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Back to Datashare


Installing Datashare consists of some manual configuration in the GCP console, and executing shell and Terraform scripts. In order to perform the installation you must have roles/owner or roles/editor permission on an GCP Project.


Installation Steps

  1. Create a GCP Project in the GCP console and note down the project Id. If you have an existing project that you plan to use, note down the project Id.
  2. Enable Google Compute Engine for the project through the GCP console.
  3. Create a GCP service account key. For more information on service account keys, see the GCP IAM documentation on Creating and managing service account keys.
    1. Ensure that the necessary project is selected.
    3. For the "Grant this service account access to project" step, choose Project > Editor for the role.
    4. There are two options for authenticating access to run the Terraform script as follows:
      • Using Service Account Impersonation (Recommended): If you are unable to download service account keys due to organizational restrictions, grant your account 'Service Account Token Creator' access to the created service account, then when executing the Terraform script you will use service account impersonation. You will also need to ensure that you have owner role on the project for which you want to install the application.
      • Using Service Account Keys: If you can download a service account key, skip the "Grant users access to this service account" step and click "DONE".
        1. Download the service account key by selecting your service account from the list of accounts. Select the 'KEYS' tab. Click the 'ADD KEY' button, select 'Create new key'. Leave the 'Key type' selection on 'JSON'.
        2. Create the key and save it to the file system. Note down the service account name.
  4. Configure OAuth consent screen. For more information on enabling IAP see Enabling Cloud IAP for Compute Engine.
  5. Determine the URIs that will be used for the Datashare UI and API Service. It is not necessary to use custom domains, however if you are using marketplace integration it is strongly encouraged. Recommended formats are as follows.
    • UI -
    • API -
  6. Create an OAuth client ID. For more information see Creating OAuth credentials. If you are not using custom domains, skip steps 5 & 6.
    2. Select the 'OAuth client ID' option.
    3. Select application type 'Web application'.
    4. Provide a name for the credential. IE: "Datashare Client".
    5. Add the following URIs to the 'Authorized JavaScript origins' by clicking on '+ ADD URI' within the section.
      • https://{CUSTOM_UI_DOMAIN}
    6. Add the following URIs to the 'Authorized redirect URIs' by clicking on '+ ADD URI' within the section.
      • https://{CUSTOM_UI_DOMAIN}/
      • https://{CUSTOM_UI_DOMAIN}/myProducts
      • https://{CUSTOM_UI_DOMAIN}/activation
      • https://{PROJECT_ID}
    7. Click the 'CREATE' button. Note down the client ID and the client secret from the section titled 'Your Client ID' in the modal dialog.
  7. Enable Identity Platform.
  8. Enable multi-tenancy For more information see Getting started with multi-tenancy.
    1. Go to the 'SECURITY' tab and click 'ALLOW TENANTS'.
  9. Gather the apiKey and authDomain values from the 'APPLICATION SETUP DETAILS' button on the IDP page.
  10. If you will use Cloud DNS to manage your DNS, enable the service.


At this point, you should have the following:

  • GCP Project ID
  • Service Account Key
  • OAuth Client ID and Client Secret
  • IDP apiKey and authDomain
  • Cloud DNS Zone Name (if applicable)

Set Secret values in Secret Manager

  1. Enable Secret Manager.
  2. Determine a prefix for secret names and note this down, IE: 'datashare_example'.
  3. Create secrets with the following names and secret data.
Name Example Name Secret Data Example
${PREFIX}_api_key datashare_example_api_key The apiKey value from the IDP application setup details AIzsdSDFKLJDSFdsfjkdkWxG8
${PREFIX}_data_producers datashare_example_data_producers Comma delimited list of email addresses for datashare administrators,
${PREFIX}_oauth_client_id datashare_example_oauth_client_id The client ID from the created OAuth client
${PREFIX}_oauth_client_secret datashare_example_oauth_client_secret The client secret from the created OAuth client GSDFDFD-jdsfndsfksdfklj4kljsdkndsf

Perform Domain Verification

If using custom domains, verify the domains with GCP using the following commands:

# Execute the below commands and for each click the link to open 'Webmaster Central'.
gcloud domains verify $UI_DOMAIN
gcloud domains verify $API_DOMAIN

# Wait at least 5 minutes for the TXT record to propagate. To check to see if the value has propagated, run the command:

# Once the dig command returns the TXT record, then proceed to click the 'VERIFY' button on the 'Webmaster Central' domain verification page. Then proceed to map the second domain.

