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2016 Meetings

2016-02-08 Interactive Graphics using Ipython Notebook and Jupyter Notebook with Nikola

Lawrence D'Oliveiro is demoing interactive graphics using IPython Notebook.

William McKee is demoing Jupyter Notebook/Jupyterhub and how it can be used with Nikola.

Discussion of March meeting, which will be run as an introduction to Python (eg Python basics, teaser on GUI and web development).

We have plenty of space for lightning talks! I you have come across a cool library or done something cool, hacky with Python, then this is your chance to give a short demo/presentation of what you have done (5min will do). Just contact the organizer Peter and let him know.

2016-03-14 Nikola, Raspberry Pi and Introduction to Python

Our March meeting is aimed at people new to Python and ones that would like to find out more about the language.

We will kick off the evening by demonstrating Python tools and applications:

• William McKee will demonstrate Nikola (, a static site generator written in Python, for generating great looking, mobile-friendly websites.

• Ian Stewart and his Raspberry Pi ( will show off Python's hardware side of things, bringing LEDs to light.

After the demonstrations, Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an introduction into Python, showing off its succinct but easy to read syntax, using IPython Notebook (

The evening will conclude with a ability to mingle, ask more questions and get first-hand advice from Pythonistas (

2016-04-11 Meeting Secondary School NCEA specification

Review some of the units of the Secondary School NCEA computing and digital technologies. For those that want to give it a try, the challenge for the next month will be to write a Python program that meets the specification and present their program at the May meeting

2016-05-09 Python for Secondary Schools and Migrating Python from V2.7 to V3.x

Presentation of programs that meet the secondary school NCEA specification.

Experiences of migrating a Python 2.7 project to Python 3.x.

2016-06-13 Kiwi PyCon 2016 review

Discussion of PyCon 2016 ( talks, with William Mckee introducing:

• Wendy Grus - When is it good to be bad? Web scraping and data analysis of NHL penalties.

• A. Jesse Jiryu Davis - Write an Excellent Programming Blog.

2016-07-11 Marketing of August Meeting

Let's plan the August meeting, which will be once again an Introduction to Python. This will include distribution of flyers and other advertising, as well as topics to cover during the introduction evening.

2016-08-08 Nikola, Raspberry Pi and Introduction to Python

Our August meeting is aimed at people new to Python and ones that would like to find out more about the language.

We will kick off the evening by demonstrating Python tools and applications:

• Peter Reutemann will demonstrate Nikola (, a static site generator written in Python, for generating great looking, mobile-friendly websites.

• Ian Stewart and his Raspberry Pi ( will show off Python's hardware side of things, bringing LEDs to light.

After the demonstrations, Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an introduction into Python, showing off its succinct but easy to read syntax, using Jupyter Notebook (

The evening will conclude with the ability to mingle, ask more questions and get first-hand advice from Pythonistas (

2016-09-12 Introduction to Python Continued and Evolution of a Python Program

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will continue with his Introduction to Python using Jupyter Notebook, covering topics such as:

• Sets

• Classes, including special method names

• More looping fun: enumerate(), generator functions

• A bit about reflection/RTTI (

• "any" and "all" built-in functions

Ian Stewart will show the Evolution of a Python Program, of how to turn a hack into a more standardized, pythonistic program. He will also introduce you to Python Code Generation, as he is currently working on a project that will make it easy to generate Tkinter ( GUIs from templates.

2016-10-10 Web2py

Postponed due to sickness: William Mckee is talking about the Tesla Model S JSON API ( and the Vehicle Information Access API ( - configuring and extending with Python.

web2py ( is a free open source full-stack framework for rapid development of fast, scalable, secure and portable database-driven web-based applications. Written and programmable in Python. Ian Stewart will provide an update on downloading and installing web2py and how he's getting along with reading the 600 page manual ( and understanding the 50 example programs (

2016-11-14 Telsa Model S JSON API. Flask. accessed from web2py website. Teaching Python

William Mckee is talking about the Tesla Model S JSON API ( and the Vehicle Information Access API ( - configuring and extending with Python.

William will also talk about the Python micro-framework Flask ( for building websites and apps. He will cover the history, basics and extensions such as flask_restful/Flask-Security/flask-jsonify. Demo of how easy it is to get started. How to use it to build and serve a RESTful API. With Flask you can build up rather than start heavy and bloated with frameworks such as Django (

Together with Ian Stewart we will attempt on accessing the API ( in a web2py ( test environment for displaying the next upcoming meeting.

Also, Ian Stewart has been creating a template methodology as an approach for teaching Python to secondary school students. Ian will display and demonstrate his template code, and welcomes all feedback on this methodology and how to improve the code in his templates.

2016-12-12 IEEE=754 Exceptions and Rounding. Escape sequences of Windows10 CMD. IPython Notebook on

Lawrence D'Oliveiro has written a module to give control to IEEE-754 exceptions and rounding from Python, which he will introduce.

Do you remember in the 80s how we had video terminals that used escape sequences to draw rectangles, change colors, and enhance text with underline and reverse video etc.? In May 2016 Microsoft enabled support for this on their Windows 10 CMD and Powershell console windows. Ian Stewart (or Peter Reutemann) will demonstrate some Python code highlighting these escape sequences.

Harry, our support specialist at, has granted our account at the temporary ability to use IPython Notebook. We will give a demo of using IPython Notebook on