, with William Mckee telling us about interesting talks that he came across at Kiwi PyCon (Dec 2/3 2017).