# To view a list of your now verified domains:
gcloud domains list-user-verified

If you want the terraform script to automatically set up DNS within the specified DNS zone grant the service account access to manage the domain

Grant the installation service account access to manage the domains.

  1. Open Webmaster Central.
  2. For both the UI and API domains, click the 'Verification details' link.
  3. In the 'Verified owners' section, click 'Add an owner'.
  4. Add the Service Account email address and click 'Continue'.

Run Terraform Script

  1. Open the terraform variable file terraform.tfvars and make the following replacements:

    Name Required Description Example
    install_service_account_key Yes, if using a downloaded service account key for authentication Path to the service account key that was saved. /example/path/my-project-123a98ee034f.json
    use_impersonation Yes, if using your GCP account with service account impersonation for authentication Flag indicating if service account impersonation should be used true
    impersonated_service_account Yes, if using your GCP account with service account impersonation for authentication Service account to be impersonated
    project_id Yes The GCP Project Id my-project
    environment_name Yes A display name for the environment Datashare Demo 1
    update_cloud_dns No Flag indicating if the Cloud DNS zone should have its A record updated true
    dns_zone No The Cloud DNS Zone to update if applicable demo-1
    api_domain Yes The domain name for the UI
    ui_domain Yes The domain name for the API Service
    auth_domain Yes The domain name for the API Service
    secret_name_prefix Yes The prefix used for secrets datashare_demo_1

    Variable Worksheet

    use_impersonation              = true
    impersonated_service_account   =
    project_id                     = 
    environment_name               =
    auth_domain                    =
    secret_name_prefix             = "datashare"
    tag                            = ""
    ## If using Cloud DNS, and you want the Terraform script to create the A records in the defined dns_zone, include the following:
    deploy_custom_domains         = true
    update_cloud_dns              = true
    dns_zone                      =
    create_static_api_ip_address  = false
    api_domain                    =
    ui_domain                     =
  2. Create a Cloud Storage bucket in the project and enable versioning.

    cd terraform
    gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_NAME
    gsutil versioning set on gs://$BUCKET_NAME
    gsutil lifecycle set gcs/bucket_lifecycle.json gs://$BUCKET_NAME
  3. Open the terraform backend config file config.gcs.tfbackend and set the bucket variable to that of your bucket name. IE: "datashare-demo-1-tfstate".

  4. Execute the terraform script.

cd terraform/deploy
terraform init -backend-config=./config.gcs.tfbackend
terraform plan -var-file ./terraform.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file ./terraform.tfvars

If you run into any conflicts if infrastructure had already been created by previously running the installation script, you may have to import resources. See the Terraform Import documentation and Google Cloud Platform Provider for more information.

Additional Installation Steps

  1. Update the OAuth client credential to include the Cloud Run generated domain.

    gcloud run services describe ds-api --platform managed --region $REGION --format="value(status.url)"
    1. Add the following URIs to the 'Authorized JavaScript origins' by clicking on '+ ADD URI' within the section.
    2. Add the following URIs to the 'Authorized redirect URIs' by clicking on '+ ADD URI' within the section.
      • {CLOUD_RUN_DS_UI_DOMAIN}/myProducts
      • {CLOUD_RUN_DS_UI_DOMAIN}/activation
  2. Add the Cloud Run Generated UI domain and the custom UI domain to the list of Authorized Domains in IDP.

    1. Go to the 'SECURITY' tab and click 'ADD DOMAIN'.
    2. Add the {CLOUD_RUN_DS_UI_DOMAIN} and {CUSTOM_UI_DOMAIN} to the list and click 'SAVE'.