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2015 Meetings

2015-02-09 Automated Tests

Testing, testing, testing. Peter Reutemann ( will give a short intro to automated tests in Python and what frameworks can be used.

2015-03-09 Introduction to Python

Lawrence D'Oliveiro will give an introduction to the Python programming language. Ideal for people who know a bit of programming, but want to know what Python is all about and why people rave about it.

2015-04-13 LibreOffice and Collections / Tulip

Ian Stewart will demonstrate how to use Python from within LibreOffice (

Yindong Xiao will introduce the collections ( Python standard library using the Tulip ( environment.

2015-05-11 Plotting and Drawing. Pyqtgraph, Matplotlib and LibreOffice Draw

This meeting is all about plotting and drawing.

Chris O'Halloran will talk about using pyqtgraph (, Peter Reutemann will introduce matplotlib ( and Ian Stewart will show how to use Python for manipulating LibreOffice Draw (

2015-06-08 Gathering at The Cook

Let's go and chat over a drink at The Cook (upstairs). The odd laptop might appear and Python code written. If you are new to Python, this is the perfect opportunity to meet some locals that are passionate about it.

2015-07-13 Tkinter

Brian Hardyment will show you how to use tkinter ( for developing graphical user interfaces in Python. Why tkinter? It is part of the Python installation on Windows and Mac, requiring no further libraries to be installed. Also, the latest iterations of tkinter provide native widgets, making your Python application look like an actual native application.

2015-08-10 Dominate along with the libraries requests, beautifulsoup4, json and praw

William Mckee will demo the Python library Dominate ( It allows you to write Python code to generate HTML. Example will be given with his Ministry of Education (from recent GovHack ( held at Waikato University ( and GetsDrawn scripts. Other libraries used will include requests, beautifulsoup4, json and praw (python reddit wrapper).

2015-09-14 Kiwi PyCon 2105 review and Skype4Py with Espeak for the Visually Impaired

William McKee will talk about his Kiwi PyCon ( experience in Christchurch.

Ian Stewart will present his application that connects to Skype ( using the module Skype4Py ( and uses espeak ( to allow visually impaired people to use the voice-call functions of Skype. Verne Pavreal, who is blind, will demonstrate this application together with Ian.

2015-10-15 Command-line Parsing Frameworks

Lightning talks on command-line parsing frameworks.

Currently lined up:

• Ian Stewart: sys.argv

• Luke Jansch: argparse (

• Jeremy Stott: docopt (

• Ian Stewart: plac (

• Peter Reutemann: begins (

Please refer to this post (!topic/nzpug/1mcEMVvfqKE) on the NZPUG mailing list and contact me if you're interested in a short 5 min demonstration of a framework.

We need volunteers to make this work!

2015-11-09 Nikola, Pelican, Communication with USB devices

Currently lined up:

• William Mckee will demo Nikola (, a Static Site Generator

• Peter Reutemann will give a short intro to the Pelican ( Static Site Generator

• Ian Stewart - Using Python to communicate with USB devices or What I do NOT know about USB devices!

If you'd like to give a short demo or talk about a Python-related topic (eg site generator, command-line parser are current topics), then please contact the organizer (Peter).

2015-12-14 Raspberry Pi using Tkinter GUI to adjust Pulse Width Modulation and Nikola Demo

Ian Stewart: Use of the Python RPi.GPIO ( module to control the General Purpose Input/Output ports of the Broadcom chip on a Raspberry Pi. This includes using a tkinter GUI to allow dynamic adjustment of frequency and duty cycle of the RPi.GPIO modules pulse width modulation feature.